arnie said on March 3, 2004 22:17:
I don’t know if this was already posted but there is a mistake in The Ballad Hits front cover... it says Vulnerable 5:02 (it sounds like the album version) but it’s the single version that’s on the cd! (4:39)
animalkingdom said on March 7, 2004 22:25:
And ít’s actually 5.03... CBB should’ve been in its full length - - there is space on the CD...
TheRain1981 said on March 12, 2004 07:36:
Exactly. It just shows the carelessness of Capitol. They include full length album versions of the HAND ballads (all 3 of which had edits available) yet include edits of the CBB tracks.
TheRain1981 said on March 4, 2004 05:34:
Yep! One of Capitol’s many errors! It’s too bad that both the album versions of “Crash! Boom! Bang!” and “Vulnerable” weren’t included instead of the edits. Like I said before, all Capitol has to do is check first with fans for these errors. ;)