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How did you realize

26 replies

…that you are Rox-fan? I mean you may listen to some song, even like it, but in the same time you may not be a fan.
And suddenly you tell to yourself: I’m a Rox-fan. How did it happen?
I guess it happened when I noticed that I tend to have Rox-tape everywhere just like air for breathing. And then-collecting lyrics and pictures (still want to collect a 1000))))

When IMHBL made me want to learn guitar, and when I felt the urge to get an album. :)

Great thread topic, Asya.

It started slowly. The Look I sort of liked. Dressed For Success was really good. LTYH was enjoyable. Dangerous—that’s the song that, with a collective liking for the others—that got me to the store, money in hand, to buy the Look Sharp! cassette. (It was also the first album I rebought on CD.) Then IMHBL came soon afterward and I was hooked forever.

I always liked them, but when I heard have a nice day, they didn’t dissapoint and I decided to stop this denial and support them because how many good albums DO i want to hear before they will confince me, so have a nice day did it although the others where right up there!

I met up with friend in town, he was desperate to get home, as his favourite band were coming on MTV. I went back with him, and it was Per. :) I loved the song that was played... ’Almost Unreal’, so I borrowed his Joyride and Tourism cassettes. The very next day, I bought the albums for myself, and then bought ’Almost Unreal’ when it was released... and that’s it... been a fan ever since. :D

@Denstandigaresan:that’s romantic)))
I just understood that i”d liked their music before,but some day I met my future best friend and she showed me some special side of it...
Besides I was 13-14 years old-you know the influence of all these love songs...))))But i’m getting older and love them more)))It’s like pleasant illness
And the great step for me was coming here-that is the day i’ve become Rox-fan.Thax to all of you))))

I have an older sister. She had the Tourism and the CBB album, so I liked the music since I was a little child but I was not really a fan, I was too young it was only my favourite group. Then years later I went on holiday and I had only one cassette with me, it was the Tourism album and I heard, during this holiday, only this cassette up and down and suddenly I became a Roxette fan. After this holiday I started to buy all Rox and related albums. And now I’m a real Rox fan and it will never stop!

The first song I learnt to play with my guitar was “The Rain”. But I became fan short before, when I heard June Afternoon from my CD player. I had bought the greatest hits album because I knew some songs and I always liked them, but this impressed me :D So bright, simple, nice... I wanted to be a musician too, well, a guitar player, I knew music by then already.

If it seems not too impressive, maybe it’s that I’m not really a fan... it’s a long time since I called myself a Roxette fan for the last time... But I actually think some day I was :D

For me I was sitting in my bedroom one Sunday evening taping the top 40 to play in my walkman :) when I heard “THE BIG L”, That was it the song I loved I made up a 90 minute tape of that song off the radio and played it all the time solid for 5 days until on the Friday when I came home from a friends went to get changed and there was a little gift bag in my room with JOYRIDE inside... I was sooooo happy... my mum had been out to buy it for me (she got so sick of hearing THE BIG L 24/7.... I then bought LOOK SHARP a few months later.... when I saw it cheap in Our Price..

Well, let me see. First, there was a cassette with most of Tourism, One is such a lonely number, three (!) versions of the Big L and some other stuff. I loved it very much! Especially the Look, oh I was rocked. Then there was a concert in Moscow in 1995, which, alas, I couldn’t get to. Then the show was on TV, I recorded it and enjoyed viewing it for 3 years until my bro erased the tape all by mistake (It’s really impossible to get it, isn’t it? Cuz none of the best-known russian fans have it...)
In 1996 I went to a CD-market (have you heard about piracy in Russia? :]) and was really surprised to find only DBU album, which I bought for U$S 0.60 or so. Several months later I bought PoP rerelease for U$S 1 and it became my favourite Roxette album forever. I guess it was PoP that really made me bound to the Rox-culture.
BTW, now that I’m able to earn some money I’ve bought most of their albums on “real” CD’s, so don’t blame me after all :).

OK. How I did realize that I´m a Rox-Fan.
Roxette was the first music what I´ve like/love, before Roxette I listen maybe so songs for kids. ;-)
And now where I listen also other songs what I like but I´m only Rox-Fan is that Rox inspirient me, I love all songs, all of the Rox Songs are great, from other Bands some are not so well and only from Rox I must have the same record in many different versions.And if I want to listen music and I don´t know what, then I go always to the Rox-CD´s this music make me happy.
That´s difficult to explain.

Well When I was a Kid I was a big fan On DFS and also the other LS Singles, and I have a memory of watching Video Hits and waiting for the Roxette clips.

But My brothers Were all into 50’s 60’s music at the time so thats all I listened to because thats all they played. and then I can’t remember when I bought a Bootleg Live in Zurich in which were legal for a short time in Australia. And I really Started to like them and loved hearing all these new songs.

Then One Day I bought Crash Boom Bang Cassette and Listened to it 1000 times in my Walkman, I was crazy for it.

Then for Xmas 1995 my brother bought me DBU-GTTC and I used to listen to that during the holdiays EVERY DAY I fully thrashed that cd.

Unfortunatly I missed seeing Roxette live in Concert in 95.

Then I bought Look Sharp From Target and Became Hooked on that. The I Bought Jopyride CD From another Department Store, But I was more interested in my new June Afternoon Single that I bought from Blockbuster Music.

The I Bought Crash Boom Bang on CD brand New For $1.

Anyway in 1997 I got online and joined the online Roxette Community and the rest is History.

Nowdays I have over 310 items in My Collection.


I knew I likes them since IMHBL and a concert in Helsingborg when I was young, but the best thing was an English friend that I met in Cyprus. She had tourism in her car all the time for a whole year. We spoke about Rox, she loved them, I loved too and that was it!! We both now love TDR, but she is too shy to write!! Sarah, come on say a word!!??

How can anyone be shy to write here? Whatever you say, it can never be more stupid than what some of the regulars write :D So come on and write ;)

Back in 1989, I had just returned to Utah from living with my dad. My parents have been separated since before I was born, the divorce final when I was about 7. I was messed up. I went into a psychiatric unit (mental hospital if you wanna be crass) and was diagnosed as Bi-Polar Manic Depressive. That means that my moods go from one extreme (happy, excitable, angry, hyper) to the other (lethargic, depressed, sad all the time). As I was receiving treatment for this, I was also “officially” diagnosed with insomnia (DUH!). I was layin awake one night, about 2am, listening to my walkman when “The Look” came on.

To call it, there was just something about the combination of Per’s and Marie’s voices that soothed me. When I’d go out to do my physical activities (volleyball and stuff) I’d ask to have the radio on because Power99 here in Utah (now B 98.7) was a HUGE promoter of Roxette’s music. I’d always hear “The Look” and no matter how bad I felt, I would always feel better.

Fast forward to now: I’m stable off meds, occassionally, I have “episodes” of depression, and I have a network to talk to if I need it. All in all, I’m okay now and lead a .... well... nothing about me is normal, but I do lead a productive life *cheesy grin*

That’s my story.

I loved The Look. But what made me go insane over Roxette was Big L’. I hadn’t gone through emotional stages in my life so even though Spending My Time was on the same album, I never fell in love with it. Big L’ I used to play the video, pause and kiss per hahaha. My poor brother who was 5 at that time used to get frustrated over that. Then the whoe crying for Per started and the rest is history. It’s been a crazy ride.

Now this is a cool thread. :P

I first heard IMHBL and FLAF in 1991. I had probably heard The Look in 1989, but didn’t think too much of it. But in 1991 when I heard those other two songs, then Spending My Time (heard that one in November 1991), I knew I was obsessed and a huge huge fan. For my birthday in 1992, MOm got Joyride for me, around Christmas 1993, I got Look Sharp, in April 1994 I got Tourism. The rest is history.
I play ed the albums over and over and over, eventually had to replace my tapes. In 1995 I started getting CD’s (finally), and I got them all then.
I was so fanatical with my love for all things Roxette in 1996 that by late 1997, I wore myself out I think. It’s been that long since I’ve been really deep into Roxette music. I needed to step back for a while. Now I”m interested, want to get HAND, and all new things if possible, compare the old with the new...
I’d say when I knew I was hooked was when FLAF was #7 on a top 20 chart in Sept. 1991 and I stayed up way too late on a school night to listen. :D That was what started all this stuff for me.

I bought Joyride from a car boot for £1, and never looked back. I realized I was a fan when I could recall the tracklistings for all the albums in the right order without thinking.

The songs have been present all through my childhood, my parents weren’t fans, but I used to hear them on the radio a lot. Now that I’m older (I’ll be 18 in September-how the fuck did that happen?), I couldn’t imagine life without listening to them.

God, that sounds so sappy (’I’ll pump ’em so full of sap, they’ll be blowing their nose on a pancake!’)

I loved ’Almost Unreal’ from the moment I first heard it in 1993 - such a wonderful song ! I was only 5 but knew it was a golden song ! Then in 1995 my older sister got DBUGTTC on cassette. In 1999 she got WICF but I never really noticed this. Somtime in 2004 IMHBL began appearing on the UK Music Channel “MAGIC” and I recognised Marie’s beautiful voice ! Buying TBH and downloading their discography I became familiar with vaguely familiar songs from my sister’s cassette - Now I own at least 250 cds including some 5 * - 7 * promos !!

The first song I ever heard from Roxette was IMHBL. I liked it, but it didn’t impress me that much. I guess the first song that hit me was The Big L. I loved the video!! A friend of mine copied Joyride for me.I began to listen to that tape like 1000 times a day, and just guess the rest ;) (although I’m not such a big fanatic anymore, now I’m a very balanced grown-up person :>)

I’ve always “liked” Roxette ever since TL was released in North America; but, honestly I did
not think they would stick around for more than one album. Eventhough I bought “LS” on cassette, I did not play it too often until LTYH started receiving airplay. By the time JR was released, I really started to pay attention; but, the song that really captured my heart and has made me a lifelong loyal fan from the JR CD was WCITR. Since that day, they could do no wrong.

It must have been 1989 when I heard this majestic ballad on the radio: “Listen To Your Heart” by Roxette. I was blown away!!! In the age of 12 I didn’t buy music on my own, so I only could wish to hear it again and again on the radio, without really knowing who Roxette was. Goosepumps!

My next memory is early 1991 when I watched MTV with my older brother. The Joyride video was rotated every 2nd hour. That song was so damn catchy! It was said that Roxette was the ’new Eurythmics’ but I didn’t think that this new band would get bigger than Eurythmics. At that point I didn’t realise yet that it was the same band that did LTYH...

In the following months my brother bought the singles Joyride, FLAF and SMT. Strangely I loved them all!!! Especially the b-sides CBBYL and TSH-TSG, so I recorded all the singles onto a tape, which got eternal rotation on my walkman. I didn’t care about concerts yet, so I ignored the Joyride tour.

In 1992 HDYD came out and I was a bit skeptic at first. Per’s voice sounded so strange! But that single got huge airplay during the summer holidays and my brother bought it again. Someone rented him the Tourism album and I asked him if it was good, but he said no and gave it away again. Then, in autumn QOR entered radio and MTV. This song was sooo beautiful! I just got my first own CD player and instantly bought the single, fell in love with the IMHBL live version as well.

So what to to? Buy the Tourism album! That CD hammered Roxette into my heart, I knew all the lyrics within a few weeks! That album is still THE record for me, so special! If not already before, from this point I considered myself a Roxette fan from head to toe.

During the winter I bought Roxette’s previous albums, some missing singles and then enjoyed the releases of F93, AU and the MTV Unplugged weekend. It seemed to take forever before 1994 came up with CBB! How fast it now seems, compared with the breaks 1996-1999 and 2003-2006...

I was at primary school and my class wanted to prepare something special for Mother‘s Day. We decided it would be Mini playback show :0) ALmost everybody had to take part in it. I had no idea who I should act. I went to a “music shop” and took a look at some pirated cassettes and suddenly I noticed Rox cassette (later I discovered it was the whole Look sharp! album). On the sleeve there was a picture from Bravo magazine (Per and Marie with some silver prize). My friend said that I can be Per (!) in our show, so we bought the tape. And I was listening this tape thousand times and I immediately fell in love with Roxette :0) The same week I got so much magazine Rox-stuff from my class mates, it was the beginning of my collection :0) Ana I realized I become a fan :0)

A friend of mine said once that she realized she had become a fan when she reached for Tourism before she reached for the bottle of wine when her boyfriend dumped her.

I always had bad experience with buying an album of a band of an artist, because I always found out that they usually only have one or two good songs on it, and mostly only the ones that they released as singles. So, I was surprised when I heard the whole Joyride album and like all the songs. I thought the only good songs were Joyride and Spending My Time. For the first time in my life I feel satisfy to the whole album! So, then I realize, hey maybe I should become a fan of this band.


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