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What would you prefer?

13 replies

Now that One Wish is coming really really close, what’s the way you prefer to get to know the song for the first time? For example listening to the snippet as usual knowing the exactely date of airplay premiere and so on or just listening to the radio and CRASH BOOM BANG suddenly you here Marie and Per’s voice in a song you don’t know...

What would you choose or maybe another option?

For me in those internet days where everything is rushed and downloadable i would choose as an alternative to get it on the radio like the old days without any announcement just one more song on the radio but that one more song that will blow my mind unexpectedly!!

and you?

Definitely just hearing it without knowing about it, but for me at least being in Australia the only way i’m gonna hear it is to get it myself.

I really want to be able to get the CD and listen to it, without having heard a snippet or a leaked version first. It’s been a long time since i’ve been able to do that.

I remember when I heard WICF from the first time in radio. After some instrumental parts I recognized Marie. It was shock, cos I thought that first single will be uptempo. But this song was really great.

I prefer this radio surprise, but I can´t help, I want to hear snippet, because I want hear song (or part) as soon as possible.

I prefer Originals!

I’d rather listen to the whole song all at once on the radio, like it happened with me when “Wish I could fly” was released.. I don’t like 30-sec snippets, I think they might be misleading, maybe they leave out the best part of the song..

i wanna hear the whole song when released, would be hard for me not to hear a snippet if it was avalible. but im gonna hold off thia time, till i get it.

Whole song, whole song!

Waiting for TDR to stream it.... :) they are not gonna let us down!

A radio surprise would be perfect! I still remember the goosepump effect when SIMC popped up on MTV’s Most Wanted, or WICF on the radio. I actually never heard AU before I bought the single, what a great feeling!!! So I’ll definitely skip the 30 sec. snippets, cos they really are misleading and spoil the surprise. Can’t resist some swedish radio recording of the whole song though... :-)

I’d much prefer to wait until the CD is released, but I know that ain’t gonna happen. I’ll no doubt find it somewhere before.

you prefer to buy a cd, and not the amazing surprise of just tune in the radio and suddenly those magic voices and music shocks you!?

I agree about the nice surprise of catching a Rox song on the radio. Unfortunately, I’m living in Canada in 2006... it’s just not gonna happen anymore!

Even if they played the new song on the radio, I wouldn’t have the patience to sit through all the crap they play on the radio nowadays. Radio’s just dead to me.

I’d rather buy the cd, lock myself in my room, and play it as loud and as many times as I want. Now that’s Rox heaven for me.

I’m lucky-my local radio stations like Rox-if only IMHBL...

My days of waiting in exitement near the radio (or even TV’s) are long gone. Ill do like the other said, buying the CD’s and play that just for myself.


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