The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule

Kobalt issues press release about Roxette

Written by Pascal on January 14, 2011 to and . Source: Kobalt.

NEW YORK (Updated) - Kobalt claims in a press release announcing their administration deal with Roxette, that "Way Out" and "Sitting On The Top Of The World" will be future singles from Charm School.

The release states, "The new album, which will be released on EMI worldwide (excluding the U.S.), will feature twelve songs described as 'updated classic Roxette' including the singles "Way Out" and "Sitting On Top Of The World."

Update: A source The Daily Roxette has been in contact with says that these songs are not single candidates at all.


I guess, they just used the word “singles” instead of “songs” by mistake ...

Funny enought they did not mention the lead single of the album :)

Maybe ’SGNO(BTR)’ is not being released in the USA!

This isn’t fair! Why wont it be released in the US? I’ve been a die hard Roxette fan for the past 21 years and just because I live in the US I always get screwed! Why don’t Roxette care about their fans in the US?

@ jmcintyre: I’m with you, I’ve been a Rox fan for 20 years and seems like we in the US do get the short end of the stick a lot of the time...but don’t blame P&M, I’m sure they would very much like to be published here.

Sunshine is a lady who rox u like a baby!

It most probably will get a release later in the year (depending on how well it does in other international markets) Even here in the UK its not getting released until the spring (March,April,May time) so its just a matter of the labels testing the water before they commit to it. It happens with lots of bands and artists who are either new or have been away for a long time.

@ Joyrider – No, not a mistake
@ tomos85 – Because likely it will not be the lead single (or perhaps not a single at all) here in the U.S. If the pending record deal goes through, the U.S. would then join in on the other single releases (skipping this one).
@ jmcintyre & roxulikeababy: Roxette would like nothing more than to have a U.S. release and, if that happens, bring the tour here as well.
@ kevos – Yes, you’ve got it basically right.

@ LEO thanks a lot for your explanation!

Well I have big expectations on “Way Out”. It’s the album opener and those songs always have been outstanding ... I do hope it’s a song in a “Bohemian Like You”-style (natural, warm, catchy) with Marie on lead vox. I think they should release the 2nd single soon. Maybe even together with the album in some areas? Here in Austria, radio stations did play SGNOBTR one or two times the first day but since then, NEVER heard it again and I ’have the radio on’ all day long. However, they still play SIMC, SMT, WICF and FLAF quite often.

Guys and girls, why don’t you take it easy? ;)
After all it is music that matters. Who cares if the song will reach number 1 or not. I live in a country where one cannot even buy whole album on iTunes but I will buy it eventually. Just because the single/album might not be released doesn’t mean a thing. you can still buy and enjoy the music. With this video it probably won’t be a chart topper anyway (sorry but it was a mistake to hire this guy for such job - the song just lost its energy and whole up-tempo feeling).

I really do not care if they top the charts again. I just long for the new album. :) And the concert. :)

Have a nice day/evening (depending on where you are now).

My friend put up a super positive review of the video on a US site:
Add some replies!!!

@realsugar Ha Ha that review has the video on that I made and uploaded to YouTube earlier... nice one! ;)

I’ll continue to stick to what I always do and import and purchase ALL my CD’s from Sweden / CDON!

I have a great idea, why don’t they team up with a burger chain and release a special edition in the USA !

I’ve tried to buy\download the song from amazon, itunes etc...and I can’t it tell me that it’s not availible because of my location (USA). What site can I go to to buy it?

@rossyrox: LOL!!!

jmcintyre, try – – a German store that worked for some Swedes.

Perhaps they’ve realized they need to release different singles to be successful in the US?

The songs that are popular with fans from Brazil and Europe likely aren’t going to get played on US radio stations.

UK fans we have a FB page ’Roxette Roxattack UK 2011’ :p

... and for US fans, we also have FB group

I kinda think this is a bunch of bull crap and I’ll tell you why. Roxette is has been one of the biggest most successful pop acts in the world for almost 3 decades. They are friends with Madonna, Elton John, Abba, etc. If they really wanted to have this album released in the US they could do it! I’m begining to think they just don’t care :-(

I’ve always thought that Roxette got shafted by someone in the industry here in the U.S. I was out of the country when Crash, Boom, Bang was released and got home to find out there was a promotional deal with McDonald’s. That was weird and didn’t do much for them with either myself or the people I knew. It is not unheard of for a band/act to not get off the ground for reasons that have nothing to do with their music/presentation/commitment. My thought has been they would likely love to do well here and there is something behind the scenes that tangles it up. I doubt that they are willing to cut off a large market, for more years than I like to think about, because they don’t like their fanbase in the U.S.

Heck...I still like Kobalt tools!

“Way Out” and “Sitting On The Top Of The World” could be much better choice for singles instead of SGNOBTR,so it’s a good news.
Lets see what happend.

It’s no secret that Roxette’s US promotion has sucked since SMT back in ’92 due to a shift in their representative at EMI. The McDonalds promotion was a disaster and the best thing that came from the Edel deal was the mini-gigs they did across the US for us US Roxette starved fans. As brilliant as I think it would be for them to promote here...say for Oprah’s last season...considering what Marie went ain’t never gonna happen. After all these years most American fans have accepted this. At this point just having the album and singles available for download is all we ask. If you must see them live (which is highly recommended) accept the fact that a trip to Europe is the reality... And well worth it IMHO

I understand everyone’s frustration with regard to being unable to purchase the new single. I too had this frustration when iTunes UK didn’t have this as I would have expected. I also understand everyone’s frustration with regard to the marketing of Roxette and how this differs from country to country. However, we have to think about the hundreds and hundreds of new material coming out every week, every day maybe and how difficult and changeable the music industry is nowadays. Have a think about your country’s Top 40 and the Number One single - does it change every week? How long do most songs stay in the Top 40? I know that I haven’t a clue who is currently Number One in the UK and doubt that song will stay there for more than a few weeks. Back in the day of no downloads when you had to go out and purchase the single/album, record companies had to promote their artists more to encourage us to go out and buy. Now a lot of bands are “discovered” via the internet and charts are made up of record sales and download sales.

I wouldn’t put the blame on Per and Marie for not wanting to go to certain countries. I certainly don’t blame them personally for not having tour dates for the UK (yet!). That is to do with promotion of the band and the record company. Dependent on what kind of music is popular in a certain country at the time of a Roxette release will depend on the success of the record - of course us Rox fans help in every country to get this recognised and encourage others to listen and enjoy as much as we do! As frustrating as it is, we need to try and ensure that we give the band our full support and not blame them for some things which are beyond their control!

I echo the sentiment of frustration about The US not being included in Roxette’s activities. It doesn’t make sense! Didn’t Roxette blast out of the gate originally with huge success in The United States(?!): FOUR US #1 singles with, “The Look”, “Listen to Your Heart”, “It Must Have Been Love” and “Joyride”. TWO further singles “Dangerous” and “Fading Like a Flower” hit #2! Who let this fade away? America is always there to help people who are in need in times of crisis, but then, in some ways, other countries don’t like us and want to poop on us. But, you know what? We will continue to love unconditionally.

Everything you say is true, Moodysaaber. The problem is, the American music scene changed dramatically around the time Joyride hit. American radio formats went either grunge or boy-band/hip-hop/rap-crap, leaving pop/rock acts out in the cold. I think this has always been Roxette’s problem in the States–formatting.

I’m sure Per & Marie would love to sell millions of records here again. I think their problem is the record companies cling to their old world, pre-internet model of how to sell records and will only spend their quickly-dwindling time and resources on “sure things.” That’s why there are so many lousy, one-song acts these days–make a quick buck and move on. And if Roxette can’t fit into a nice little box on one radio format or another, they won’t get the time of day here. Sad, but true.

Dear Kobalt,
Do you want to handle Roxette’s UK affairs as well? Because EMI (Execrable, Mortifying, Ineffectual) UK seriously haven’t got a damn clue. We haven’t got the single - and we don’t look like we’ll be getting the album either, unless you’re prepared to hunt for the musical equivalent of Pegasus.

Yours faithfully,

I’m not trying to be negative here, but everyone also has to realize that Roxette are now over 40 years of age (over 50 actually). In the U.S., when an artist hits 40 the chances of receiving airplay hugely diminishes. Not only is U.S. radio hugely fragmented but it is also hugely ageist. Even if Roxette were promoted to U.S. radio the chances of them getting any airplay beyond Adult Contemporary formats is very unlikely. However, that doesn’t mean that their music should not be released here. Plenty of established, older acts (i.e. Bruce Springsteen and Barbara Streisand) still sell records here despite not gaining any significant radio airplay. With record sales continuing their massive declines over the past several years more record labels are more hesitant than ever before in releasing product.

I think we all need to relax here. I’m from NYC, grew up here, and I’ve been a Roxette fan since 1988. The US had it’s heyday with Roxette, and the last time I was able to see them was in 2000, in Boston. This Kobalt deal, is the first glimmer of hope, in 11 years, that Roxette might get some exposure here. Read the press release!! It says a deal has been signed. Kobalt is a HUGE company here that takes musicians and markets them in this “new era” in music. There are so many avenues for exposure for Roxette now. Ringtones, video games, TV soundtracks, ITunes exposure. A video game called “Grand Theft Auto” helped put The Human League back on the map. If you follow the Human League at all, they don’t get played on the radio, but they tour all over, and they do very well. The deal is signed! There will be a release in the US, it says so in the press release. And Kobalt will not be FOLDING like Edel did. More than likely, they won’t get radio rotation, but I bet we will get some talk shows, some radio interviews, and exposure to places we haven’t seen yet. I’ll tell you this, if I was an executive in a company, and I had a chance to use songs like “It Must Have Been Love” or “Listen To Your Heart” or “The Look” in my merchandise, I would JUMP at it. Those are still HUGE songs, and instantly recognizeable to this day!! There are shows like American Idol, or Dancing With The Stars, that have re-surged some careers just from playing music. This has the chance to be a big chance for Roxette. If Per and Marie played their cards right, I think a small tour of NYC, LA, and Miami would be lucrative for them, in smaller venues. People still love their music, and there is a cult following here. It’s never going to be the same again, for any 80’s or 90’s artists. Look at Madonna and Janet Jackson. Madonna gets one radio single off her latest albums here in the US, and then you don’t hear from her. Janet Jackson’s last two albums TANKED. Kobalt is the best hope Roxette has had. It’s a good chance for Roxette to hit the 21st Century. SO BE POSITIVE!

too bad its not a 360 degree record deal, then they would have to tour so the record company gets a split of their tour profits. there used to be a label called koch that did that, they would basically sign anyone, and now they are named E1 music. they are ment to be the larges independent record label in the states....they sign you, put out your record and you would have to give them a cut of you sales, touring and t-shirts ect.

@mikeyt wow thanks :) We need more people like you (positive) around here :D
Marie Fredriksson Online
Be strong, speak true

I don’t know what everyone is going on about... Roxette won’t be huge.. Per himself said that he is not writing songs like he did with Joyride that have to preform on the charts anymore... He is just writing songs because he still can an he enjoys it... so with that attitude no one should expect much

About the update: Unnamed source? Who could it be..? ;-)

That reminds me of the CBB stickers with “Harleys” as a hit single. Per said a possible US label may choose the next single so we’ll see...

In general, I don’t even wanna know the candidates yet, that’s boring. Let the guessing go from single to single! :-)


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