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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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How many Australian fans?

69 replies


Well some other countries have had their fun, so now lets see how many Australian fans there are out there.

I’m from Adelaide myself and have been a fan since I was 10 when I first heard The Look in 1989. I am now almost 23 and I still love their music.

It’s unusual to grow up these days with a band, not like how it was in the past when people used to worship The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

@ Stephen, I am also in Australia and really want to get the DVD and since it is highly unlikely it will be ever released here, I was wondering if you would be kind enough to tell me the name of the shop that imports DVD’s? Does it do mail orders?

The name of the store here in Adelaide is called The Muses the telephone no is (08) 8223 2168.

There are at 112 Rundle Mall, Adelaide, SA, 5000

The German Serial no for the DVD is:
7243 4 92642 9 8

Good Luck

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!
Oi! Oi! Oi!

Yep me too, I’m from Melbourne.

Been a fan since I first heard The Look, and went so far as to follow the Room Service tour around last year. (and now I’m broke)

Another aussie here, fan since ’The Look’ too. Almost 8 years since there last hit here, as fans, we are very thin on the ground :)

Another Rox fan from Adelaide. 24. It;s a shame you guys weren;t areound during the Adeltaget Rox Meeting in 97 we had fans from melb and syd. Nice to meet you all that I haven’t already met.

Yeah the muses is good for importing.

Hopefully we can all meet up if roxette ever come to oz again.

Feel free to drop me a line.
And don;t forget to check out the roxette mailing list.


I’m an Aussie too - I’m from Melbourne!

who knew there were so many aussies on TDR!

I’m from griffith, NSW

been a fan ever since HDYD! - classic song!!

I’m from Sydney and been a fan since I first heard IMHBL, that’s almost 12 years ago SHIT!!!!!!

@ All, I am from Canberra. Maybe we should do something to add some Aussie flavour to the group...

hello fellow fan!!
i’m not from aussie, but i’m having trouble too here at jakarta (ind.), to get the dvd, it’s so damn difficult!, i’m affraid the stuff won’t reach our market, hope i’m wrong...

I’m suprised noones bootleged it by now in asia.


Another fan from Melbourne and I remember hearing The Look so many years ago... Eeek. Have the Melbourne fans noticed all “The World According to Formula One” flags everywhere??

im a 23 yr old aussie, from Newcastle in NSW. Ive been a fan since HDYD back in ’92!

well off the top of my head I know of antoher 6 roxette fans in Aus.

Maybey we should put together a roxette (Australian) fan register.



Me too.......I’m in SYDNEY!

Been a fan since JOYRIDE!


Also Room Service sold 3000 copies so the roxette fan’s in this country is booming! :-)

@ Sparvogamarie

I never did manage to run into you during the tour, never realised you were from Melbourne too.

@ KittenKong

The World According To.... I never clicked until you brought it up.
My last week has been devoted to the Grand Prix, I raced in the Fromula Ford support race.

@ ditroia

I think a fan register is a good idea, maybe we could all meet up once a year somewhere.

@ all

Feel free to e-mail me, [email protected] .
I’m also on MSN messenger.


Yeah Another fan meet would be good.

About the fan register It;s just a matter of me gettign off my ass and doing it.

any news on the aussie fan register?

@ Rezmad: Yeah it was so weird, we went to so many of the same concerts and never actually met each other!

Aussie fan meet would be fun, I’m still in Sweden but I’ll be back July-ish. The only problem is we’re so spread out in Oz, half of us will have to fly somewhere. If anyone decides to do something, keep us posted!

Count me in as long as everyone flies to Sydney ;)

wow i never thought, roxette really do have a worldwide fan base dont they.

Yeah there’s small pockets of fans in every country :) In Australia they haven’t had a big hit since Fading Like a Flower, and the last charting song was SIMC which only went Top 20 then they have not been heard from again. Unless you count one radio station playing WICF. But there’s a few Aussies that never got over the Rox flu!

That’s not quite true Ms Sparvoga :-)

Roxette’s last hit in Australia was most certainly NOT FLAF.

The Big L and SMT were all hits, despite Ms Sparvoga’s obvious bias against the sequenced colourful video :-)

And why is everyone forgetting that HOW DO YOU DO! was most definitely a genuine hit. It peaked about #12 but hung about in the charts for a long time and on the air waves too.

ALMOST UNREAL peaked at about #16 and stayed in the charts for about 8 weeks and SIMC saw them in the Top 20 as well.

Crash Boom Bang [album] peaked at #2 in Australia, whilst a re-released Don’t Bore Us peaked at #10 in 1996 and sold double platinum. The album went on to become one of the years Top 30 best sellers. Fact!

Heck even Run To You cracked the Top 40. So there’s something to think about! ;-)

So Ms Sparvoga, perhaps the Sweden climate is getting to you, but Roxette had more hits since FLAF... even if the hits weren’t to your liking... or that you didn’t like Marie’s hair :-p

Hehe and we have another Aussie fan here. From Sydney.

Hello to all my Aussie neighbours. :)

So who here In Australia also heard Per on the radio today talking about ’The Look’!!
I was driving my car while they were playing songs from 1989. They played ’The Look’ and Per talked about the recording process of the song and how they thought they were on a winner. I was spinning out :P

aussie aussie aussie! - oy oy oy! (is that you spell it?)

Always hated that saying... ;)

Laughing my ass off @ Roxwriter! No matter what anyone says I will never count The Big L as a hit. That video....those spangles....that hair....*shudders*. But what I’m saying is they haven’t really had big hits...I s’pose 12 is ok for HDYD but not really Top 10. CBB the album did ok but the singles crashed after SIMC, and they sure as hell weren’t popular then. They were cool during LS and Joyride but by Tourism you had to hide your Roxette fan-dom from the other kids at school....I didn’t do such a good job of hiding with my bleached blond spiky Marie hair and posters in my locker...and all over my books...(oh god I was sad!) and boy did I get teased for it!

And rightfully so SparvogaMarie.

The kids were right to make fun of your bleached hair look. That is quite sad :-p

I mean what next?

Next you’ll tell me that you set up a Roxette fan-fiction website with some psycho from Sydney and wrote dirty Roxette stories?

Wouldn’t surprise me....

Some people...... ;-)

P.S. Seton finished equal 7th on the weekend in W.A.


Just keeping u updated Ms Sparvoga ;-)

iamazombieinthemoonlight: I heard that too! In fact they played ’The Look’ twice in about 3 hours!!! That was on 2WS...

Sparvogamarie: LOL at your tragic school days! I remember in 1990 seeing this other guy with a roxette pic on his book at school and thinking that maybe I should too so I decided to put some on my books...needless to say I took them off after a few weeks and never mentioned I liked Roxette again lol

Yeah I got paid out a bit for liking Roxette. Not anymore you won’t like me when I’m angry :)

Talk about reviving an old topic.

I’d be happy to get together for a fan meet.


What station?? where?? i never heard anything :-(

Zargo, i believe its spelled oi oi oi ;-)
ridiculous saying whoever thought of it.

and how come i haven’t heard about any of these rox fan-fiction dirty stories :-S

Because RobS, you are a mature and decent roxette fan who is most certainly not of the ilk to read lewd and perverted material such as X-Rated fan fiction :-P

I wish I could say the same for others though... not mentioning any Sparvoga names.

No names at all ok?

Cheers :-p

I can change :-p

I heard it on 96fm.

Hmmmmmmmm well if I’m the one writing fanfiction, why is your nick Roxwriter???? Sounds suspiciously like the title of a certain fanfic site. Anyway that particular site died after Chantie stole my idea...I mean Stevo’s idea....I had nothing to do with it....

Once in 11th grade I walked past a group of 8th graders. They started whispering “That’s her!!! That’s Roxette girl!!!” Another chapter of my sad life.

Who? What? Me? Roxwriter?

Err.... this is interview is over. No further questions.

I live near Brisbane and first heard “How do you you do!” and saw the video clip when I was 11. I’m 24 now.

@ rezmad re the Room Service tour: Lucky you! What was it like?

Ooh hello!!
I haven’t been here for a few days and look what’s popped up! I reckon this meeting thing would be a great idea. If we could all agree on a place to do it I’d be there!
I’m from NSW Central Coast, BTW.

yep im in nsw i looove per i want to marry him

Mate of mine heard FLAF emix on fresh fm here in SA


P.S. I’ve heard a bit of Rox lately o nthe radio, nothing new though, apart from ATAY in coles of all places.

aust. fan in sydney. i have been on tdr a number of times using various usernames.
dana and tenille, are you out there? what about helen (?) (greek?) who used to live in newtown around 1996? 1996!!!!!! omg, it seems like yesterday.

ps while i am at it, i heard joyride tonight on the radio.

im from nsw im 16 loooooove per. my friends mum got me into it and thats all i listen to

yep here! me! im aussie- im 18- loved roxette for about 5 years.. im from newcastle... who else was from newcastle?

hey corrine hehe i just wrote crap i like per so much thats why man theres gotta be more roxette fans in aus then this

Heeeeey Roxy-rinne, you finally joined after all this time! Welcome. :) Long time no chat btw, how are you?

Fading like a flower was #3 this morning on Sydney’s 2DayFm top 5 at 9 from 1991. It seems like I hear Roxette several times a week on various stations lately, which is great :)

Heard the flaf remix today, it was the 2nd time they played it today, it;s getting lots of requests.


Dave: Is this a commercial station? Would be cool if the remix took off here :)

BTW I heard Roxette again last night at feels like the early 90’s all over again ;)

i heard also heard the flaf remix during the day on nova fm (sydney station).

Michael here from Perth. I’m 23 and I’ve loved Roxette since I was a wee little kid thanks to my extra cool neighbour who always used to play Joyride and The Look when I visted his house (which was a lot!) Roxette will always hold a special place in my heart.

Funny story before I go.. I went in to JB-Hifi pick up the latest Dream Theater CD on Wednesday and what should they be playing when I walk in? How Do You Do! I was excited! So I went to pay for my CD and asked the girl did she put Roxette on... she said yes, but she was the only one out of her work mates who knows all the words. I said I did aswell and Roxette are awesome. I then stayed around the shop pretending to look at other CDs and DVDs just to hear more Roxette songs played... sadly I had to leave to go study for an exam but if I didn’t I would have stayed there all day! Hehe.

If anyone wants to talk about Roxette and stuff my MSN is [email protected]. Cheers!

Brentnewtown: So they are playing it on Nova in Sydney??? that’s a big station...great news! I will have to listen out for it, might ring up and request it :)

sadly i have only heard them play it once and i generally listen to the station all day at work.
i did hear the mysterio version on 2day fm (or nova) a few times a couple of months back on saturday nights when they play party/dance music.

yeh i finally joined- jon (zargo) made me- sorta- bout time i say! per definataly is very cool. anyone wanna chat. [email protected] always like people to talk to :)
ive heard heaps of roxette on the radio lately too!! very cool!
rox on!

Fresh Fm is a proper commercial FM station and apparently it’s getting tons of requests, and is being used in promos, and they have mentioned roxette a couple of times. I’m gonna email them with some Q’s and I’ll let you know what they say.

I don’t know if the single will be released here but it may show up on a compilation. Also the version they are playing is the um normal version the one that originally appeared on Fresh & Funky House Anthems CD2.


P.S. I may start requesting it on Nova here in Adelaide.

I’ll be back in Australia in 6 days woohoo!! Actually I haven’t heard Rox that much here in Sweden, it’s more Per and GT 100 times a day and Rox maybe twice a week that I hear. Occasionally Marie too, but this country is Per crazy!

Hey Im a 27yr old guy from Newcastle, if u wanna chat too via msn add me – [email protected] (and yes hdyd = How Do You Do).


Hey guys! its Damian here! im also from Sydney Australia, been a fan since 1990. Im a songwriter inspired by Roxette’s songs if anyone wants to add me to msn on [email protected] please do.
im 31 yr old gay guy ;)

Anyone else hear the Eric Prydz remix of FLAF on thefat30 (starFM)?? Was a hot or not song, sadly it wasn’t hot it seems :-(
They even had a little comp going where if you ring with the name of the person that sang the original song, you would win a t-shirt or something. And no one rang!!

@ RobS -
And if someone answered ’Marie’ then of course they’d be wrong :P

Hey Stephen I’m from Adelaide myself. I’m not as big a Roxette fan as what I was when I was younger, but I still love them a lot, especially Per’s stuff. I think HOW DO YOU DO and THE LOOK were probably the songs that made me insanely obsessed. I thought they were so cool back then. Occasionally I come on the site and chat a little, keep myself updated on what’s goin on. I’m into a lot of other styles of music as well. So when I mention that I have Roxette in my library, I get a lot of turning heads. Maybe they just aren’t a group people expect you to continue listening to these days? I grew up idolising Mr Gessle himself, which is why I visit this site every now and then. Small world tho, never thought I’d be talkin to someone from Adelaide on this site! Best album is definitely CRASH! and I think some of the stuff on TOURISM and HAVE A NICE DAY is wicked too! Hope to see Aussie fans hanging round! Cheers.


Haven’t been here for a few weeks and look what returns from the dead of 2002.... lol!!

Haven’t heard that FLAF thing on the radio yet, though that’s probably because I hardly listen to it... I either have a CD or MP3 running most of the time.
Last song I hear was The Look on Tripple M one morning about a month or two ago.

Before that the last public playing of Roxette I “heard” was at a work karaoke night at the bar next door to us (Colonial Hotel in Melbourne), where in my drunken state, I managed to con somebody to duet with me, The Look, Dangerous and Joyride.

I do recall a pizza shop near work playing various remixes of Stars for a while around a year ago too.


@ morning_star

RS tour was a blast, got to see many bits of Europe I might not have otherwise visited such as Moscow and Helsinki. All a distant memory now, soooo long ago. I remember being paranoid about flying out from Australia as it was only a day or two after September 11. Met this girl in Helsinki who I still have contact with, she came over during the past summer to visit me.

roxette fan, male, gay and in sydney!!! you just need to be vegan and we’re set ;)

Hows it going Mister_Why? Seems There’s a few of us in Adelaide. Another Gessle fan Here.



Hi y’all

It’s Paul here from Tamworth, I used to live in Sydney, and ran the Roxette Online site with MissM in Adelaide all those years ago.

You’ll find me in #Roxette most nights as ofwerman.

I may be reinstating the site again (with updates) if anyone feels it would be worth having back.


I see a bit of an Aussie revival happening here...nice ;)

@ rezmad Did you meet Roxette?


Though that being said, I never really went out of my way to try to meet them. I later found out there were opportunities to have done so at various concerts, and even had an invite in my e-mail (that I opened too late!) to take part in a meet and greet in Helsinki.
Too busy charming the local girls most of the time!

FLAF remix was played on thefat30 (starFM) again :-)
Now there asking if anyone know which mix it is?? seems it may not be the Eric Prydz one :-S

The stupid DJ said that it was a mix of a Transvision Vamp song!! but his sidekick said it was “Roxette, i think”

Was really strange to hear the word Roxette on the radio again!!


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