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Love is all - Loooong version

30 replies

Has anybody ever heard this version only available on the Promo CD?

not looong version!!On the promo CD of Love is all it¡s included a short version.With a message by Per & Marie on the begining of the song.

I know it’s not the most popular song on C!B!B! but I’ve always really liked it. I don’t think it needs to be shorter at all.

I love the live performance on the C! B! live VHS. Brilliant. Love the album version to.

its a wonderful song, maire is great doing it live :-))

Yeah that live version is just great.. might have a listen to it now i think :-)

So is there a loooong version or not?? I thought there was??

Does anybody owns this wonderful promo cd?

Are you sure ’The Change’? I thought it was a longer version. I have a shorter (edited) version on the 7” single of ’Run to you’.

The promo version is more than a minute longer. It’s just the chorus repeated over and over. Still it’s nice.

I don’t think I have heard of this version

Longer than on the album? Interesting.
The song is wonderful, both on the C!B!B! and live. Never understood the idea of those edited shortened versions. Ok, it’s not radio-friendly but if to compare with normal version it sounds incomplete.

how to gdet the promo cd hmm?

It’s definitely hard to find.
Only 75 copies exist.
In the book the cd is mentioned with 8(!) stars.
That says it all....

I know that....

The album version is 6:41—there’s a longer version than that?

Maybe one of the lucky 75 could share it as an MP3??? Just the curiosity to hear it.

The promo version is about 7 minutes, so an extra 20 secs then. I hadn’t checked it in a long time, it’s over a minute longer, but with Per & Marie’s little speech.

Love Is All is one of the best ballad from Roxette. I love it.

*my curiousity grows and grows*

Yea mine too. Is there some place we can download this version of “Love Is All”??

i really wish they had even done just a pormotional video for this. there was a promo video for the cbb album using outtakes from the cbb video where the camera follows a dove through white arches and in red love is all fased in and out they it showed clips of the cbb video promoting the album, it was show by a electronics store called the wiz does ANYONE out ther ehave it, i’d trade for a vhs copy of live in stockhol room service tour

That sounds interesting...

Not that this has any relevance to the topic at hand, but Coyboy’s mention of a promo for CBB, made me think of the tv promo we had in South Africa, for the album. It was shots of an F1 car speeding past on a grand prix circuit and then it ended off with a checkered flag going past the screen with the release date and album title “exploding” onto the chekcered backdrop. I mite still have it some where on VHS.... argh, those were the days!


PS: What is the message from Per & Marie on Love Is All???

“This is Per, this is Marie, blah blah blah. We want to wish you a Merry X-mas and play you a song that may be on our new album. And then again it may not!”

More or less. (It must be more, because they talk for quite some time, but this is the gist of it.)

why is there nobody here who has this song, sharing it? Pay too much for it? And dont wanna share? :)

Thanx Tev

Hehe... Coy & Carbon! It reminds me of the South African promo video for Tourism - Per & Marie (with the gap between her teeth bigger than her) as clay figurines talking in a poor Swedish accent about absolute bullshit... mmm will have to find that one again!!

lol stop making fun of the gap in her teeth sheesh, lol its kinda disappointing all the things i missed because i was so poor in the late 80’s i didnt even have a vcr, whats more disappointing is that it seems few of the ” hardcorde” fan have this stuff or are even interested in sharing it :(

@imazombieinthemoonlight said it all!

@ Miss Medusa: LOL! I still have that on video. Was a Musica advert done for Tourism’s release and was shown in the ad breaks during the Zurich concert on MNet. They (Per & Marie’s clay figurines) were bitching about the low price of Tourism and the fact that you get a poster with the purchase of the cd. LOL! Marie’s final words are “But aren’t we a high profile band?” LOL!



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