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Roxette vs dancing dj's new vid.

32 replies

Well i saw it on the box hots ’brand new’ they is a women in the video singer to what marie normally sings to !, i like the song better now iv seen the vid.

ill just try and give you a quick idea. The vid is women dancing in what looks like a computer effect city , and on tall buildings are clips of the fading like a flower video , not very many. I dont know if its done on purpurse the goth oringinal vid and the sp effects city put togeather. They is a women singing after a few clips of marie singing, the women after marie singing is a model but has short hair and has what looks like marie in the joyride days but updated look if you know what i mean, again that looks like it was done to reflex marie back then but brought into 2006 if you know what i mean. youll see. ill need to see it again to make my mind up.

I saw it yesterday, Manda mentioned it to me on Saturday... was not impressed.... but like you said may take more than one watching..

its just not very roxette , or maybe they are trying to please 3 markets , roxette fans and dance music fans .

Just like with annie lennox why vs dj sammy remixed only just getting top 10 i cant see roxette FLAF vs dancing dj’s going higher than 9 , but i guess its better than not one single release form room service album ?!!!

after reading that it does sound promising lol

25th July.... fair enough, If I can find it I will buy it! :)

you know i think i would buy it was well.! i dont like dance music , but i love roxette !

ill try get some screenshots tomorrow when i see it ;-)

I just seen it again.... :) I keep checking the play list on my local dance station to see if it makes it there...

maybe theyre not trying to please rox fans at all coz hardly anyone in the UK will remember the original anyways so it don’t matter what the video looks like LOL ;)

There’s one screenshot on the front pg... hoping that the rest will make it there soon!

Check out the frontpage as well.

That’s what i meant u ’nana! LOL! (U gonna publish the rest?)

*had a blond mo’... i c them now*

Ha ha, duh! :) I put them all up at first, but they crowded the text so I redid it.

why does the video look like a kylie monogue video>? interesting al this interest in older roxette hits maybe it time for per to dust off the american radio power anthems like i rember you and put out a whole album of em we need roxette so badly here in the states

I´d like to see the video

Vixzter , i think you would be very suprised how many people know who roxette are and there hits, id say anyone over 25 know and remeber roxette ! easy, everyone i know and my sisters and brothers mates know. plus if no one remembered roxette, why use there video and marie image’s and there recording ?!

The video is growing on me...

where can we watch it??
What about DTH video?

im with you ally, i dont know if its just seeing marie on tv that does it for me .

rox-kuryliw : everyone you know knows roxette because of you possibly? just like everyone i know knows roxette because of me but you and my associates don’t make up most of the uk ;) i’m not sure i like the way that scary woman is used in the video though but atleast it isn’t a fitness video with women in skimpy outfits doing aerobics ;)
ah well what the hell if it raises the profile (all be it temporarily) of rox here then i’m all for it i just dont like the mixes much but thats a matter of taste, i think i should go clubbing and maybe it would sound a whole lot different (after a few beers)

on another note, have told the idiot i work with who’s going to Zante (greece) this week to listen out for it in the clubs over there ..... although cos hes such a twit he probably won’t even remember.

maybe, although i knew roxette from 1997 only when one on my sisters said id like there music, so i didnt know them at there peak in uk charts 1988- 1994. and so i think its poss for more fans to be created.

I have curiosity... where is it possible to see or to unload this video?

It’s on quite a lot now... seen it a couple of times today!

PLEASE somebody upload it, would be great! thx

havent seen it again yet , but ill leave the box on in background tomorrow as im home.

It was number 7 in the Box Breakers today. It’s a feature on The Box channel for Top 10 requested videos of the day. That’s very good I think

I came to post about the Box postion! lol... and it’s also making a few playlists around the UK!

There’s talk it might even make Radio 1! Roxette on Radio 1.... jeez!

I was just wondering, it would be nice to see this at number 1, so hands up UK fans that are gonna buy it on it’s release!

Could someone from the UK help me get this one when its released please??

The song made a compliation CD called CLUBLAND 8!

@ Roxette-atic Providing I can get some copies.... they will be listed on eBay! :)

Will b getting a couple of copies myself... if anyone’s into swapping!


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