The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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20 replies

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to let you know, that the page is online now... It´s not completed jet but you are able to download some songs... things like the guestbook ect. are not working jet, but the information about the artists and the downloads are working....

Hi Süsser! Daaaaaaaaaaaanke! Schön ma wieder was von Dir zu lesen! Gruss an Birthe!

Hi Galning. Still playing your guitar :-)

It looks like the original fanism-project was worth doing after all. The page looks great. Has Nick done all this by himself?


Det Hjärta Som Brinner is actually very veyr good!

I hope you keep working on this, perhaps I’ll send a song osmetime, if I get time to record...

The page really looks great!!!
The fanism-project is so cool!!!
Thanks to all ppl who are involve in this!!!
And happy birthday Chad!!!!!:-)))

“Back on top” ;-) hehehe

Danke Bluesue, ich richte die grüße aus!

Yes, Ketil, I´m still playing the guitar. I just have not soooo much time for it (girlfriend is living 500 km away and I´m working and I´m not a student anymore....)

My song and the song Ketil and I did together is not yet able to download (but soon)....

Check it out and keep this topic at the top ;-)


Yep! Back on top!

Have a nice day everybody!

I love Chances!!!

Great work! Thanx.

it’s a great web. i just wanna be in contact with Galning but I can’t , anyway it’s because I’ve recorded a song inspired in a Per Gessle words ” back to the Balloon Farm again. Ice creams and funny hats” that Per said on Don’t bore us get to the chorus, you know that interview after every song. Per said it after Dangerous but i’m not sure.
Is any posibility Galning can listen it because is greaaaaaaaaat!!!!. please contact me here!.

kixx: Did I understand you right? Why can´t you get in contact with me? I don´t understand this... Did you already write me an eMail? Sometimes I have problems with my eMail program. If I don´t reply to an eMail on [email protected] please write to [email protected]

hej guys and girls, I have downloaded all of your songs. What can I say, I love them. Each song is very special. Sometimes it´s the guitars, sometimes the voice, sometimes the arrangements. You did a great job! Keep on recording and uploading. Can´t wait to hear more of this.

Wow, Galning... You are fast... This time! *LOL*

Thanks a lot for this first feedback! As our homepage says: Work in progress, we are workin´ on that site. But as it is much work and we don´t have too much time you still have to be a bit patient, ok?!
Rox on and mycket hälsningar!

What happened to fanism? :O I wanted to make a cover :’(

oooops! What happend to this page? Does someone know? I hope it will be online again soon...

In the meantime you can look a little bit to ;-)))

Can I try to make a cover of a Roxette or Gyllene Tider song? :p

Maybe it’s time to make some new covers?

I am thinking about doing a couple of Roxette unplugged covers. Would this involve any official approval from Roxette managment? or can anyone do this?

I suppose Zee it depends on where and when you where doing them ;) but email Marie Dimberg or something and ask.... better to me safe that sorry...

Exactly! I am only gona upload them for everyone and I am not going to make anyyy moiney out of it. Anybody has the email address of Marie Dimberg?

I think it´s nothing “not-allowed” to release these amateur-covers for free somewhere. At leased they are only demos and not “products”... I think no one should have something against it. And Per takes such things easy...

Maybe you should contact the webmaster of if you have recorded the covers.... would be great to have new material on that page....

I hope to be one of those who contribute new material towards this site. ;)


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