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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Ok I’ll be the brave one to tell you your website is a bloody PAIN to visit ... there’s NO coherent design and those pop-up are so annoying! BTW and those ’online music’ stuff you have available are indeed considered piracy as they ARE still available in retail... ie Heartland Cafe!

Have to add that I only get to see a blank page with blinking banners at the top...

lol what a moron

ROFLOL Cowboy are you drunk tonight? You’re slurring your words and getting abusive. You’re an angry drunk, that’s for sure ;)

nah i just hate getting stuck int he rain lol

nothing venture nothing win

Yeah ofcourse - keep working on it, I say!! ;)

Thanx a lot for these presents for the Roxette fans..!!
All the stuff is great!!!!!!!!!!!

But about the designweb.... o_0
Try to work on it...!!!



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