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do you make use of rox songs?

24 replies

the real question would be: have you ever done more than just listen to roxette songs? i mean have you ever used a rox song at school for example, to learn english using the lyrics or something like that? i have. i´m majoring in english and i´m planning to use many rox songs in the classes i teach. once per said that when he (and marie) came here, to argentina, he was surprised that many teachers had used his songs to teach english at school. so what do you think?


I used Roxette song in mini playback show in my primary school. I was taking part in this performance :0)

I’m about to use one song for a SMIL-project at uni

tavo, that’s true. When I was at secondary school, many years ago, the teacher gave us “Spending My Time”. Of course, I was very happy, that was the best class of the year!

... and my teacher play us IMHBL on english class. She wrote in the board : LAY A —– ON MY —–, etc. Then the student had to fill the blank... What a sweet memory and it had happpened 13 years ago.


I used “Real Sugar” as the main theme in a TV Programme in a Local TV Station at my was a summer programme AND IT WAS JUST GREAT!!! Everybody loved it!!!

And I remember I asked for permission directly to Emi Spain and they told me: “Of course you can”. They even sent us promo-clips of different artists to play them in the programme.


I used “Real Sugar” as the main theme in a TV Programme in a Local TV Station at my was a summer programme AND IT WAS JUST GREAT!!! Everybody loved it!!!

And I remember I asked for permission directly to Emi Spain and they told me: “Of course you can”. They even sent us promo-clips of different artists to play them in the programme.

A few years ago I used “Anyone” for my english lesson. But know there isn’t any lesson where I could use Rox song. School and education are over.

My girl next door used “Listen To Your Heart” at her father’s funeral. LTYH may seem not very suitable for this but it was her father’s favourite song. He was a big Roxette fan too. He borrowed some of my cd’s every now and than. Sadly he died very young because of MS.

It’s funny to see how many people have used Rox songs in some way or another! I have used a number of songs as starters for writing assignments. I play a song such as Make my head go pop and ask students to write the story behind the song. That always works out well. I am sure they can also work up a sweat on Jefferson. I think I’ll try that one next :) it will surely lead to some weird stories....

I used “I was so lucky” in my wedding for my first dance with my husband, it was so sweet; many of our friends were very emocionated.

I used Spending my time, How do you do, The big L. for learning english.

Me too Leila, but only ’Listen to your heart’, and ’Joyride’ in a school dance...

See ya’

When is was 13 they used to hold an annual talent show at school on the last day of term before breaking up for Christmas. Me and a couple of friends sung along to Paint (i don’t know why it was that one). I was doing Per’s part and the two girls were doing Maries. It was a “funny” performance to say the least.

I did have it on video, but I leant the video to someone, and they lost it!

I used IMHBL to perform at school on Prom Day(I call it this way cause we have the Party at Daytime) which is also the Day I graduated from school!

We had these “morning openings” at school, you know before the class started there was this broadcast to every class (usually by a teacher, but also by students). Once Perfect Day was played afterwards and when our class made our own I squeezed Stars into one of them.

There was also Mellan Sommar och Höst that we heard as it was sort of an interval between chapters in our Swedish book.

The day I graduated from the teaching training, we used “Anyone” My classmates chose a Roxette’s song because they knew I was a big fan and as a present because I was “The Best Classmate”


I Just used the intro of “harleys & indians” in a video about the hammer throw analysis. Not to mention that I learned english translating Rox songs

The reason that i first got into Rox was when I was in 7th grade and for music class we had to do an assignment on a band. I didn’t know a lot of bands then so I picked up a magazine and I saw Roxette on the cover and I loved them ever since and I got an A+ on the essay! :)

walked in on my dad’s arm to “Love is all” when I got married! thanks suz for the suggestion! :D

I used Gyllene Tider’s “Dreamin” once in a drama production when I was 16! :)

I wrote about Per and Marie’s influences to me during my Danish exam today.

I actually learned English thanx to their songs...

Uhm.. Last year, I took some drama-lessons, and at the end of the term we did a 1,5 hour show of what we’d learned. Anyway, somehow my teacher knew that I’m a big Gessle-fan, so when I entered the stage at one point to do “the news” he used “Flickorna på TV2” as background music. I was about to fall of the stage when I first heard it at the full dress rehersal.

Then I, ofcourse, also used both Roxette music and the Crash, Boom, Bang concert video when I presented a school report about Roxette like.. 10 years ago.

Then, in a music class 12 years ago we were asked to play one song that meant the most to us then, play it to the rest of the class and then explain why we had picked that song. I remember that I played Vulnerable, but my reason for picking that song, exept for that it’s a beautiful song... I don’t remember.


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