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Per is a shopping monster

3 replies

Hey ! here is an article from yesterdays Expressen. For u non-swedish people it says shopping is one of the things Per is weak for.He can spend 100 000 swedish kr in one day on clothes. He also says he visited H&M only twice during hes life. The artcile also says Per is model in the upcoming number of the swedish fashion magazine “King”. There will be alot pictures on him taken by Jonas Åkerlund. Enjoy!

Yes read about it also.... I want a copy of King Magazine, have to see Per modelling designer clothes!

He doesn’t say he’s a shopping-freak, come on!!! He says that it actually happens really seldom to buy clothes for such a huge amount of money. The title of the article is twisted, of course. And I believe what Per actually said. Didn’t you see he more or less wear the same clothes? He sticks with a few that he really likes, I am sure he’s not addicted to shopping really. He just can afford to be extravagant from time to time, especially when promotion trips are in sight...

Max: Nothing to add. :-)


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