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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Will ROXETTE make a new WORLD TOUR ?

46 replies

hi fans,
do you think roxette will make a new world tour
in places which they have never been before like small countries ?

for me , this would be great !

At this moment, nearly nobody thinks so.

Anyway, now I’m curious. Do many top artist tour in Mauritius?


Can’t see it happening at all. Neither of them want to do it I don’t think

I think Per wants to. I’m 99% sure he wants to.
Marie maybe wants to, but she is just not physicaly strong enough to do it.

Never in a million years!

No, would be a waste of money

maybe they could do a small swedish show in a small studio with a few fans and sing their 20 Greatest Hits. and release it on DVD

I don’t think so, no. No world tour.

I suppose we can be happy if we ever get to see just a live performance again. At the moment, I even doubt that very much (see Bravo show).

Maybe just a Europe Tour than RS and nothing else...

i don’t think, i never see them in bravo or some concert, so i always hope, but i don’t believe this could happen!

I think we only have to look at the mess with Bravo to guess that they are not gonna be performing live again!

what do you mean with “we” and why? can you explain better, please?

No, no and no.. Those days are over.

“we” are the fans, I suppose...

Yes “we” as in the fans..

I think anyone that has been a fan of Roxette for many years or more perhaps knows deep down that they are hardly likely to see Roxette perform live again!

ok! oh i’m just from 5 years a fan and so yes 5 isn’t little, but 5 years ago i was a little young (and i am still!) girl that just like to listen to rox music without poster also now i’m not very informed about it, but i read before something.

If they can’t manage to attend BRAVO’s liveshow, how can they manage to tour at all?
It’s still my biggest wish to see Rox perform live again, but I am afraid it will never happen.....

Hm, I wouldn’t really say “never ever again”.
I’d say at least not in the next 5 years.
Anyway it’s up to Marie (and Per) and not up to us.

But if I look into my little magic glass ball, what do I see?
I think, maybe in 5-10 years, a small intimate club tour within europe could be possible. I wouldn’t exclude that now. Of course now it would be impossible. But who knows. Marie is strong, and who would have thought they would come back at ALL?!? Now there’s a single! a video! a performance! okay, it’s not live, but still!
So noone can tell what will happen in 5-10 years. Maybe a small club tour? :) Let’s hope. Hope is good :)

A worldtour?
No, i think we must be happy if they ever
make a european tour again.

I dont think so... But it would be great... Lets face it... They are getting old... :S Many people there age are grandparents *LOL*

i think not in the next 1-3 years. when a new tour mabye a little europe Tour with 2 Concerts per country.

nopes.... even if they both wanted to.. wud it be successful? hardly anyone really “cares” much for roxette anymore...

Not likely

World tour? Never again. But would be great with some live performances in Europe. And I think people are still interesting in Roxette. I think tour in Europe would have success.

In all honest they are too old, and perhaps not fit enough these days... Marie esp after being sick!

We don’t know what the future will bring, i don’t see them doing a tour right now, but in the future who knows...

i don´t think the problem is they´re too old (what happened with other artists as Rolling,Bruce Springsteen and many,many more??) and Marie illnes is not the problem either (cos she´s fine now). People are not interested in seeing Roxette in tour?? do you really think so? Roxette are amazing in concert that even people don´t like specially their music,have a great time in their concerts...
It´s not the time for a tour, that´s all. maybe in the future (hopefully) they will do some performances at least in Europe.. who knows!

It’s so crazy to keep going on.... it’s just never going to happen for lots of reasons.... as I said many of the fans out there really know this..... but some seem to cannot except that fact!!!!!!!!!!

Ally a few months ago i didn’t even belive they would record something new, and they have done it.
I don’t think they will do a world tour as joyride tour or crash tour, but a few concerts here and there as the showcases they made back in 2001 in the future who knows. Right now i don’t see them doing any concert or live show.

Too old? Say that to Keith Richards and Mick JAgger.

world tour? of course not! i´m going to give you synonyms for your question:

-is the pope a catholic?
-will they ever release COY almighty remixes? (i hope so).

Keith Richards and Mick JAgger!

Neither of which I recall having a brain tumour?


I find it really hard to accept that people simply don’t seem to realise how serious, how enormously dangerous a brain tumour is *even if he had been removed*. I would be far too risky for Marie to embark on a new world tour. I am pretty sure (and I really hope) that she is still monitored by medical experts on a regular basis.

edit: typo

I totally agree with Burke. A brain tumor is something that changes your life completly. Not just because of the sequels you can have, but also because brain tumors can return. That’s a medical fact. Marie will always be under medical supervision. She is a very strong woman: she has a lot of money, she doesn’t need to, but she still records albums, make art exhibitions.. even for something international as Roxette, wich means a lot of pressure for her (as it did in the past too). She must love Roxette very much for keeping going with it.. even if it is a couple of new songs like the new ones. A new world tour? Not in the next year I’d say, but who knows, maybe in the future, but anyway, who cares? Marie is alive!

No, they won’t, due to health reasons.

I think we all should be understanding with Marie’s illness, and not expect too much.

Ally: Considering how many drugs Keith Richards / Mick Jagger (as well as Steve Tyler and Joe Perry, who’d been dubbed as the “Toxic Twins), I’m not surprised that they’d be “well preserved”.

Whether there’s another tour or not, I’d hedge my bets on something like a couple of promo gigs. But something like the Joyride Juggernaut? Not likely.

Another World Tour??? No! And I dare to say that I’m sure about that.

I missed them the last time they came to the US because I was “too young.” (I’ve been a pretty hardcore fan since I was 8 and I’m 20 now.) I’ll accept that chances are, I wont see them around here. Maybe they’ll do a promo gig or something in New York, or maybe I’d fly out to Europe to see them, if it ever happens again.

If anything, I’m very optimistic.

I really doubt there will be even a new Roxette album, let alone a tour. But who knows what the future will bring. If it happens indeed, than I think it will be only a european tour and probably they will really play in clubs rather than in big concert halls or stadiums. They didn’t sold out the Room Service tour and today the interest in Roxette is even lower...

Very well said Burke!

dont time a falling star come across i’ll make THAT wish..

Seeing the fast recovery Marie achieves I feel very optimistic about a new album being released within 1 year.

And who knows, maybe some live gigs!

It’s NOT gonna happen......

I doubt if it happenes in nearest future. They need to concentrate on new I mean relly new album don’t you think?

Well, new album or tour.
Marie said that she love to play again with Per. So this is possitive message. Now it depends on Marie, if she find out that she is strong enough for work some months during recording new album. Then she can think about promo. And after this, she can think about tour.
If OW became a flop (it looks it don´t happen), there will be no big motivation to continue. But it looks that OW will be very good charting single. We can see it in Sweden, Spain, Finland... hope for more. So this is good motivation. If Marie likes to work with Per again, feels good, have energy and desire and see, that people likes their new songs , I think we can expect new album.
Talking about tour is very premature in this time.
But it´s only my speculations.


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