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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Roxette RS rour broadcasted!

15 replies

According to
There are no plans for a Roxette tour within a forseeable future. However, as a celebration of Roxette’s 20th anniversary Swedish radio P3 will broadcast one of the last Roxette-concerts. The recording of this concert took place at Globen Arena in connection with the Room Service tour 2001 and P3 will broadcast the concert on October 20th at 21.03.

Nice one. I have it on CD.

The whole concert or just 1 hour? Would be great to have the whole gig in hifi!

That is so great, my CD version is off really poor quality.... :(

I hope someone can rip this!

See front page. But if this indeed is the same as last time, it’s one hour and about 10 songs.

Great news, now if only it was officially released! (hopefully with more songs)

Maybe it will get officially released after this... I mean how many times have we asked for it!

Does anybody have the Gothenberg show? I would love to have that.

As most of you I´m longing badly for an official live-release. Got this whole show (Globen, not Gothenborg) filmed from roxbytes, but the quality of immages and sound is totally crap.

Some parts of that recording have better quality (for example some scenes seemed to have been taken from the stage). I remember that during RS tour I heard they recorded some material for a possible future release so maybe these recordings belong to that footage.

I found the news: According to Per they would record 2 concerts, but only audio.But on the other hand,Baden-TV recorded Stutgart show, audio and video.(, so maybe it still exists a good quality recording.

Just maybe we shall see a DVD release!

posted twice... sorry

Any way to save/record this radio broadcast? I’d like to have it and burn a CD with that stuff!

Room_service i would like to know aswell, if its good enough to release to the public , roxette can release it as a dvd/cd pack for fans. fans have been wanting a live album since tourism now.

Would be great to get an official release... if only!


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