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Which Roxette songs make you cringe?

46 replies

We all love our favorite band, yet there are songs in their extensive music catalog that just don’t measure up. Which Roxette songs make you embarrassed to be a fan? For me, songs like Cinnamon Street, Cooper and Fool are automatic “skips” on my MP3 player. Which are yours?

Soul Deep *yikes*

Soul deep, View from a hill, A thing about you
That’s all!

Stars is the only one. Especially the single version

Physical Fascination, Crush On You, Make My Head Go Pop and (sometimes - not always) The Big L. and Stars !

Harleys and Indians, Crashing Guitars, Make My Head Go Pop, spanish songs...

joy of a toy! this song does damage to my ears!



Cinnamon Street is a great song. A superb story.

I want to like Cinnamon Street but the lyrics are as cheesy as they come; “’s seven o’clock, the breakfast treat.”

Make My Head Go Pop and Staring at the Ground! I always skip those:-)

Never Is A Long Time, and Crashing Guitars

Do demoes count? Per murders some of the songs on the demoes! It hurts!

how do you do

you can’t put your arms around whats allready gone

Make My Head Go Pop –> the worst song they have ever recorded
View From A Hill –> absolutely unnecessary
Physical Fascination –> Joyride is not a prefect album due to this song!
Lies –> too much repetitive to my ears
One Wish –> makes me feel embarrased, too tacky and old-fashioned sound.

Each song holds a special spot for me. The only time I skip a Rox tune is if it doesn’t fit my mood at that moment.

@ LittleSpooky–totally agree on your comment. It’s all about the mood you’re in. Actually, I think Soul Seep is one of Marie’s best vocals (very bluesy). I’d have to say MMHGP! just gets destroyed when the chorus comes in. The beginning is a typical Gessle-ish song until then. Too many songs on their first LP getted skipped to. “Cry” is way to long and almost gets me to a point of annoyance. Peace.

Cry is one of my favourite tracks on Look Sharp! You see, we all have different opinions here. I agree about MMHGP, I think the chorus is the worst part too. Sounds like a song by A*Teens (though they are defunct now, hehe).

one wish

Most songs, like Spooks, I’ll skip if they don’t fit my mood, but there are a few I don’t really want to hear unless I’m listening to the whole CD in order, and even then if I’m in the mood and not near or able to hit the skip button.

Make My Head Go Pop—Feed the ducks with a bun? Really? And the trainwreck that is the church choir bridge.
Cinnamon Street—I do like Marie’s vocal version better, I can forgive the cheesy lyrics when she sings them
Little Girl—That grating opening with whatever instrument that whines in the tune. And that WHINEY chorus!? Urgh! Not a good vocal performance by any stretch of the imagination.

Make my head go pop, cry. Hey, I like Cooper...

I actually like all of the songs they’ve recorded (I’m an oddball..) I’ll skip it if it doesnt fit my mood.

This is a topic that makes me cringe.

Cant ever listen to Stars or make my head go pop. The latter is prob the worst!


What a pile of chav sh*t. Horrible horrible song. no class about it, utter tripe.

How can anyone cringe at Never Is a Long Time????

it isn’ my fave, but i like it

Stars! It’s not a Roxette song!

C!B!B! ..... I never liked that!

Ha, ha, we are so different. MMHGP is my favourite song from RS. Stars is also great and I like remixes.
I don´t like Soul Deep, View From A Hill, Bringing Me Down To My Kneew and now Reveal.
Joyride is fantastic album, but if you ask me for perfect album I say CBB. On every Rox album is one, two or three songs I don´t like, but here´s no bad song on CBB album. No chart breakers but very also no bad ones.

definetly we are really different! i love almost all the songs you have named (never is a long time, C!B!B!, bringing me down...etc). i don´t hate any Roxette song,i´m really proud of every single song of them although it depends of my mood that i listen to one or another.. lately i´m listening a lot the album Pearls of Passion and SOAP of Per ( i adore SOAP, is a real jewel)

bevi, i agree with you!

One Wish
Little Girl
Joy Of A Toy
And of course the bit in the middle of Make My Head Go Pop. I don’t mind the rest of the song though.

Pearls of passion: Soul Deep, Joy of a toy
Look Sharp: Chances, Half a woman, View from a hill
Joyride: Small talk
Tourism: -
Crash Boom Bang: Whats she like, Do you wanna go the whole way, Vulnerable
Have a nice day: Cooper, Stars, You cant put you arms, Pay The Price
Roomservice: (Easier to count the strong ones here, the rest are weak imo) My world.., ..Toast and honey, Real sugar, Centre of the heart.. (barely..)

I listen to these tracks anyhow sometimes, and obviously dont think they “suck”, but i consider them weak compared to the others.

EDIT: Lots of edits.. :) sorry ´bout that.

View From A Hill - I don’t like... :S

All of Pearls Of Passion.
View From A Hill, Shadow Of A Doubt.
Knockin’ On Every Door, The Big L, Church Of Your Heart, Small Talk, Physical Fascination, Perfect Day (awaits the stones).
Do You Wanna Go The The Way.
Real Sugar, Jefferson, Make My Heart Go Pop.

Not all “cringeworthy” songs, but these are the songs I’ve constantly skipped.

Theres not many songs that I dont like but I hate Dressed For Success. and im not overly keen on Dangerous or Voices. As for Make My Head Go Pop! i quite like it and i love Stars.

Dressed for success??? It’s one of my all time favourites!I can’t listen to “Make my head go Pop”. That’s the only song i skip every time...

I can’t believe the songs I see here ... Make My Head Go Pop - why, that’s one of my favorites of Room Service. Great Pop song, should have been single imo! Stars - wonderfull. Cooper - love it - very moody. Cinnamon Street - not their best, but great vocal harmonies! Physical Fascination - great song, adds some variety to Joyride.

I’m not very keen on One Wish ... It sounds too dated to mee, and compared to the tracks they released with Ballad Hits and Ballad Hits, I find it dissapointing. I don’t believe it’ll fare well as a single. Another one I don’t like would have to be Come Back (Before You Leave) which sat perfectly where it was, discarded from Joyride, and shouldn’t have been on Tourism.

OK, I have days when I can’t listen to Call Of The Wild. I mean, really, if it comes up on my Walkman/mp3, I’ll switch it off or over. Its jt on those days it reminds me of dodgy mid-80s soap operas, those damn panpipes!

But, I still like the song, just not on some days

There are so many people that don’t like Stars.... you know that really surprises me....

I loved it and the video! ..... and no I am not drunk!

“Cry” makes me cry.

View From A Hill
Little Miss Sorrow
She Doesent Live Here Anymore

It surprices me too that many has “Stars” on their lists.

View from a hill, Dressed for succes Yikes! Church of your heart. The big L Goodbye to you. Like these. It’s ancient history Don’t digg up!

I want more! Sleeping in my car, Don’t live here anymore,June afternoon. Lies, Jefferson, Fool.


Bah, none. I only listen to the ones I like and I don’t feel responsible for them having made the others that suck. So I don’t feel embarrased of any Roxette :D

Anyway, I don’t go telling I’m a Rox fan either, I stopped being “fanatic” a handful of years ago. Just getting old, you know...

How come you dont like “Cooper” And “Stars”?
They are both one of my all time Roxette favourites.

I dont like “Dressed for Success” and “Sleaping in my car”. They are just noicy.

But still I LOVE ROXETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MMHGP and Fool. If those were replaced by Entering Your Heart and The Weight Of The World, RS would be far better than it is. And Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla... is horrid too.


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