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One wish video NOT on Roxbox DVD!!! :-(

11 replies

This is kinda disappointing! Great sales trick to get us to buy YET another Best Of DVD!!! And i’m enough of a sucker to do so!

I tihnk it’s on the DVD with the GH CD!

It will be on the next re-release of “All rox-videos ever made...”

In a shop near you January 2007!

LOL. Did you really think EMI would have put “One Wish” on this collection? As others have pointed out it will be on the reissue of the ’RoxBox’ and/or the reissue of ’All Videos Ever Made & More’ reissue in a few months time.

Aren’t we in sarcastic moods today........ lol

At least we know what we will get for 25th Anniversary...

He he let’s save it for the 25th aniversary

No for the 25th your’re getting another GH... only “The Best Ever Greatest Hits By Roxette - We Promise This Will Be The Last One” and Room Service on DVD! ;)

Thanx guys! It might have been just my “one wish”! Everybody is talking about the snippet of reveal on the new website!!! I cannot seem to GET TO THAT snippet!!! Where is it???

LOL!!! “their best ever 25 hits ever ever!!!

It’s around but you know TDR rules on file sharing! lol


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