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4-track cdsingle in sweden?

4 replies

Will it be released here? Havent seen anything about it here. Maybe ill have to import it from germany or something...

Don’t know Sweden...I saw it last saturday at Gong Discos in Barcelona (30/09/06) and was somehow surprised, as I didn’t hope to see it at stores.

I had the temptation of buying it, but I already have all the songs and will buy the rox box, so in the end I left it on the shelf.

Next time!

Is the 4-track version available to buy on-line anywhere?

Skivhugget had listed the single as “One Wish”, but now it says “One wish- 2tr”, so I’m confused, I don’t know which version was listed before... I already placed an order but I’m not sure which version I’m gonna get

you’ll probably get the 2 track one numbered 094637189023, as this is the one (cardboard sleeve) available in Sweden.


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