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I like it like that

9 replies

I am sorry if this is at the moment a little bit off-topic (because everyone is talkin about one wish and Rox-20), but I still love this song.

I really think that this song, sung by Per and Marie would have been a real comeback-single. It would have been the most successfull single in the last 7 years.

It is just a masterpiece, and the only song since the H.A.N.D.times I always listen and listen to.

*Just had to say this :-) *

It’s good but the lyrics are a little weird to me. I mean, he adores this girl is what I get at first and then he spoils it: “...I kinda like it...”. Excuse me? You kinda like it?!?.... Mr. DJ is better I think.

ivroxx @

I pretty much love everything on SOAP!

@ IV_ROX: When I listen to music I focus on the melodie, the arrangements, the different instruments. The text is not so important.

@ Not another GH, I know what you mean, I used to do the same. But I’ve changed, and I’ve become more critical towards PG, I don’t know why? But I don’t care if Justin Timberlake says ” You motherf****** whatch your eye attack!!!” I still enjoy Sexy Back! Now that’s weird!? :)

if i like it like that and something in the system were saved for the rox box they both would be number one singles and justin timberlake sucks btw

SOAP can be hit or miss for me, but I did really like this song.

@ IV_ROX: “I *kinda* like it like that” really sounds weird...BUT did you notice the last line???

It goes “I *really* like it like, I like it like that”!

So now the lyrics make much more sense, I think, and it becomes clear that he really adores this girl - I think the song/lyrics show how he reflects his love for this girl, sitting there, thinking, Hmmm, I like it like that, I kinda like it like that........... thinking of how she makes him happy and everyhing ............. and finally he can say I REALLY like it like that!

Hehe, hope my thoughts make sense to you guys, just a bit hard to explain ;-)

Best song on SOAP i really think it would have been good as a Rox track

Hey guys, since I’m being critical maybe it’s time for me to be criticized. I posted one of my song’s lyrics for my bulgarian friends. Take a look and tell me what you think of it in the other topic( Bulgaria) :


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