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relationsheap to relatives

17 replies

The Gessle family quite often has big family dinners. With all the brothers and sister with their familys. In Stockholm, Halmstad and Helsingborg. It’s like any other family dinner, the teenagers don’t like them etc. Like any other family.

I’ve talked with a relative to him about this.

when i was really drunk.

It’s curious, if Per has go his ralatives, i mean brother, sister. I’ve never heard him say smth abou then in interviews ect/
and have anybody saw them?

Nop, he made everything up, he never had a family and was born in an orphanate. That´s why you never see him talking about them

@ferdan are you joking??? that is a your personal opinion or you read it somewhere?

i saw photo abouthis brother and sister.

Ferdan, your sense of humour is a bit sick sometimes. You shouldn’t make fun of orphan people :s
I read here the translation of an interview he gave when SOAP was released, he talked about his childhood and adolescence, and obviously, about his parents, brother and sister. And there were news here about an art exhibition that his sister and mom gave, I think.

Why should he discuss his family.... it has nothing to do with us.... his immediate family, Asa and Gabriel fair enough, but why talk about the rest! Some people wish to keep things private!

miss-misery: i did not make fun of orphan people. I only said, in my wicked way, the same thing that ally just said.

Ferdan is right! I would have given the same answer!
Leave the poor man alone for God’s sake haha.
Of course they have boring family dinners...who doesn’t??!!

is it true, that his brother’s lawyer?

Give it up!

yes, he is a lawyer

@Ferdan: ok :)

by the way, what is a relationsheap? an animal?


I mwt his mum and sister Gunilla at the art exhibition .. seems to be nice people

@ Superbullie......... Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;)

ask a kiwi

No comment ;o)

Oh I do like Kiwi’s!


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