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No real comeback but MAYBE a mini tour, says Marie

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Rox 20: Thought of a real comeback long gone - ’MAYBE a mini tour’, says Marie Fredriksson

In the form of a combined interview with Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle, the Swedish newspaper Norra Västerbotten and the news agency TT Spektra report that - despite the release of Roxette’s new ’best-of’ album ’A Selection Of Roxette Hits [Their 20 Greatest Songs]’ featuring 2 new songs to celebrate the band’s 20th anniversary - the thought of a real comeback by Roxette is long gone... (English translation of the article)

It took me a while to understand what was meant by “no real comeback”. Made sense once i read the article.

Marie seems to be quite into the Rox20, why else would she mention the possibility of “MAYBE a mini-tour”.

Thanks for posting this, Marcus. I think it basically captures what we already knew but it’s always good to hear it from P&M themselves. Marie seems to be testing the waters with this, seeing how it goes before committing to anything bigger. I’m glad we got to hear from her directly again.

I have to say that I *LOVE* Per’s anecdote about the customs agent... go over and read the interview if you haven’t done so already, it’s worth it just for that!!

Worth it for the Tom Petty anecdote too, very interesting.

Right now I don’t even see a mini tour!

Considering the mood of the article, I think she rather meant ’at some stage’... at least she still WOULD LIKE to keep some life in Roxette. That’s rather a positive sign after all the speculations that have been going on here over the past few months.

What’s up with this “Selection” of Roxette hits? D’oh... o_0

hmm kinda saddening in a way i don’t really forsee them having another album out at least not of new material :( i don’t wanna have to find another band to follow :(

No, don’t see it happening...but I’m OK with it. If they do or don’t, tis up to them

Personally I think it’s time to call it quits.... (and I know a lot of others are thinking the same)..... maybe Per and Marie are just best to keep working on solo projects!


Do you mean Roxette says goodbye after 20 years Roxette?

I´m sorry but it looks like that for me.
But Marie is the best judge of her life. If she feels that she doesn´t give full energy to continue with Roxette, she will say it´s over and Rox are closed chapter.
If this happen I´ll be sad, but it´s not about Rox, it´s about Marie and her life.
But maybe I´m wrong and we´ll give some new Joyride, or at least Den Standiga Resan.

Hmm. i don´t know

i think it comes a new Album!! later!! this is the last Album with a mini-tour.

this interview,it’s real?It’s serious?
Mmmmm.Why this interview doesn’t appear on the front page of TDR?

Maybe TDR will run something on Monday!

Nice article on the front page... nice work Thomas...

and I just love this...

“Per Gessle can’t hold it in, he really has to tell another anecdote:
“When I was in New York this summer and went through immigration, the officer asked me what I did for a living. ’Musician’ I answered. Then he wondered if he should know about me. ’Well, I wrote that’ I said, and pointed to the radio which was playing ’Listen to Your Heart’. That was fun.”

LOL, that is so funny....

Good work Thomas! Thank you.
When Marie got her brain tumor, many of us thougt this would be the end of roxette. Now, they make a record again. Iàm very proud being a fan of this wonderful band. And roxette made and will make music everybody in the music-world knows, ah this is roxette!! Now they even perform live on stage again in the Bravo-show. Who has tought about this fact... Who knows what will habppened in the near future. Marie will get better and better...

sorry, I meant good work Marcus!!

but Christian they are not performing live at Bravo!

Marie’s health is the most important thing here. And if it doesn’t allow her to make a real comeback is alright with me. I think we should accept things as they are without making a big fuzz.

I agree.

Me too, but then I’ve sent that for the last couple of years!


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