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What has happend to!

102 replies


What have happend to! The news havn’t been updated since 23-11-05...


Exactly :( NOTHING happened there:(

Haha don’t ask here. Ask their own site.

But don’t expect a reply anytime soon.

wooo bitchy ;-)

“roxette who?”

This fanclub suxx. Sorry for that.
But there is no artist who has such fc problems like Roxette have. The fc team is really boring.

I would work there immediately and I think everyone here.

Thanks for your support fc team... I asked here because I thought someone here would know. Someone who know?

you might want to read a fantastic topic on R2R, read and cry, note the date of the posts.

Genuine question to Thomas, Judith and TDR staff.

If you feel that the fanclub is operating in a questionable manner, why don’t you use your exposure to Per and highlight this fact?

It would seem a far better use of your resources rather than constantly post scandalous comments about them on a public forum.

you don’t really think Per isn’t aware of this, do you?

What’s with the austrian or german Roxette fanclub?

Please tell me anything about it!!!!

@ Judith.

Nope. I don’t believe he is.

well, I’d say he is, he’s not stupid ;)

And.. what Austrian / German Fanclub? There used to be an Austrian FC (independent, not connected to NL) but it closed some years ago.

There is/was a German and Austrian “Division” or “Rep office” but have no clue if the people are still around, I quit long ago so all I know about the current situation is what I read (and some people tell me) and what I know from experience..

Can´t believe all these fanclub problems. Sorry!

Stupid? Never. He’s a successfull businessman.

That does not necessarily mean he’s aware of customer satisfaction issues at a grass roots level.

Unless of course, those closest to him have feedback the issues, (which I very much doubt).

I believe your comments regarding his “awareness” to be entirely circumstantial, speculative and lacking substance.

just believe what you want..

And another thing...

I was told you were sacked from the fanclub rather than left as you suggest?

Just wondering...

@Steven: Little question: Why don’t you have pictures from Per and Marie on your webside?

@ Zelda

Because like other fan websites, I’m 100% unofficial, a benefit of which is that I can be entirely independant and objective.

haha, and let me guess who told you that? :)

To make the story short, and I think as everybody knows by now, I had to choose between FC and TDR, didn’t seem to be compatible with both, so I chose TDR :) For details you know where to find me.

Riiiiiiiight ;)

Per knows for sure that nl sucks. And so does everyone else.

Doubt it.

we are telling you that Per knows, but you still don’t believe it, whatever we’ll say, you won’t believe it, why the hell do you ask then?

Why? Because I simply can’t get my head around the fact that “if” it’s a problem and “if” Per knows then why is he allowing the issues to continue.

It just does not make sense.

There’s no point in answering you.

Allow me to assist...

You say HE knows...?

Ok, I’ll play along with that...

That would mean 1 of 2 scenarios:

1. He doesn’t care.
2. He doesn’t have the ability to “fix” the issue.

You decide.


Something I have to ask... what´s necessary to open an official Roxette FC division? I mean, I tried for months to start a brazilian division but got almost no answer from FC staff.

I know several fans here in Brazil who would love to work in a FC and would do everything they could to promote Roxette in our country. I offered these services several times for but they said that they need to talk about it first or something like that.

So, I was wondering... how about to create a whole “new” FC with divisions in several countries? That would help a lot the staff from Holland, I guess. I would be responsible for the brazilian division, for sure. I´m sure more fans would join this project to promote Roxette in Germany, Argentina, Japan, South Africa, etc.

It´s unbelievable that Roxette don´t have a good FC. That´s what I think. If anyone else wants to work on the “new” FC, mail me.

All the best

PS: I know the official FC is not over.... just offering to help it with the Brazillian fans.

Yaaaay!!!! More rude Tev comments - who would have thought......................

That’s a very clear point, Steven (at the cost of the Moderators’ nerves LOL! but atleast you got the answer)!!

With the advent of the internet the fanclub became redundant -> think about it; they’re not needed for news anymore... TDR is way quicker on the draw and goes out of the way to find answers!! They’re not needed for buying records... anyone buying records there needs a smack as it’s bound to be a screwup... they’re not needed to unite Roxette fans as we’re all big enough to organize it for ourselves! And those fanclub magazines... urm whats the point of getting old news in glossy format?

So why keep them around? TDR proved their worth sinse ’97 (I’m a regular/daily reader since the start)... don’t you think it’s time TDR get the title of ’official fansite’ and EMI dropping the fanclub act?

Great useful comment from Shannon, who woulda thought...

@Purple: Yes, I think TDR is great (needless to say), but I don’t think we want to be “official”, supported yes, but official gives a lot of “musts” too. Like nl for instance weren’t allowed to write that Marie bailed from the X-mas concert a few years back, while TDR had no problems with it.

You’re absolutely right purplemedusa, the fc have no function anymore, and of course, then they will disappear...

It just interesting way to disappear; suddenly they just stop writing news, over a night. The weeks before their last news they wrote a lot of articles. So, I almost find the breaking point planned. But I doubt that...

I would vote for a shop in the official website for merchandise only (other Swedish shops work great when it comes to releases) and contests / special things like the BHD project, I don’t think there is any need for more.

One can say “what about those who have no access to internet” -> by the time a review (once a year+ nowadays) reaches them, tours/ albums are long gone.

Does Fc have many members now? How many? Thanks.

Woops... yeah ofcourse that’s what we all love about TDR - the play between unofficial (where we can drop a bomb or two every now&then) and something more regulated (without illegal downloading and an odd qwirk about how Dimberg’s doing her best to run Roxette into the ground)...

but wait

.... what’s the point of having some fanclub to act as some go-between between artist & fans; why the hell does he not take the position of addressing things himself - yeah he does that every now & then but how about just a regular blogging every week re:questions he’s received or saw coming up in the forums... that would save a lot of time for him (he doesn’t have to anwser so many questions) and the fans gets their answers. Enough with all the formallities... we’re in the digital age now where Artist can directly adress fans without fear of intrusion - you CAN delete emails LOL!!!

Am I making any sense... ?

Totally, and now when Per finally (?) seems to have discovered the full potentioal of the Net, I think lots of things may happen. BHD is just the tip of the iceberg.

i don’t want to get drawn into the FC/ TDR debate. I don’t even bother reading the FC site, it’s shite.

But when it comes to Per and the internet, he’s not made the best decisions has he! I mean, just look at Boxman...gulp!

I think the SOAP/ Rox/ GT/ PG site is good, they can just rotate the promotion of the pages depending on which act is about at the time, and TDR stays the unofficial official voice of fans.

let’s all take a chill pill and enjoy the ride! (again!)

I don’t care about the FC. But I believe the TDR moderators should skip their pride and be humbler sometimes. Their behavior and comments are not 100% appropiate for a moderator.

That’s your opinion. And it’s been noted - several times.

@ Room service: I prefer moderators with personality, thank u very much!

Tev - the name is Shannyn - and I’m completely useful ...thanx

“But when it comes to Per and the internet, he’s not made the best decisions has he! I mean, just look at Boxman...gulp!”

??? he maybe made some decisions of which you now can say that they were not thát good.
On the other hand, he just did it, he dared to try things in an not yet completely discovered world called the internet. And I guess he has learned from those projects.

And about the fc.... well, I always supported them, and i still haven’t with-drawed them yet. They made a wise decision by closing the fanshop. Now some more information about the FC as soon as they know what to do with it... And I also hope Per is going to use his influence in it.

Everyone has his story with the FC I think. I am not a member for years anymore, because I thought it was senseless to wait for a review with old news. And they don’t act like an official FC should do (in my eyes).
But if you do such a job you have a responsibility I think.
A lot of poeple are unpleasant about it. On R2R is also a very interesting toppic about it. I think judith post the link.

If Per knows about it? I think so. But I am not sure if he knows about the WHOLE thing. But who wants to tell him?
I think it is sad that Roxette have not such a good FC they should have.

Yeah, because of Internet we don’t need it for news or something like that that much, but I always liked the idea of having a thing where people come together, because they have the same interests.
Maybe that are forum like TDR, R2R and the others are now. The modern FC. Everyone cares for everyone.

I think the TDR people would be a good FC, because they do everything wiht heart, but I understand what you wrote about it with the news which you maybe are not allowed to bring and of course your time. Sometimes in life you just have to choose between twi things.

But I am sure there are a lot of people outthere who would make a good and fair FC. The questions are just:
- Where are you ;-)
- How would a new FC look like? What would be the idea?

Well, that is just my opinion. Normally I just read here, but once in a while I just have to come along ;-)


I think than official fanclub should has a good right of existence.
I think they don’t have to bring out a review 4 times a year with old news.
But stuf an Official fanclub should do:
-Have a GOOD fanshop, with not only regular albums etcetera, but also more special or second-hand stuff for fair prices.
-Have a GOOD website. Not with their own news, but with a sort of headlines from TDR (like there already is on some pages)
-Fans getting tickets more easy for concerts (if there ever will be...)
-Previews of the new album for fans

etc etc etc

what you mention above can be done in conexion with the artist official website, like bon jovi or melissa etheridge, to mention a few.

I was sending them some wallpaper pictures for the artchive and they did not show them! They ignored me too i guess!

@Judith: I guess you mean Backstage with Jon Bon Jovi??? If so, indeed, that’s where I gotmy ideas from....

Bon Jovi’s fanclub is an excellent example of a great fanclub.

I don´t know official Roxette Fan club but I know official Queen Fan club (I am a member of this fan club since 1996) and never I had a problem with it. They do conventions, trips, offer Queen stuff publish 4 magazines a year (I know it´s not much) and so on. When you write them, always they write you back.

Also I wanted to become a member of Roxette fan club but I dind´t become in the end. Other fan clubs I don´t know too.

Sinse we’re comparing ’fanclubs’ I’d like everyone (including Per) to just briefly have a look what Alanis M.’s doing (as i had her concept of contact with fans inmind when I wrote my comments) ->> check

@purple: Actually, I really hate Alanis’ website (love her music, though)! I find it really cluttered, it rarely has the news her fans most care about (at least in my experience) and has so many weird “look-at-me-I’m-an-artiste” things (“musings” “cherish” “paintbox”) that mean absolutely nothing to me... I have no idea what I’m going to get when I click those things. Your point is taken, though, that Alanis’ site provides some guidelines for interesting ways artists can use the web to connect with fans.

I actually think the new looks exactly as I think an official Roxette site should look (well, up-to-date news would be great but short of flat-out making it up, there’s nothing they could put there right now anyway!): clear, professional, easy to navigate, complete interactive discography, etc. I’m looking forward to seeing updates appear as Rox comes back to life in the next year...

roxtexanet: “...many weird “look-at-me-I’m-an-artiste” things (“musings” “cherish” “paintbox”)...”

... I think it’s those very things that makes it exciting; check it out sometime!! As far as Alanis(career orientate) news is concerned, she’s got her publisist & record co to deal with all that and there’s enough news sites around (fan owned like TDR) that could fill you in on her latest projects (just incase she forgot to mention them in her latest bloggings).

@purple: I have checked that stuff out... and won’t again! (-: I think in general I’m mostly just interested in “the facts” about the artists I like... don’t really want to hear their thoughts about anything other than their own music (and I definitely don’t want to see their poetry or paintings or whatever, and that includes Marie!). But I do read Shirley Manson’s (Garbage) studio diary entries religiously because they’re absolutely hilarious sometimes! If you haven’t seen them, they’re really something else (warning... stay away if you’re a fan of J.Lo, Britney, X-tina et al. ...!!!). But I guess a lot of fans want that personal connection with their idols... I’m a bit odd that way I guess... I like to idolize at a distance (-;

“I like to idolize at a distance (-;”

I guess it’s a matter of choice them!

I checked Alanis side, as I really like her, and I like the side too. OK, some things are not that interesting to me, but anyway a great thing there!

I agree in thinking Per knows how it is run, but I don’t think he cares.. why should he!

I agree with Ally. I’m sure he’d rather spend his time getting a US compilation out than putting effort into sorting out a fanclub which (as others have said) has become rather superfluous in recent times. All the best, Rich ;-)

But hey! I have paid 20 euros for items that haven’t been delivered yet!! I want my money back first!

i think Per should “fire” everyone from the FC and hire new people from different countries with new ideas. Roxette fans deserve to have FC - just like japeke said.

I also wonder how much he cares or if he cares, but yeah, I agree with you guys!!! A new FC would be better after all these years fo trouble.

Yea... since the one we have (or don’t have actually) don’t work and I’ve been questioning their motive for still running the FC for years already... we really only have 2 options.

1. Have EMI or Per or whatever is in charge of it being an “official” FC, to atleast withdraw the official status.
Because it just don’t deserve to be. And it’s sure not right to put their website adress in the CD-booklets. Dunno if it’s been in there in the latest Roxette releases, but anyway. It’s just not right.

2. Fire the entire FC and start a new one.
With it’s head quarter in Sweden, would be the best I think, especially for Fanshop deliveries
(not having to first order the stuff from EMI Sweden, have it shipped to the Netherlands or wherever, pack it and THEN ship to the customer. Seems a bit too much work even for me and does surely not help to get cheap prices in the shop).
And also with “local offices” in lets say... one in a german speaking part of the world, like I dunno.. Germany. And then one in a spanish speaking counry and one in an english speaking contry. Then I think most people in the world can find an office that handles the FC-issues in a langauge they feel comfortable with. I don’t think it’s nessesary to have offices in every single contry.

Needless to say that I’d might be willing to help out with it also.

@Baby-c: I agree with you. But I think ’we’ have to wait until we get an explanation about what/how/if they are going to work in the future, what their plans are.
And I hope they don’t show up again with the story about they are just volunteers, and don’t get all the help they need from EMI etcetera... I guess it’s a bit too late for those stories now...

I think a lot of people here would liek to help and would do a good job. No doubt. Bayb-C I think you had good thoughts about how to work it out step by step! Well, that’s my opinion.

Well if we are talking refunds.... then perhaps Gessle or EMI could refund me the money I paid for my GT boxset I ordered from the UK fanclub in the 90’s, it went bankrupt about 10 days after they cashed my cheque... took me ruddy ages to save up that money I was only 16!

Yes, there are many good and fresh ideas how to bring it to life, but someone (i think Per) must do the first step.

Aw Ally that one sux - that’s down right theft!!

Well there where a few topics to choose from that have been previously discussed on the FC but I decided this one was the best to comment on (rather than starting another topic).

I am cross posting this here and at R2R…. How many people are still waiting for refunds on credits that the FC still owes them?

I know this was a much talked about topic back at R2R and questions have been raised again on there in this past month!

Refunds where promised after the summer and I am curious as to if plans have been made and organised yet to issues those refunds to people? Or are they going to be thrown another excuse?

I clearly said I did not wish for a refund as I was only perhaps owned a few euros and that decision remains for me right now, but there are people out there that would like refunds and I think it’s only fair they see them perhaps this side of Christmas!

Anyone finally going to offer an answer on this and perhaps confirm one way or another if refunds are to be issued. They where promised after the summer, well I consider summer to be well and truly over now as we are moving into October next week!

It would be nice just to know when the Fanclub issues will finally be tied up.

QUOTE: It would be nice just to know when the Fanclub issues will finally be tied up

Fully agree.

To be honest, I’d actually forgotten all about the FC. I think I’m owed 2 issues of the review, which I can’t even pretend to be bothered about. I paid that around 2 years, so it’s forgotten about. Was all the orders finally dispatched or are we still waiting for some??

I thought they announced this site was closing a while ago... Wasn’t it on the front page of TDR?

Lets invite Tevensso and Steven for this topic :-)

(look at page 1... :-)

The fanclub was closed in March....

but a lot of fans are awaiting refunds of credits from the shop and for the reviews they never got.... I guess some people are owed a little more than a few Euros!

they owe me 12 € and 2 or 3 reviews.

i fear i will never see it again. what can we do now?

I’m sure they do everything possible to solve this in a quick and efficient manner... No, I’m not serious, in case you wonder.

Thomas, excuse me whilst I pull myself off the floor laughing....

Perhaps the issues of the overdue refunds would make a good article for TDR.... maybe then someone at EMI or the management might take notice...

Ally: “Thomas, excuse me whilst I pull myself off the floor laughing....

Perhaps the issues of the overdue refunds would make a good article for TDR.... maybe then someone at EMI or the management might take notice...”

You can put some facts/info together if you want and send it to us, we *might* write something ...

Judith I might do that..... I have some spare time on my hands right now, so it would be a good idea.... :)

*edit* ... done!

great ally!


One of the FC people has posted at R2R that they are going to be discussing issues this weekend, so watch this space...

People watching this thread may wanna look at the news page...

Seen the news page at the front!

The hacked website has been removed within the past couple of minutes!

I still see the hack.

Yes I see it again now... could have been my internet faulty connection not connecting... playing up like crazy for me now!

This was an interesting thread, I must have missed it the first time around!

I thought the comments about Alanis Morrisette’s site were very true, I’ve been there and yes it’s a bit cluttered, but she’s very involved with her fans. Melissa Etheridge is another artist who uses her site to keep in touch with her fans quite actively.

It’s really sad there is no more fanclub, but I think this was a good example of why fans can’t run fanclubs. I can’t understand why a major worldwide band like Roxette had a fanclub run by 7 or 8 guys in Holland instead of an official one like most other bands.

roxette doesn’t need a new fanclub, they allready have this site and Lately Per has been more o less in touch with fans, he has been sending messages to soap site or to this site, i hope he will continue doing the same in the future. He has even shared his demos with all of us.
It’s true that other artist get more involved with fans as others don’t even bother about it at all, so i guess that we can’t really fuss about it couse it could be even worse, we could get no messages or comunication at all. And a fanshop?? whats the point of having a fanshop if you never get the things you buy or you get them late (11 months after you bought it), in my opinion cdon, skivhugget and other online shops can do it perfectly.
So i can’t see any reason for roxette to create a new fanclub.

Roxette are never going to have another fanclub, we already know this it’s already been confirmed from Dimberg some months back!

There is a story related to this discussion topic on the Features page. Click on the Features tab above.

Nice article! :)

The real answer to this is that if they are honest there is no money left, only debts.... but it would seem they prefer to just tell lies to all those fans who have paid subscribtions over the years before they will be honest and admit the truth!

Ally: “The real answer to this is that if they are honest there is no money left, only debts.... but it would seem they prefer to just tell lies to all those fans who have paid subscribtions over the years before they will be honest and admit the truth!”

I wonder why this doesn’t surprise me at all! ;)

Seems the TDR article did something, they put a message on the site....

Eventually our website hacking issues are resolved and we have regained control of, we now want to give you our awaited update on how we are going to sort out the FC issues.
Despite the fact that some people online seem to have the urge to bring up the FC issue again and again (without checking the facts properly) it’s always been our intention to solve the remaining issues in a proper manner. We have waited with this for the best suitable time for us, so that we can do it quickly and efficiently.

I would like to know how you are suppose to check facts proper when no one replies to emails!!!!!!!!! and for the past TWO weeks messages on R2R have been ignored despite the fact Sarah has been posting elsewhere in that forum!!!!!!!!!

I would like to know how you are suppose to check facts proper when no one replies to emails!!!!!!!!! and for the past TWO weeks messages on R2R have been ignored despite the fact Sarah has been posting elsewhere in that forum!!!!!!!!!

>> and you don’t even want to get the money back, imagine those who want to! Besdies the fact that they consider SPAM any email you would send asking about refund/credit ;)

“Please do not spam us with requests as to what is happening with your credits. We are fully aware of them and finding the best way to meet everyone’s needs in an efficient and practical manner.”

Sounds professional, doesn’t it? ;) So.. customers are a pain in the ...

Funny how, everytime somebody starts to ask about the FC issues again and we end up publishing an article, a message on their website pops-up :D

I don’t know what facts are wrong anyway, the fanclub owes money, there was nothing from the FC for months (except Sarah’s comments), and things are still not solved (and they won’t be for the next 3 months at least). And it is pretty clear that the big problem is missing funds in the books or?

I asked this on the feature article...but who is the person responsible for the money at the end of the day? When the FC made money, who did it go to? I was under the impression it was non profit, but who is the person who had the responsibility for the money? If money is owed, does it have to come out of Ronald’s pocket personally, or from the fanclub as a company....?

I think all that is left is debts.... there should be no reason for people to email asking for refunds they should do it automatically...

What about those fans who are not online that can’t get an email with the information (although I don’t think they sent a mass email to everyone - as I have nothing).....

Are they just expecting people to log on to there forum daily and wait for updates!

Not everyone has access to the internet!!!!!!!!!


For those that don’t know, those wanting refunds need to contact the FC - you have TWO months!

AND you won’t get refunds, you’ll get merchandise that is left over that you don’t probably want. Ha ha ha!!!

or what you already have!

Is anyone else slightly disgusted at the fact the FC cannot be bothered to contact fans who have paid membership fees and tell them that it is closed...

They seem to be blinkered that everyone has access to the internet and knows it has folded....

*raises hand*

They take the money, then in return you are suppose to get 4 reviews and 4 newsletters...

I mean officially they have not even told me that the fanclub is no more other than a mere statement on there website months ago....

Don’t people understand that there is still a lot of people without internet access...

The least they could have done was a simple A4 newsletter or mail drop saying it had closed to all those people who paid membership fees!

As was posted on R2R, no they won’t do that.

It’s probably too much to ask of them. Well, in free enterprise, they would never have made it.

Or we are simply too demanding, Alison. And how can the world not have access to the internet and check the FC page three times daily? :P

And had TDR not dared to rise the subject again, nothing would have happened.

I know.... at least TDR has it’s uses! :) Otherwise would still be sporting the hacked page and no news I think!


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