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HUGE interview in Aftonbladet Söndag

37 replies

Every sunday Aftonbladet has a magazine you can buy with the regular paper, called Aftonbladet Söndag. You can not read that one on the internet.

today there is a 6 pageg long interview with Roxette. With some great photos, which I’ve never seen before. Actually I don’t think I’ve seen any of the photos before.

It’s a really good interview. And lot’s of funny facts. About the China gig and pretty much everything else.
And that Coca Cola had bought half the Joyride tour and Pepsi the other half, so Roxette made lot’s of money on that.

And Per says the music climate today is pathetic, with Kelly Clarkson and Idol, fast made productions just to make money fast.

Hopefully some Swede can scan it and upload it.

I’m gonna try to find the best part and translate it.

My suggestion to all the swedes out there, buy it! It’s worth the 10+5 kronor.

Why can you not upload this Interview? You comes from Sweden.

Maybe someone should buy several copies and sell them on eBay, potential for profit!

Have no scanner. Sorry.

In the interview Per says the best intro in the world is the “yeah yeah yeah” in Dressed for succes.

He stole the phrase “never was a quitter” (The Look), from a Nick Lowe song, “Born Fighter”.

He also says that Roxette sells houndreds of thousends records each year to a new audience. Just because there is a time-less quality. Who buys a Back street boys-record today, per asks.

He also says The Look is their best song.

Have you the Magazin?

The major reason to buy it is the pictures. The interview is a short summary of theur carreer.

Marie says she can very well record a new album with Per.
Per says, it can be more (than One Wish)

Best news today. :)

I think per and marie where just seeing how many roxette fans still remember them, i mean its knocking on 6 years since there last studio album RS ow my!

Back in 1999 Per didn’t wanna be in their videos. He wasn’t really satisified with his looks. He was too heavy.
And Marie says he looks much better now. :)

Sounds great!! Oh, I should live in sweden....

@GT_85: Any NEW pics in it ??

Hope of a nice Swede that scan this Interview.

Littlemarie lets do it... :)

There is one new picture, from the “roxette room” in the EMI office.

That would be really interesting to read. Maybe someone who can translate the interview and put it on the front page of TDR ?

It’s long, but there’s no really new info there. Bits and pieces maybe. I wasted 14 SEK... :)

Oh, I didn’t know the things GT_85 wrote, and I think many Roxette fans didn’t know. Maybe it could be nice to highlight these pieces in an article on the frontpage.

Would it be possible to have this Aftonbladet magazine on ’Buy it now’?

No, Ted didn’t buy enough copies! ;)

I so want this article and I am not even a collector anymore!

I can’t find the interview on Aftonbladet’s website...anyone know the link?

There is none. This is in a special Sunday issue.

Sunday magazine..... only!

Hi Xavi!!! ^^
This is Bk.... :D

Nice work Ted! :)

Here it is:

Cool! Thank you very much Thomas.

Thank you Tev! Great interview! : D

Hope of a Translation from the Interview

Nice work Thomas! ;)

Now all we need is for someone to share the photo from King Magazine of Per!

can anyone translation the interview?

Good interview and cool pics!!! :D I would like to be able to have this magazine :S ...

Thanks for scanning Tev ;) But why is it not on the site? There’s been Sunday interviews before and they always made it on the web. Anyway luckily my friend was able to get her hands on a copy for me!

Thanx Tev! Greetings from Buenos Aires.
Go on supporting Roxette.

Great work tevenso. Thanks.

I have a copy on the way in the post! ;)

The PDF is locked and you cant download the pictures... XD XD


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