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Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla (Demo)

9 replies


has someone heard this demo? What does it sound like? Because the album version is very sweet :-)

As far as I know ’RoxBox’ version is the same as the ’The Pop Hits - Bonus EP’ one :)

But the PopHits-Version is not marked as “Demo”.

Yepp, but I’ve heard that there is no difference ;-)

This is just crazy.

The Pop Hits Bla Bla Bla is not marked as a demo. And i would never think it’s a demo cause it doesn’t really sound like a demo.

Now the one in the Roxbox, you say, is the same one that’s on the Pop Hits. So why, one is marked as a demo and the other one is not? It’s really strange.

If that’s true a lot people think they have a final version of the song, when it’s actually a demo...

Just hope that if this is true, it doesn’t aplly to Better Off On Hwe Own too. If it does, then the Pop Hits EP was fasely advertised.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

once if it is NOT true, that would add a THIRD new and unheard song to my list... But I wouldn’t get my hopes too high ;)

WHAT ???????????????? The PopHits version is never a demo!

Sometimes I think EMI and Roxette don’t respect the fans. They just want to fool them. They mark 7twenty7 as previously unreleased, and hey, i got that demo on an official released cd-single !!!!!

For me, it would be okay, when they say: okay, we have 5 unheard tracks/versions. But this stupid 14 new tracks, then 14 unreleased tracks, and now we have 5 or 6.........

Roxette will loose their fanbase, not their hard-core-fans. But a normal fan will never buy this stupid box.

yea its kinda strange how songs are listed as unreleased..... maybe they dont pay attention really what they release lol

What if the 7Twenty7 demo is different from the one we know? There may be several demos of every song.

yet more proof that emi doesn’t really care to document anything substantial roxette does :) i think it would have been better to bundle the new hits package with the unplugged show no box, save that till they retire


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