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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Is Marie sick?

15 replies

I’m very sadddddd if is true what Marie is sick! Please anyone can told me?????????:-(((((((((((((((((((((((MARIE YOU ARE VERY STRONG!
WE LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU SO,SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i guess marie is sick. maybe for this, they dont play in germany live!

Maybe!!! she is thinner-the face ist very small

That may be your “guess”... but no, Marie isn’t sick. She’s healthier than I am right now. This kind of speculation don’t do anyone any good.

i want to be so.....well..I will pray for her! let;s do just!

Lars I appreciate your words!.

This paranoid assumptions are really tiresome. Everybody should know at this point that Marie isn’t too keen on exhausting promotional tours anymore.

It’s just silly to assume that Marie will have the same pace she used to have before her illness. I was surprised when she agreed on recording new stuff for Roxette and even more surprised when they announced promotional gigs. She’s really stepping out of her comfort zone.

I hope people would stop this morbid obsession about Marie being and looking sick. I think she looks fabulous.

Marie is back...ans she looks very pretty like aways and better

I don’t think that’s the reason. I do think that she’s still not ready to face all the screaming fans though, but not that she’s sick.

etrejos: I agree with everything you said. At the same time, don’t be too hard on fans who worry that she’s sick. I don’t think it’s morbid fascination as much as just really worried fans who are scared for her. Marie had an illness that has a damn good chance of returning and until 5 years have passed nobody can be certain she’s cured. So it makes sense to me that some fans will be worried, especially when she’s seen to have some physical problems and looks thin. Don’t be too hard on them. But let’s look to the positives, she looks fantastic and all the reports are that she’s fine and happy. That’s what matters!!!!

if u read the biography it says marie has fully recovered an is slowly gettin back to performing... geez give her a chance... is 2 new songs not even enuff....??

I don’t know what’s so difficult to understand? Marie has been telling us interview after interview that she is taking this easy, one day at a time. She even said in an interview that when MBV was out everything was going too fast again and that she had to slow down, that she didn’t /doesn’t want to go there again anytime soon. And this is what she is doing ;)

I know it’s hard for a lot of people to grasp English on this forum.... but why can’t people understand what Marie has been through the passed 4 years and that despite the good recovery she might not be into promotion but that it does not mean she is sick again!

because, Ally, people only want to believe what they want. You can tell them over and over again, and they won’t accept it. Frustrating, non?



the least u people could do is just be happy that marie was still willing to go ahead with these recordings, and respect her for the decisions that she makes. it’s her life after all!!!

to me, she looks almost better than in the early eighties...


There just seems to be some people that don’t perhaps realise the seriousness of what having a Brain Tumour is all about… it’s probably one of the worse type of Cancer and most risky you could ever have. I was one of those people that seriously thought we would never see anything from Roxette again and I am so grateful to get the new song, the Rox Box and the chance to see Marie in a Roxette video again… even if the quality is not all that great….

Why can’t people just accept it, all this moaning about Bravo and stuff, yeah I feel sorry for those with plans to go but no one died so just get over it….

If I had the choice of having my two friends back that died of a brain tumours over a live performance by Roxette I know which I would choose….

Marie sick? B*llsh*t.

Just read Judiths explanation above.


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