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Hints Of Things Still Yet To Come?

19 replies

On the news page when everybody was up in arms over the Rox Box there was a hint that the Daily Roxette knows something nice that is being kept under wraps....for now.

what do you all think it may be?

a new album
a new tour
per is actually called marie and marie is actually called per?

you forgot the 4th option.... Roxette is Marie’s real name.... LOL

damn....why do i never think of stuff like that...i hate that when i say “do you remember Roxette?” and thay say yeh she was good...i say “there were 2 of them” reply “really”

i was just talking to a friend on msn and i showed him the “one wish” video... then he asked me: “why the hell is that bloke singing?????” O.o lmao

tell him “That Bloke” has sold over 70 million records and had 7 hit albums in every corner of the globe

Yes there are more things that will come. Something always happens! :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Greatest Hits part V, VI and VII? No, just kidding. I’m hoping for ’Wrong Tie Day’, the continuation of ’Bad Hair Day’ or some live album/DVD. That would be great. :-) A tour or a new album would be great, too, but I’ve got doubts about it.

I think it’s the begining of a new Roxette!
More to come surely! Just trust!

@Marlene: Hey, that’s a great title!

I have that feeling too since a long time.

... Beautiful things are coming our way...

It would be nice to see something up there sleeve....

I think I know what it is! Didn’t Per say something about shooting video at the Rox recording sessions?? Or am I mistaking Rox with SOAP? Anyway, if there is studio footage, there could be a new documentary in the works.

Which will be released on a DVD, along with - wait for it - every Roxette video ever recorded! :-D

Anyone else remember hearing something about this?

@ fabi_salisbury

I was telling some people at work here in Australia the other day about the new Roxette song, and these were the responses I got:

That was the name of a woman.
My response no there are two man & woman.

Didn’t they split up?
My response - no they are still recording.

They sung Take My Breath Away to Top Gun movie.
My response - no that was a group called Berlin.

and my favourite one:

What do they sing?
My respone It Must Have Been Love to Pretty Woman you should know that one. I had to play the song for this particular woman before she said ah yeah I remember - so dumb!

Btw It Must Have Been Love and The Look still get regular airplay on the radio here in Australia.

well i’ll say this much after what happened with teh horrible reaction, pers need to comment back and the illegal leak of the 2 new songs alot of what may have been coming is up in their air sometimes people just don’t understand the reactions thier selfish actions have

a last new Album-No Tour!! or split up?

why split up?

after the nasty bashing going on here if i were gonna split up i wouldn’t even announce it :)

coyboyusa - somehow i think that per and marie will have better to think about than people havin a go at them on an internet forum

@StephenDH good ones

Btw... this friend of mine refers to IMHBL as “Pretty woman”.... LOL

- “do u like roxette?”
- “yeah. i even bought ’their’ Pretty Woman cd”


ps: we should open another thread with this topic, its getting a tad off-topic

I can’t understand people thinking Roxette is just Marie, their 2 most famous songs are sung by Per for the bigger part. “The Look” and “Joyride”


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