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Per and Maries Favourite Songs?

3 replies

Anyone any idea which songs Per and Marie like most from each album and which do they not like?

All I know Marie was never a big fan of Dangerous. And they are not too proud about Almost Unreal either (I wonder why, cause it is a great song). If you have “Don’t bore us - Get To The Chorus” you shoud read the liner notes, they talk about this matter there. Anyway, I have some “track-by-track” comments for CBB, HAND and RS at home. I will search and I’ll let you know their thoughts about the songs tomorrow, if you want.

I know that Marie said, that their best song ever is The Look and also said that she always want to write song like Crash! Boom! Bang!
Per´s favourite is also The Look and another personal favourite is I´m Sorry. He wrote it on SOAP Ask Per.

If you ask Marie her favourite Rox song, 9 times out of 10 she says the latest single. I’ve heard her get asked the question many times and she rarely answers the same way twice. She’s said everything from Soul Deep to Stars is her fave song. Per...he usually says The Look.


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