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Pugh Rogefeldt about Marie!!

4 replies

Hello hello!
Have you noticed that Marie has little move problems (because of her illness) in the new clip? I mentioned that!

Now I asked Pugh Rogefeldt which performed at least with Marie some weeks ago about this >> - GUESTBOOK

His personaly answer:

I can assure you. Theres nothing wrong with Marie F. She is as talanted strong and generous as ever. In fact its like magic. She has just released a cd “Min bäste vän”, (My best friend) which leave proof on that. Soon there will be pics and commentaries on this site from the concert in Stockholm. P.

Keep cool. A.

Yeah Marie already admitted she had some problems which I guess can only be expected when you go through something like she had....

... but she sure looks good!

i dont understand the big deal why the negativity surrounding how marie moves? would you arther she pushes herself to the brink and ends up hospitalized? sometimes people aren’t thankful for the little gifts they get in life apparently

yeah... no. That isn’t a negative comment. People are concerned about Marie and want to know. I’ve noticed “the change” in the OW video, everyone has. Its just normal for people to wonder. Its not negativity, its concern and love for Marie. Thats all.

No need to acuse people of being “negative” and fight “negativity” with actual negativity.

No one can change what happened. Everyone has to move on with Roxette and deal with it. And we are. Let people do it in their own ways and be supportive. You are not the only one with emotions.

I didn’t take it as a criticism of Marie, I think people are worried when they see she can’t move properly and has trouble getting down stairs. I know I am.


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