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Room Service Album 21 Track Version

9 replies

thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has to be a bootleg, there was never a release like that in Germany! And besides, the European EMI CDs usually don’t even say “Made/Printed in (country)” anymore, but “Printed in EU”...

(ETA: Is it me or is the number really the same as the one of the normal European RS CD?)

Probably a bootlge, where id you find this mate?


Yes it is the same number as the normal european edition.

Having another look at the CD it reads:

This compilation P&C 2001 EMI Electrola - It has the EMI logo on the disc.

Edit: It also reads:
P 2001 Roxette Recordings under exclusive licence to EMI Svenska AB
C 2001 Roxette Recordings under exclusive licence to EMI Svenska AB
2001 Roxette Recordings place of manufacture as stated on label (Germany)
Marketed and distributed by EMI Printed in EU.

The booklet is only two pages being the main photo in the middle of the book of the normal room service edition.

As a real ’RoxFreak’ you should IMMEDIATELY recognize that this poor-quality CD (including the cover etcetera) is a bootleg :-) :-)

(I also have it, bought it for about 4 Euro on a festival)

Now you deleted the original message and others can’t read it anymore....

Are you ok mate?

Hey I’ve done It. I bought Pearls of Passion fro ma guy in Adelaide saying it was the real one. Turned out to be a good bootleg.

Just bring it back tell them It’s a bootleg.



lol a sucker is born every day

@japeke & coyboyusa

Yeah thanks I now know it’s a bootleg now but the your answers could have done without the sarcasim.

Seriously there is no need to be like that.

@coyboyusa I’m glad you find it amusing. I mean that comment is just rude serioulsy.

Also I thought that maybe I was sharing some potential information about a release that other fans would have been interested in - but don’t worry about it just forget I asked.

@japeke it is the same front cover and back covers as the room service cd but just has +9 bonus tracks written near the room service title and the CD quality on all tracks is exactly the same quality as my other room service albums being the normal european and japanese versions. But it doesn’t matter anymore it’s not important. Forget I asked I’ll think twice before I start a discussion on TDR again.

It saddens me that we can’t be nicer to each other here. While both Japeke and CoyboyUSA probably didn’t realize that their words would be taken so hard... a community of fans (of any band or artist) should always make an extra effort to be cordial to those who might not be as well-informed.

Had I gotten here earlier... I would definitely have unpublished Coyboy’s post... as it is too easily read as being rude (even though I’d like to believe that Coyboy didn’t really intend to be mean-spirited.... that rather he just didn’t think about about the impact his words might have before he clicked on “Submit”). We’d like to ask everyone to think a little bit more before submitting a post.

In that regard, we’re formulating new rules for SmallTalk... you’ll find them in the TDR Discussions section. One of those rules is to BE NICE to each other. It is our hope and desire that there should not be a repeat of a situation where a reader feels bashed. We ask EVERYONE to assist with this goal... and please let us know (“About Us” tab) if you think we’ve not seen or missed something.

Finally... a personal note to Stephen: We at TDR regret that your feelings were hurt. Both Japeke and CoyboyUSA have been active, loyal subscribers for a very long time, and I believe I know them well enough to say that I’m sure they will also feel badly about this. Please allow them, and us, a chance to improve our track record with you so far. – LEO


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