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New singles sounding quite odd....

3 replies

Not very impressed. I think someone stated in another forum that they “felt” that Roxette might have something up their sleeves....I have that same feeling only because both these (2) new songs are NOT up to Roxette standards. I’d rather have them re-release the last (4) new singles “again” than these (2). Atleast Little Miss Sorrow(what an awesome title for a song) has more guitars and an actual “story” behind it. And so does OppNox! Breathe blows away “Reveal” and A thing About You (which I don’t understand why it’s on this new compliation and not the others as earlier mentioned) is what it is–almost in the same lines as the new songs–you can’t follow them because there’s no explanation behind them–NO MEANING. It’s jiberish to me. A bunch of words that rthymn but have no story behind them. I honestly think they (Roxette) are planning better things next than what’s being released on this ROXBOX. If I’m wrong well, then I think someone from the “outside” should come in and jazz things up lyrically. It does sound like Per went into the “vault” and closed his eyes and picked two lyric sheets out and said–“okay” this is it!

Not up to Roxette’s standards or yours? :P

Well, that’s a good question but, considering I’ve followed Roxette for those 20yrs and I’m a musician myself(not saying that discredits your opinion) I can definitely tell the difference musically and lyrically. When an expericened musician starts swaying towards a writer’s block and when they, as a band, start creating music just to get a single out for a promotion (that’s been going on for the last five years–how many greatest hits is it now? 4-5?). I believe in Per’s eyes and heart that he is still at his best but lately the singles have been getting simpler and more about nothing, basically all non-sense.

Of course this is very interesting vtech101, but there’s already a discussion topic started on the new songs, and this all seems like it could have been added to that ongoing discussion.

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