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strange comments about Roxette

9 replies

What’s the most bizarre comment u heard from a friend regarding Roxette?

From my father when Roxette was “new” in 1989...” theres a new band where the woman tries to be like Madonna”. It was right before I started to love that woman=)

people in the US of course have forgotten about them, they know what songs they like, but they have no idea they are from Roxette, as soon as I show them a picture of Roxette, they then start showing me pictures of short hair blond girl singing and call her Roxette.

my friends used to love making fun of me by saying marie was a lesbian and per was gay. they said that just to make me angry, they did most of the time, but nothing, nothing at all they ever said about rox prevented me from loving this band like i do! i will always love roxette, even if per makes nasty comments and hides coy remixes in his wardrobe.

As i said before the most bizarre comment i heard was: “why the f%&$ is that bloke singing?”

That Marie had died in a car accident in 1993 :-s

Bizarrest comment- I was talking about Roxette, and mentioned Pers name to a friend of mine, and he went ’Who?’. So, I found a pic of them in the Joyride days, and he went ’It’s him, its Electric Shock Dude!’ My how I laughed...

I showed a pix of Marie to my classmate at Junior High, and she said that she really liked her in Robocop.

people who I have just met comment “are they still alive?”

Either that or I get Roxanne sung at me!


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