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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Roxette comeback to Argentina please!

27 replies

We’re waiting for u since Room Service Tour!!
You have many,many fans here!
Just as a small promotion as u did with HAND.Do you remember HAND promo here??!Was totally crazy!
PLEASE! We love you!

Oh God! My dream will come true!
I love you,comeback plz!

we love u here please come back ,we neeed u

Please, dont forget us!!!!


I’m all for it, of course!

I’m so happy we get the roxbox & GH release here! Comeback to Argentina please!Just in a small promo plan! I’ve been waiting for u since HAND

Just to think about it,makes me drive crazy!!
Per & Marie:
We need you back here,face to face,for say once more how we love you!
You’re great!

Come back to Argentina soon!
We miss you and we love you!!!!

Brenda from Argentina.

Its a great news!!

we are waiting for rox with the open arms!!!

Hugs & Kisses

Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson!!!


Luv & peace from Vanesa - Argentinian fan

Argentinian people, keep on asking Roxette to come to your country!!
but first, please, COME TO MY COUNTRY, COME TO SPAIN!! HA Ah ah ah..
and then argentina..don´t worry people.... ;P

Roxette: We really love you and we want to see you once again, It‘s been so long since the last time... Please come to Argentina!! Kisses!!

I’m sure they will not come this year, but if they release an album (next year maybe), they may come.

Roxette plz comeback to Argentina!

There is a difference between being negative and being REALISTIC. Opening a thread won’t help to get Per and Marie back to this country. That’s a fact. Saying “please, please, please COME BACK HERE, WE LOVE YOUUUU!” is like a baby that cries and cries to get something (a candy or whatever else). Just imagine every fan from every country starting a thread to say “Come back to Brazil”, “Come back to Poland”, “Come back to... Malaysia”, this would be a chaos. And it would be totally pointless.

My opinion is the Argentinian comunity of fans is the worst I ever knew. I have never talked to any fan as radical and obssesive as the Argentinians. Maybe that’s the reason I feel more confortable talking with people overseas than local people. I guess they are one step ahead, we have a lot to learn yet.

Everyone from all the different countries round the world should start up threads now, just to annoy Room Service!! he he he. Now THAT would be immature!!

Please, Paul, that’s not the most brilliant idea! hehe

Just imagine every fan from every country starting a thread to say “Come back to ...

@ Room Service

Roxette, come back to Poland lol :):):) After reading what you wrote I have to say that I think in the same way. This topic ridiculous and yes, I don’t have to read it if I don’t like :-) I won’t :)

Please comeback to Argentina again, here a lot of fans are waiting for you!!!

Room Service: Aren’t you tired of criticizing every message posted by Substitute? What’s the problem? Reading is not mandatory. If you don’t like it, then don’t read it!!! If people want to express their feelings, sorry but there’s nothing you can do about that. We are free to say whatever we want here, unless it is offensive. Like it or not, nobody said anything offensive in this thread.

It may sound like a baby cry, but that’s the way we like it. After all, who said that if we ask them to come, they certainly WILL COME? We can write hundreds of messages here, but it’s still THEIR decision.


You know you have a lot of fans here, don’t you? ;)

I love you and I’m dying to meet you! Please make my dream come true!!!!!! :D

Yes, but I remember the “Ask Per” feature in the SOAP site, when everybody was asking if Per had any plans to visit their respective countries. Don’t you remember? It was people from Romania, Russia, Portugal, many places. And as far as I know, Per did visit those places. So, what’s the point in starting a thread like this?

Regarding substitute, I won’t make a comment. Many people know how the things are. And let me say I never write in capital letters...

Do you have a personal problem with people’s asking Per to visit their countries? If he didn’t get pissed off, why do you?

I insist, if this thread is nonsense to you, why do you read it?

A) I never write in capital letters, that’s not polite and a lesson you should learn. If you have some proof, post a link to any thread where I wrote using capital letter and I will accept it.

B) I have never sent any personal mail to you. It would be nice if you can show them to me, because I don’t remember it. It could be my memory is too weak...

C) Like Santi said before, you are acting like an “ayatollah” again.

I wouldn’t mind if they plan to visit as many countries as they want .... that will help in promoting the new greatest hits. But I think that depends on Marie’s will. If they will be on Bravo’s 50th party, why not?

If you had one wish, what would it be ...

guys, please stop arguing. of course rox will do whatever they want, and who knows? they will release a new gh, who would have thought that? probably they´ll come here, actually a friend told me he read in the newspaper here that rox was coming. also on the local radio stations there´s a rumor. maybe everyone is lying, maybe rox will come, maybe coy remixes will be released too...

btw; What means ayatollah?

@tavo: and maybe Elvis and Jimmy are still alive... :P


can we all please calm down?
I also kindly invite you to read the rules again:

specially about flaming and insulting. And please, don’t shout (write in capital letters), we are not blind neither deaf. Thanks.


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