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Per's Comment To The Fans

115 replies

WOW –> More than a 100 replies... I decided to delete
my message, cos now after all this moaning, and now
have heard Myth, One Wish and Reveal I gotta say......

Im satisfied with the new songs... :) THEY GREAT !

Anyway -> Just to few of them *LOL* And the box is
€ 94 in Denmark :S But Ill buy it anyway... I got to :S

Greets René and lots of love !

Its the tone of the letter I can’t STAND. Yes, I wasn’t holding much hope of an apology, but this has thrown petrol on the proverbial bonfire

His gettin’ bitter and old perhaps *LOL*

But for me, its so disapointing with this box, and now
that he has commented that in such a dumb way im
double dispointed....

Yuuuhuuu.... Whateveriam is here :)

Its just made this whole thing worse. Black Tuesday sends virtually every fan into a slump, and now this feels like we’ve just received a kick in the nuts, except that being a girl, I don’t know what thats like.

And, no I’m not her! Unless you mean something else?

OK, this is making my weekend crappy!

I didnt think U where Per :)

U where cute as a baby :) .... And now ?

Just kidding

Ugly- if I had a dog this homely, I’d make it walk backwards!

Sorry, reading about 5 things at once, did you mean here?

What makes me feel sick is the fact some people has started saving money to get this stupid box. Even some people still supports him. I can’t stand it, grrrrrrrr....

He’s gettin the royalties at the end of it, but whether he cares who from is another matter.

That cant be *LOL*

Yeah it can, someone will buy it...

I wasnt refearing to that :)

OK sorry!

And he even has the guts to call this set “mighty”. Incredible!

Anyway ! Im sooooOoooOoooo thankfull for the solo projects since 2003, starting with Mazarin and so on...

We’ve been spoiled with 5 albums since then and plenty
of singles....


He knows it sucks - BIGTIME...

Im repeating myself :S ... Damn... Im getting old...

Yes, but patronising us is not gonna make it ok, apologising won’t either

You’re right... Just wanted to say something positive :)

This box is like car crash television...

I will go and make my on box :) ... :S

In fact this set is like those CD sets offered by Reader’s Digest. They are only a big compilation of old hits, but they don’t include anything exclusive.

By the way, RJ1976, did you get my message? I don’t know if “appleinthemud” is working.

Then sell your box!

Oh come on, this is going too far. Why should Per apologize? His job is to make a product, and we are the customers who can choose to buy his product or not. He doesn’t OWE us anything.

I don’t like the tracklist of the box, it’s boring and nothing I don’t have. But I’m not going to throw a tantrum and start making personal attacks at Per over this.

Per’s been rubbed the wrong way by most of us over this. In the future I think we will get no demos, or ALOT of them because of what has happened. Im hoping for the latter ;-)

I know exactly how Per feels. Over the years I’ve had about 5 websites, and I also write fiction online. You get so many “fans” demanding this or that, not liking something on my site or something that happened in a story. I’m’s MY story, they can do what I want them to. Same deal with Per, it’s his choice. Time will tell if it was a smart choice, when the sales results come back for the box. If it sells badly, he’ll learn a lesson what to put on a release next time. If it sells well (remember that the public will be the main judge, not us) he can laugh at us.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This thread is available for those who wish to keep going on and on (ad nauseum) to what certainly has already been said and re-said, asked and answered, hashed and rehashed.

Frankly, I think some of our readers are enjoying themselves WAY too much on this. I had a friend named Olin who just LOVED to complain... whereever we’d go, he’d find something to complain about: The food’s too cold, the movie was a disappointment, the sales clerk didn’t say ’thank you,’ etc. Finally, I had enough. He’s no longer my friend. I see signs of Olin in a few particular readers who – over time – almost ALWAYS have only negative things to say.

Finally... please consider that by going on and on about this RoxBox of previously recorded material, you may indeed (in my opinion) be endangering the release of NEW material. And the extreme goodwill towards fans that we saw displayed via the Bad Hair Day project... that we believe was likely to occur again... well, the prospect for that diminishes I believe by all of this brouhaha. It’s my personal desire for MORE of Roxette in the FUTURE... that makes me upset that some fans seem to have blinders on and can only see the past and present. – LEO

Oh, so now we get the “You have to like everything they do if you want new stuff”-card? Now that’s just sad...

I agree with you up to an extent. I don’t think Per and Marie are obligated to fulfill any of our demands. You’re right in saying that they owe us nothing.

That said, I do not believe 14 tracks should be promised, and then the promise not be fulfilled.

Although there is no obligation to do so, it would be wise for them to listen to their fans once in a while -and consider what they have to say, since the fans/consumers are the ones who ultimately keep them in business.

Finally, it is not wise not to deliver what was promised and then to further alienate your fans through patronizing comments. If I spoke to my clients with such condescension (just because they had a complaint), I should not be surprised that they would close their accounts and move their business elsewhere. You lose fans when you tell ’em indirectly to “Go Fly A Kite”.

I am more disppointed in Mr. Gessle’s careless and insensitive response than I am with the content of Rox Box. In my opinion, he missed a good opportunity to reachout to and reconnect with some disappointed fans. Even if it meant the tracklisting could not be changed, a little empathy would have gone a long way.

Enough is enough! Come on!

How long will many of us here in TDR keep this going?

It’s been 5 days now and still the suffering.
Yeah, it’s an disapoitment and frustrating. But it should be just that. We have many more important things in life to worry about and actually be upset about.

The tracklist sucks! However, we do have the choice to buy it or not. Futhermore, we are pretty grown up to see when it’s time to stop this “out of hand rebelion” .

Take care ladies and gentlemen!
Carlos E., New York.

i agree

as much as I have my own opinions as to what should have been included in the box, this is nothing new. I have always had opinions about what singles should be released, why b-sides were not actually on albums...etc etc etc

the sense of entitlement that some people seem to have is unreal. I can actually smell the rabid foam spraying from people’s mouths as i read some of the messages on these boards.

I don’t recall Per taking an oath and “promising” anything. In fact, it seems that whenever he has talked about the project, he has been upfront about what is in development at that time. He is actually quite generous at keeping his fans updated with things- while other artists would just keep everything private while their fans beg and beg for any scrap of information.

Per is also human. Yes his letter may seem a little curt but perhaps he is simply expressing his disappointment they best way he knows how. It’s not only the reaction that people have had to the actual tracklising. For months people have been going on about what should be done, how P&M or EMI or whomever will “probably end up screwing us again”

“the artwork sux”
“they better include this or i’ve lost all respect”
“blah di blah blah...”

even i’m getting bitter about this! it is agonizing coming onto these boards and seeing pages and pages of this stuff. Is it not possible to express an opinion without ranting on as if your home has been taken away from you? These are “discussion” boards after all.

If anyone feels “robbed” or “betrayed” or that this is the “final straw” then please stand by your words, boycott the releases and stop flaming already.

Sorry if this is a little rantish. I just feel like somebody’s dropped my birthday cake on the floor and stepped all over it. I can only imagine how Per feels.

peace out :-)


It gets to a point where some people who were upset about the tracklisting will start to get upset about all the others who can’t seem to stop pounding to death the same issue over and over and over again.

There’s a limit and we all should be wise enough to know that it has been crossed and, therefore, acknowledge that it should go on no more.

Look, even though my classes start on Tuesday and will have to work, go to school, work on school materials and deal with a horrific RoxBox tracklisting, i still managed to keep myself composed and sane. :-)

Take care, guys!
Carlos E., New York.

@fridapeeples: Couldn’t have said it better myself. Fact is that artists rarely cater to hardcore, must-buy-everything fans like us with their releases (although admittedly there are some who are quite good at it). Roxette is the only band I’ve collected on, so I’ve got all the b-sides, etc. from the first time they were made available and a whole lot of stuff I *shouldn’t* have, like Marie’s English demos, the “Look Sharp!” outtakes, etc. - stuff that was stolen and bootlegged. BUT, if another band I love - say, Garbage or the Indigo Girls - put out a box set like this I’d be overjoyed... I haven’t been able to buy all of their singles, bootlegs, etc. and I’m missing a lot. When the Indigo Girls put out a “Rarities” CD last year, most of the fans were disappointed because virtually every track had already leaked on a bootleg or was an old, forgotten b-side or whatever so it wasn’t anything new to them. But it was to me! I bought the 15 track CD and got 14 songs I’d never heard - the one song I had already I’d downloaded from Kazaa.

It would be really nice if P&M put something out just for the fans (perhaps through Bad Hair Day) - a collection of studio outtakes might not pass “quality control” but the fans would eat it up anyway, even if the songs are awful, for the historic value and the “peek” into the Rox world. Maybe next time.

“Finally... please consider that by going on and on about this RoxBox of previously recorded material, you may indeed (in my opinion) be endangering the release of NEW material. And the extreme goodwill towards fans that we saw displayed via the Bad Hair Day project... that we believe was likely to occur again...”

This sounds like that we (fans) NEVER are allowed to complain about certain things. We have to behave the right way, otherwise we don’t get goodies. (as in the kindergarten?) If it’s so in real then there really is something wrong in the relationship between them and us. I thought this would work the other way round.

Everybody made his or her point now and, to some extent, all are understandable - even Per’s.

The point referring to a bank’s customers is not valid for a bank depends on its customers, Mr Gessle does not depend on anybody anymore.

Let us not go on and be furious about the implications Per may have committed in his statement. We all know, or should know by now, how he is.

Let things cool down a bit. We won’t change a thing. We just can draw conclusions.

Hateful statements are as inadaequate as hypocritical flattery.

Please all, let it come to an end with this.

We should now start/go on celebrating Roxette’s birthday. This controversy destroys all fun and good vibes.
All I know: I’m not really that happy with the Box (I just got so much rare Rox-stuff), but anyway I’ll buy it since there IS some good stuff - it’s up to me... . Per would never lie to us (why should he?). So I believe this is just a big misunderstanding between some fans and Per. I am thankful that they continue their work with Roxette. And I am thankful for everything they did & do for us.

Lets go back to the fun part... LOOKING FORWARD TO SEE PER & MARIE ON STAGE IN HAMBURG!!!
I’ll bring my swedish flag and scream the hell out of me I LOVE MARIE, I LOVE PER, I LOVE ROXETTE 4 EVER!!!

Greez Peter *celebrating*

“This sounds like that we (fans) NEVER are allowed to complain about certain things. We have to behave the right way, otherwise we don’t get goodies. (as in the kindergarten?) If it’s so in real then there really is something wrong in the relationship between them and us. I thought this would work the other way round.”

I don’t see a problem in complaining, hell I do it all the time. I think it’s just that certain fans went waaaaay too far. I was pretty shocked by some of the reactions too...I’m no Per fan but he didn’t deserve some of the more personal attacks made on him.

My one criticism of Per’s comment is that he didn’t clarify that his anger is only towards those fans who overreacted...there is nothing to the fans who DIDN’T jump up and down, or to fans like Ncurran who expressed their disappointment in a calm manner. It wasn’t fair to attack everyone in his tirade...some fans certainly deserved it and he gets my applause for that, but I hope he realizes not everyone is as rabid as the ones who screamed their lungs out in horror over a stupid tracklist.

“I am more disppointed in Mr. Gessle’s careless and insensitive response than I am with the content of Rox Box.”

Exactly. The actual disappointment about the tracklist is one thing. I wasnt really surprised about it, so while I complained about it and I thought it was pretty rubbish, I can live with it.
However, Pers response really does piss me off as I think the whole tone and attitude of the response is very rude and insensitive, and I dont think this is any way to communicate with your fans, and I have to say it has left a bad taste in my mouth at the thought of buying ANY future Roxette/Per release and putting more money in his wallet....and I used to be a fan who would buy EVERYTHING. That has to say something.

just my opinion....which ive made quite clear by now on the front page, so i am going to shut up.

I have two doubts:

If the demo to Love Spins was stolen from Tits & Ass studio... that’s what was said, and that’s how it got to appear on bootlegs... then how is it that can be released officially now? :D
Is it the only one they recovered? Because it does suck, sorry, they could’ve chosen something better :P

Second doubt:
If this very commercial oriented box does not sell well, or even if the 3rd and 4th GH in a row (keeping in mind “the Peas” albums) don’t sell well (the 2nd Pea didn’t sell, right?)... Won’t that jeopardize Roxette’s future?
I mean... keeping in mind that their market is nearly exclusively Europe (they’re long forgotten in the USA, in Argentina, in Australia, Japan, Canada, Mexico and any other overseas big market), and that 3 of the 5 biggest markets in Europe ignore them already (UK, France and Italy)... who’s going to invest in them if this so commercially oriented box doesn’t sell. The few EMI divisions that still have them in “high-esteem” will think twice before releasing any future Roxette album, if they invest any money at all in that...

Per tells the truth!


Remember the Rs tour sentence!

He never promised MORE that we get now. He only said in that dutch interview that the box will include this UNPLUGGED show and some ” rare” songs that’s it!

Toni, So Per didn’t promise us 14 unreleased songs? In that case, everyone: stop complaining!

In my opinion Per is totally right!!!
They will do the same way they did since 20 years. They are going a solide way to present their music. And everytime they surprised us in a special. Of course, it’s a bit disappointed that they will publish another CD with their greatest hits. But in my point of view it’s a fingertip, which shows “ok, we start again; we start slowly again”. What do you want after Maries illness, after Per’s success in Sweden. They have never published a live-CD and why? Why the feeling to listen to a live CD is not the same as to see it on TV like the video “Live in Johannisbourg”. Everyone yell’s “oh, so a shit” “I’m disappointed” “I want this and that”... bla bla bla, but I’m sure every big fan, who is disappointed now will buy this Box nevertheless. I think their will be more surprises in this ´Box as we are knowing now.
Think positive and think of them not of yourself. We can not change their decision. They go their way like they ever did and that’s ROXETTE.
Have a nice Sunday


Yuhuuuu... My thread is open again...

But I think also... Everything is said... But the threads should stay.... Everyone should have the chance to give there oppinion.

But I gotta admit... Slowly Im looking forward to the box. I find it crappy but ” THEY ARE BACK ” ....

But I guess its alright to have a chance of mind now and then *LOL*

But PG could show us some respect and promise a new Studio Album *Hehehehehehe*

Then the thing with the box is ok... Or a SOAP II and for sure a SOAP III, and IV, and and and and and..... *LOL*

I just can say that I’m SHOCKED about the behavoir of some of the people here. Nothing more to add! I’m off

Ohhh come on... People behave alright. Some shows there disapointment one way and some another way....

I love all on the daily rox :)

And some are just beeing sarcastic... Thats all...

And sarcasm is funny - mostly :D

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:

Come down off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge and GET OVER IT!

1 - Sarcasm does NOT translate well in text. I know first hand.

2 - Some folks DID react poorly, and quite frankly, I’m not surprised at the “scatter shot” reaction by Per. Am I a little hurt by his words? Not in the least. I know that it was a knee-jerk reaction to the clowns here who had their little temper tantrums and the “I won’t be a fan no more” attitudes. I learned something as a bus driver: We all dress alike, and get shown in the same light as the lowest common denominator. What that means: If someone acts like an ass, EVERYONE gets shown as an ass. And since we had MULTIPLE people acting like that, unfortunately, the rest of us look like asses too. You only have those people to thank for that reaction.

3 - I still maintain that there’s a GH3 and the RoxBox tracks are separate from that (and will be included on the Box). Am I buying it? Absolutely. With the help of a friend overseas because I haven’t seen anything saying it will be released US side, and quite frankly, I want the damn thing in my collection. So, now the jury’s weighed in, this is what I want to do.

Now, shall we continue to flog a dead horse? Or can we all get over this and move on like the adults we’re SUPPOSED to be?

I’m looking forward to the Rox Box :D Although I’m a bit disappointed, I hoped he would write some new songs, and not just one. And I already have all that stuff as well, it’s a bit boring actually. If only Marie could be 110 % well, I want concerts
:( But I’m glad she has recovered and that she can make this and I’m so happy to see Roxette reunited again! Don’t be so sarcastic folks, it’s wonderful that they are together, what if something worse had happened to Marie? Then they wouldn’t be able to do this.

Hello ...

i’ve uploaded an avatar for all those who are currently (temporarly or not ) angry at Per. You can use it on msn or fora to show you disagree.

It’s just a little thing, nothing (too) bad or (too) mean. It’s not because he’s so arrogant that we have to act like and we definitely don’t want to offend the real and loyal roxette fans who’ll “pay the price”.

*hope you like it* (huh ... no we don’t)

Pelle S.

a little over the top, but quite funny.

@P-p-p-pelle: What a stupid idea!!!



There’s an old saying: Smell your share and go home.

The only thing there is to complain about is that there is ANOTHER Greatest Hits CD after DBU, TPH, & TBH, but you don’t have to buy it. It’s for a broader audience anyway.

But there IS a BOXSET that’s long been rumored and is now a reality. WITH BONUS MATERIAL!

AND OF COURSE the box set would include the same greatest hits material—IT’S A RETROSPECTIVE!

Most box sets are just a collection of hits, maybe a few album tracks and B-sides anyway. The fact that there’s ANY unreleased material on it at all is a boon. I’m not shocked and dismayed, but pleased there are extras/demos that are professionally remastered and released.

Sure there are tracks I’d like to have seen there (I Remember You, Crazy About You—which I’ve gotten from here or there but want a better recording), and a few I’m scratching my head at (Little Girl?), but IT’S A RETROSPECTIVE of twenty years.

And if you’re SHOCKED and disappointed by the fact that artists WANT to make MONEY from their work, then you’re more naive than is healthy for a body. Lock your doors and go to bed and NEVER LEAVE HOME. If an artist doesn’t make money, then WE NEVER GET TO ENJOY THE FRUITS OF THEIR ART.

The point is that if Roxette don’t feel appreciated, they may just say, “Well, no more of that, the fans don’t want us anymore.” If you had a throng of people bitching about your work, wouldn’t you?

Be happy with it or don’t buy it. Simple as that.



Why can’t different people just have different opinions? It’s really getting out of hand at least..

I am still supporting everything what Neil was saying since it is exactly my opinion. What I don’t get is why I am not “allowed” to think so..

Is anyone else bored of this shit now....

I think some people need to stop bitchin’ about everyone elses bitchin’ - as if that’s not going to add more fuel to the fire! People are entitled to share their opinions, and that’s that!

You really want this to stop, and for everyone else to move on?

Suggestion: stop attacking other people’s opinions, and learn to accept the fact that not everybody
sees things your way!

ally77: Yes! Actually I didn’t want to answer again. But this last post had to be. And now I will stop since it’s going nowhere.

Different people, different opinions. THE END.

C’mon people...Per is right, if you don’t like it don’t listen to it and don’t buy it. But, for God’s sake, just drop the freaking subject(My God!!!!!). I’ll probably buy the Box. I’ve liked Roxette since I was a young girl(13 or 14 years old) and had their posters on my walls so I could stare at Per...After getting married and having a kid I kind of lost interest in following their career but their music would always bring back great memories. Now I’m 33 and I’m “hooked” on them again. What can I tell you.....I’m a BIG fan.

Little Spooky said “We all dress alike, and get shown in the same light as the lowest common denominator. What that means: If someone acts like an ass, EVERYONE gets shown as an ass. And since we had MULTIPLE people acting like that, unfortunately, the rest of us look like asses too. You only have those people to thank for that reaction.”

You’re totally right Spooky. The same thing used to happen on tour, a group of fans would start stalking them and making their life miserable. Pelle Alsing once said “You go to the toilet, and they are there!” Then ALL the fans would suffer for it - Marie and Per would stop talking to fans and try to avoid all of us, because of one group. Same deal here. We all copped Per’s tirade because of a few who took their complaining too far.

Kiwein: I’m not sure anyone said you couldn’t complain. The problem was not people like Ncurran who complained in a rational way, it was the “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US PER???? I’M DYYYYYING” ones who pissed him off. If you didn’t carry on that way, don’t take it personally. I sure don’t, it’s like back in school when the teacher told off the whole class because of 2 or 3 bad kids. I wasn’t doing anything, so it’s not aimed at me.

Sparv: You’re right. Thanks for clearing that up.

Little Spooky said “We all dress alike, and get shown in the same light as the lowest common denominator. What that means: If someone acts like an ass, EVERYONE gets shown as an ass. And since we had MULTIPLE people acting like that, unfortunately, the rest of us look like asses too. You only have those people to thank for that reaction.”

-> I wouldn’t say that the rest looks like asses too. Per clearly pointed out that “some of you” feel like.....and he writes that more than once. I think he knows that not all fans here behaved wrong or whatever and I think he has a clear mind not to generalize things.

I bet if the press gets it’s eyes on this forum they will have a field day when reviewing the album....

IT’S GONNA BE BAD!!!!!!!!!!

That’s true Kiwein, he did say “some of you” not “all of you.” I didn’t take it personally but I can see how some fans did, he didn’t think to add something like “to the rest of you, thanks for the support bla bla bla” or something like that. I guess he was just so pissed off. Would be interesting to see if he comes back when he calms down and feels sorry ;)

OMG Default Green, that WOULD be funny. If a bigger star, Robbie or someone had slagged their fans like that, it would have been big news!

My comment was not aimed at anyone specifically …. It was just a general rant that seeing this at the top of the board and reading the same crap from people over and over again is a tad boring….

People need to move on, no one is holding a gun to there head to buy the releases….

Sorry Per, but in some parts your answer is very unprofessional, e.g. “If you don’t like it, don’t listen to it and certainly don’t buy it!”. Tsss!
Of course it is your decision what to release and what not, but WE are the fans. WE bought your CDs and DVDs and WE made you big! WE made you stars! That was not done by yourself.
So please try to be a little more professional. After all those years you should know that many Roxette fans are fans from the heart. And sometimes, I agree with you, they come up with a very unpleasant attitide. But YOU are the star! YOU should be able to deal with that in a much more professional way.
Please don’t forget, that ROXETTE is not only YOU and MARIE, it is also WE, the fans!!!

I say, this really separates the “fans” from the “non-fans” and certainly the “fanatics”. It is almost embarrassing to read some of the whinging that’s going on here. geesus get a grip. P & M don’t need to prove anything to anyone, they’ve been around 20 years for f**ks sake, so they must be doing somethign right. Get over yourselves and stop taking it so damn personally.

... on the other hand it is also DAMN UNDERSTANDABLE that people who spend their whole money and time and effort into Roxette would like to get some respect.

What would u like per to do? release a personalized rox box for each of his fans?

I believe the man writes and performs music for himself first and foremost, it’s just happy coincidence that we like it as well.

as for his “insensitive” comments, well, I’d say the man is pretty upset by the uproar. wouldn’t you be?!

no, of course not. I did not mean this as an reply to the Boxset (I do not care how this looks like) but to Per´s mail.
I just started to read all these comments after I read Per´s reply. I just imagine me 5 years ago reading this to “the fans” would have been damn disappointed and immediately sell my Tallinn concert ticket.

“as for his “insensitive” comments, ... wouldn’t you be?!”
well, he is old enough and been in a tough business so long, he should definetely be able to cope with that!!!!!

everyone needs to GET A GRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Per and Marie can put whatever the bloody hell they like on the Rox Box......if they thought that certain demos or recordings werent good enough or ready for release then its their choice.

as per said....a demo is for the artists ears in the studio....part of the recording proccess to the finished article...if they dont want to release the inferior versions they dont have to....

and as he rightly said



yes kachina008, I would be - and I can’t say for certain (although I would like to think otherwise :)) that I would have handled the situation better myself.

Good to see you back on TDR.

“well, he is old enough and been in a tough business so long, he should definetely be able to cope with that!!!!!”

Err :P

To the people who keep posting to “stop arguing” and “stop saying the same thing over and over” (mainly David): This is a discussion forum and people want to discuss the box and Per’s comment. Not everyone comes here every day, and there are several fans who may not have had a chance to comment yet. Some fans want to get it off their chests, whether you agree with them or not they have a right to say they are not happy with the box, Per or whatever. Argue, disagree if you like but I don’t think it’s fair to tell people they can’t discuss it anymore. Just because you are “over” it doesn’t mean everyone is. And you yourselves continue to bump the thread to the top every time you post telling everyone else to shut up!

Just don’t click on the thread, you know what’s in here!!!!!

Whoops, I clicked it just flew to the top again! lol

Awaiting David now to say something witty...

Yup, see Ally when you respond you just bring it back to everyone’s attention!! Personally I think a lot of discussion is great, this board is sooooooo boring when nobody is talking. When ppl start posting to tell everyone to shut up I’m like...what’s the point of coming here if you want everyone to be quiet?!

Guys and gals! I really dont get all that. Be happy Roxette still exists. There were times we hoped Marie would survive. We could never expect to get some new Rox stuff ever. And now you are not even satisfied we DO get something?

I really understand Per is getting annoyed by the comments some people made!

Its his attitude... :S He is like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons

“what’s the point of coming here if you want everyone to be quiet?!”

Completely agree with you!!

@roxnl: Like with most here, two hearts are beating in my chest!

1. I’m happy like a little child that they are back. I cannot wait to hear the new single etc. pp.

2. I’m pissed with Per’s manner of arguing. Instead of rational explanations for rational concerns he delivers a tell-off tract. (On the other hand, he reacted after all. Not sure if this doesn’t even make him more human to me.)

all well and good to say that people can say what they like....which is perfectly true...but its the same people sayin the same thing......again and again....

Its called a coping mechanism, it was a shock. Repeating it is just helping it to sink in.

Though I ’ve gone past that and gone straight for the beer and Julian Cope

lol @ David!

thats what im here for lol :p

Take a bow, go on! Take a bow!

ouch....i think i went down too back hurts....



“all well and good to say that people can say what they like....which is perfectly true...but its the same people sayin the same thing......again and again....”

I think you’ll find that true for the entire forum! How many times have we heard “What’s your fave song?” or “Who’s better, Per or Marie?” Sure I get totally sick of certain I don’t click on them! Like Whateveriam said, people were a bit shocked and wanted to vent. Some peeps took it too far, and Per bitch-slapped them. No problem. It’s all entertainment I say!

Well, I’ll put my 2 cents in this discussion. That is:

for the future releaes (I really hope to get the new Roxette material), please, Per, Marie or EMI, don’t tell the fans anything about it - no sleeve, no tracklists, nothing. Make sure that no info leaks to the internet or the press.

I think it’s the best desicion.

AURYTE: So the tracklist would have been better if we didn’t know about it?

@GT_85: of course not, it would only postpone the war going on here ;)

Delayed the reaction until release date, then get angry people going ’Thats awful’, thereby casting nasty stain on release in other countries.

To Sparvogamarie

Although I wasn’t one of the ones who complained about the upcoming Roxette releases - Your comment “Per bitch-slapped them” is quite silly I mean it’s comments like these that carry on maintaining divisions on this forum.

Also this is not some midday TV drama or talk show. Obviously you find it entertaining as you have so stated in your comment as well.

I mean really....................

’midday TV drama’- what! Did TDR turn into a telenovella and I didn’t notice?

I think we can agree to disagree on this one...PLEASE!

pretty please?

Whateveriam I was referring to the comment that was made about “Per bitch-slapped them” and the fact that the same person has written that it is entertaining - in other words if people want that kind of entertainment they should watch Jerry Springer or something like it.

I thought I had clarified that in my comment, but have decided to go into further detail in the event that people didn’t understand what I had written...................?!?!?

Or are you joking?

Another example of someone taking things waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously.Marie’s illness was serious. Steve Irwin’s death is serious. This is a boxset with a boring tracklist. It is not life or death. Not by a long shot. It was disappointing but not the end of the world.

Yup, it is entertaining to see a lot of action and discussion on the board. It has been incredibly quiet here for months if not years, and during the last week things have been busy. So yes, it’s entertaining to see lively discussion and that’s why I said nobody should tell anyone else to shut up and stop discussing anything. As long as people are interested, there’s discussion value.

Stephen if you weren’t one of the fans carrying on, Per’s “bitch slap” was not for you. Several fans went too far with the whole “Per is terrible, I’m dying” and Per shot back at them. Now a lot of fans are hurt by Per’s message, when they need to step back and realize it wasn’t for them. I can’t speak for Per of course, but I don’t think he was upset by people like Ncurran. I think Per might have reacted to Tavo’s “I’m dying” which I took to be a joke but it seems Per took it seriously with his “suicide” comment (which as Debora said, was way out of line). I imagine Per didn’t read everything thoroughly, he skimmed through getting angrier and angrier, then wrote his reply without calming down first.

Those of us who calmly said we didn’t like the box shouldn’t be offended by his outburst. Seriously.

May I ask who Steve Irwin is?

You’re right - this thing is getting out of hand. Just go buy the damn disappointingly boring RoxBox and go on with life. It’s too short to bitch about the world’s most boring Box Set ever!!!!

he he he!

@ Sparvogamarie “Per bitch-slapped them”

I love it!

@ CoyRoy… Steve Irwin…. Check out the off topic section, there is a thread there about him, otherwise known as the Crocodile Hunter, he was killed on Monday… kind of shocked a whole lot of people…

Hmm... Ally77... Its not ok to “bitchslap” people...

Pers comment is childish, and “snobisch”

Coyroy: Are you joking or serious? Steve Irwin is the “Crocodile Hunter”, he’s very well known all over the world as the crazy Australian guy who has a TV show where he rescues crocs and other animals. He died last week.

RJ1976: Per’s comment WAS rude, but I understand why. He was completely vilified on this forum and he didn’t deserve it. The boring box tracklist was not an attack on us. But it’s really not as bad as some people are acting!!!!!!! It’s not the end of the world and reading this forum, you’d think it was!!!!!!!!

“Childish and snobbish”...

I dare you to tell me that there wasn’t some point in your life where you didn’t react EXACTLY the same way.

I know I have.

lol i dug up this interview i found during the hand times hehe this is fun....
per: yeal we’ll come to the usa real soon when the deal is done
per: have a nice dayt will be out before the 4th of july
per: we made 39 songs for hand 14 made it to the album
tobias why are you releasing a ballad as the second single to?
marie: we are not the second single will be crush on you
marie: but for hand i wrote 10 songs of which 1 and a half made the album....together we wrote 40 songs

dated 2/ 8 / 99 lol so where esxactly are all these missing songs eh, yeah i knwo some are probably the marie demos we heard, some made it to rs and the comiplations, but we’re missin some

Waah that quote from Marie made me sad! She wrote 10 songs and only 1 and a half made the album. Considering some of the songs that DID make it, I can’t believe none of hers were good enough for the album! Actually I can believe it...Per doesn’t make as much money if Marie writes the songs... ;)

@LittleSpokey... Offcourse... But now im a grownup *LOL*

Per to ? ..... This was sarcasm ....

That’s an interesting comment you’ve dug up. I’m assuming alot might have been used for solo albums since. But you’d think there would be something left. Unless it’s nothing that they’re willing to release.

Sits and waits for the next lot of comments from Per!

@ RJ1976

Not quite... that’s Per....

Thought this was interesting, a little bit off-topic, but still, it’s a letter from Europe to their fans, who seem to have complained about the new stuff. See a difference? ;)

Hello everyone.

We hope you like our new music. We can see that you have some different opinions about the artwork etc. Don’t worry; it will all make sense in the end. It’s good to see that you have some spirit in your beliefs, we like that.

However we will always follow our hearts and minds when we do a new CD and sometimes it can take a little time to get used to our new ideas.

We are currently doing promotion for Secret Society around Europe and will start rehearsals for the tour very soon. We now have 7 albums to choose songs from so it’s very exiting planning everything as we want to give you guys a good show.

We will tour Scandinavia before Christmas and the rest of Europe in the beginning of the New Year, after that. We are aiming to do some dates in the UK and hopefully the US. Asia off course. and after that we will be playing festivals all over Europe through the summer of 2007.

More news soon....

You got to have faith/ Europe

PS Please visit the website for updated news about confirmed shows and to see the new artwork for the first single and the album.

Judith!! Thank you so so much for this sample shell I call it?...nevermind. Thank you very much for this sample.

I don’t think it’s off topic...on the contrary...

didnt i tell ya we have a very hurtable idol? lol

Actually Jud that was a cool message from Europe! It’s a good example of what another artist chose to do in response to disappointed fans...clearly they thought about their answer a little harder than Per did ;) Still, Per’s human and gave a human response, I think that’s kinda cool. I’m sure he’s calmed down by now.

On a side note, a similar thing happened to an aussie band called Regurgitator. They released a song in response called “I like your old stuff better than your new stuff.” It’s a cool track, I think Per would get a laugh out of it!

I also realised we complain for everything. Look at the cover of the album and the new Europe logo (!!!!!) - if that’s no reason for complaints.. :D

*looking at europe site* gee-heeeeeeez! O_o

wtf, the old logo was perfect!!! (okay, what i have seen to be the rox box design wasnt a bit better... like, fonts n stuff)

“I also realised we complain for everything.”

Trust me, ALL fans complain. I used to go to star and you should hear the fans complain that their fave character wasn’t in the latest movie, that Jar Jar Binks didn’t die, that Anakin was stupid....and if you think Roxette are bad re-releasing the same old stuff over and over, there’s a 4-Disc DVD set of SW, a 3-Disc DVD set (with all the same stuff as 4 disc), now all 3 original movies have been released seperately with the original un-adultered versions, so big SW collectors have to get 3 copies of each film! And the 6-disc set still hasn’t been released!!!! You can believe there’ll be 3 versions of that too!!! The RoxBox is nothing compared to what Star Wars fans put up with!

Goodness! It’s like complaining about a ’best of’ album, saying that you’ve heard all the songs before. C’mon people!

’It’s like complaining about a ’best of’ album’

It is a Best of!

It this thread still going?!.. damn! get over it..

You wasted a post just to tell people to stop talking Nick?


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