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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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The promotion plans...

7 replies

Hej hej,

don’t get me wrong, please. It would be SURELY incredible to see Marie back in the buisness. But, we know, it’s not really easy for her - at the moment...

But, this “promo plans” for the next time/future sounds really okay, to me!

As you know, Per is doing these “small” dates like radio, newspaper interviews alone - without Marie. And those bigger things like TV appearance in big shows together with Marie. That’s a good solution. I mean, it’s not really necessary that Marie is always at his side....

Overall - the most important thing is a good “OW” airplay and a good promotion for the upcoming ROXBOX!!!

I think Per will do a great job!!!

I agree I think Per will do a great job alone....

I finally just got around to watching the video interview this morning.... no Marie at that either?

......... does anyone else find this strange, or is she on holiday and the promotion for One Wish brought forward a week?

I think it is a bit unusual, but this may just be the arrangement P&M have worked out... after all, Per has always enjoyed these things and Marie seems to avoid them whenever possible...

Maybe Marie just has to look after herself more these days.

I can see them recording again, because I mean Per writes all the songs, and then they have their people, mixing and producing the songs and Marie just needs to be in the studio and sing her parts.

However as far as touring goes I’d be suprised, maybe the odd show here and there, but yeah I think these days Marie probably has to look after herself more.

So Bravo 50 has become a disappointed for many fans that had plans to go there in the hope to see Roxette perform live…. I did wonder if it was too good to be true, and I even considered going myself….

I can understand why Marie does not want to perform live after all she has been through, so I can respect that fully if that is the real “Logistical Conflicts” but of course there could be some other reason as to why this has been done.

A real shame on EMI though for not making things clear from the start unless the plans have changed in the past 48 hours or so! I hope those with tickets can get a refund or sell them on and not lose out too much….

So as for promotion well it’s early days right now, but no Marie at RIX on Monday morning, no Marie at the TV show on Tuesday morning….

She seemed okay to do promotion for her own albums and a few live performances as well; mind you I do suppose it’s a little different performing on your own rather than in a group.

I can understand, I still think we are lucky to get two new songs this year I didn’t expect that…

i think marie is trying to do both roxette and be there for her family. After all she was close to death. i dont blame her abit.

Yeah well said! You can’t blame her wanting to spend time with her family....


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