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Rox 20 Promo in your country

25 replies

Seems like promotion for the comeback is finally starting (at least here in Switzerland)! There was an article in my newspaper today which referred to this article:
in addition to that, there’s an article in Switzerland’s biggest newspaper at all:
It’s German, but you could vote here:
they want to know, who you want to come back with a new album. You just have to click on the picture. Right now, Roxette are clearly in the first place with 49 points. Second is “The Cure” with only 13! Pretty clear :)

What about promotion or such little articles in your country?

really strange pic chosen for the first article.

Yes, the picture is quite old, from a show 1999 in Cologne.
But there’s even a “better” picture in another article from the same page:
That’s not even Per, is it? It’s Anders I guess, but I’m not sure though...

yeah, that’s Anders and not even a very good one at that!!!

An article from, here in Spain.

Only say about two new songs for the next compilation, and that roxette stopped recording in 2002.

There was a big 5 page article in Q magazine about Roxette, and double page spread in Rolling Stone too.

Oh No - hang on. That would be my dream. LOL

The UK has seen a big fat zero so far!! Surprised?? Me?? You bet!!!

@ above

What happened to the positivity? ;)

yep - Anki and Marei, chemistry in the air ;)

we’ll see what happens in sweden. not that I’ve done so much research..only AB of what I know about...

Switzerland? I haven’t seen or read anything... Maybe I read the wrong newspaper and homepages...

I don’t think the interest of another gh here is high...

*edit* How come I haven’t seen the article in 20mins?!?

@animal - it’s a little bit of humour! lol

Paul I’ll dream with you on this one!

These Swiss articles are based on a press release. Here’s what the Austrian press agency APA wrote (in german):

Roxette wieder vereint: Zwei neue Songs zum 20. Jahrestag

Utl.: Kommen im Oktober auf den Markt =

Stockholm (APA/dpa) - Das schwedische Popduo Roxette hat vier Jahre nach der überstandenen Krebserkrankung von Sängerin Marie Fredriksson (48) zum ersten Mal wieder neue Lieder aufgenommen. Wie die Band am Mittwoch auf ihrer Internetseite mitteilte, kommen im Oktober zum 20. Jahrestag der Roxette-Gründung zwei neue Songs auf den Markt.

Im Jahr 1986 hatten Fredriksson und der Gitarrist Per Gessle (47) die weltweit erfolgreiche Band gegründet. Roxette gelang 1989 der internationale Durchbruch, es folgten in den neunziger Jahren mehrere Welthits wie “Joyride” und “The Look”. Ein 2002 diagnostizierter Gehirntumor der Sängerin zwang das Duo zu einer Pause. Nach zwei erfolgreich verlaufenen Operationen und ihrer Genesung nahm Fredriksson 2004 zunächst ein Solo-Album auf. Gessle hatte stets erklärt, er warte nur auf grünes Licht seiner musikalischen Partnerin für ein Roxette-Comeback.

English summary: They just write that Roxette were in the studio to record two new songs as this year it’s their 20 year anniversary. Then they shortly summarize Roxette’s history, including Marie’s illness. The only interesting part is that they write about 2 operations of Marie. So that was at least new to me. The rest is known.

Spanish media is also reporting about roxette comeback, they mainly talk about roxette new single one wish and the fact of roxette playing at Bravos gala in Germany.

Here are the links to the articles that can be found at 3 of the mayor spanish newspapers.

Not much here, apart from whats been said...

Peper edition of Norway’s biggest newspaper VG, had a huge 2 page pics and text from the video shot, most of the same text as Aftonbladet, but some extra, which tdr already quoted on the frontpage. But some more pics, and huge on of Marie looking like an angel ;) They were also in the top left corner of the frontpage ;)

In Argentina, Rock & Pop radio, Day Tripper was the show, on of the most popular of the station.

Nothing in Canada that I’m aware of.

Not sure about New Zealand, but I can find out soon...


that sums it up i think!

I think i’d drop dead if i saw any sort of promo what-so-ever in an australian newspaper or magazine.

I wrote it in the topic about Roxette in Germany on Bravo gala, but I assume that this place is more a appropriate :) So I pasted it here :D

Here’s the report from Poland :D

The biggest Polish newspaper put the information on Rox-comeback:,48362,3588258.html

The free “Metro” paper:,50560,3584726.html

Two, the most popular Polish portals wrote very similar articles about Roxette’s comeback: -,1378169,newsy.html -,0,id,24785,w,wi,niusy.html

Media wortal,,1597563,One_Wish_na_20-lecie_Roxette....

Nice signs of 20th anniversary :-)

Promotion in Australia?? *falls over laughing* The most I heard was a radio DJ talk about it in her news segment, but she mainly wanted to talk about Marie’s brain tumour because her father also had one.

Argentina talks about Roxette!
Buenos Aires,Cordoba,Rosario,La Plata,small articles on nprincipal newspapers and little segments on radio and tv!!
Roxette is back!!!


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