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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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I saw Marie and Micke today!

22 replies

Yep, it wasn’t too long ago that I saw and spoke to Per at my work, and today I saw Marie and Micke.

I work at Arlanda airport, for Continental Airlines, and Marie and Micke flew with us today. I’m glad to say that Marie looked gr8! Just like a real star.

She wore a black leather jacket, black jeans and black leather boots. She had some cool shades on,and looked strong and happy!

Made my day, to bad I didn’t say hi to her!


ps. She were going to New York, wonder what plans she has...

Oh my goood! That’s really really great for you! :-) What a day...*g*

Have you talked to them? How was Marie’s hair?? Maybe a bit longer...hopefully ;)

Oh my God!!
Congratulations Sanglof !!!
You are a lucky man!!

Trip to NY???
Curious.... ^^

Oh my God!!
Congratulations Sanglof !!!
You are a lucky man!!

Trip to NY???
Curious.... ^^

Im Jealous :! But Gr8 4 U

Cool! Hope the trip is rox-related... :-)

Shouldn’t the video be recorded these days? Maybe somewhere in the States?

Without Per? I don’t think so...

Perhaps, he flies with his own “private” airline (-;

He could have taken another flight. Hope he has time to read TDR nethertheless...

nope, it can’t be related to the rox-video, I think. since they will have an exclusive article in aftonbladet about the shooting...

Yes! Look here:

They both are standing in front of a greenbox, to be combinated with different background scenes. Looks promising for a change! :-)

ow yes it does. some nice clothes aswell !

ow yes it does. some nice clothes aswell !

really cool for you! and for us, that you shared this little inside information! Wonder what they’re up to in the US though.

This little info tastes of “chocolate covered cucumber”. :-))

don’t get your idiom, explain?

It’s from the SOAP forum, where we have a “room” called ’Cucumbers & Chocolate’.
-> and anything made out of these 2 ingredients is supposed to be great ;-)
(at least that’s the way I understood it)

Well, and the next time - take your digi-cam with you *g* ;)

She’s gone for some Christmas shopping!

WOW new York!!

Congratulations!!!! ;)

Are you still with us, Sanglof??

Yes, i’m right here! :-)


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