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Unplugged and videos

3 replies

Hmmm, I just had the idea that the unplugged-DVD in the rox-box might maybe only include the 12 Songs shown on MTV?
Would be possible, I think, after reading the dissapointing tracklist.

And I noticed another thing:
The DVD does not include “One Wish”-clip. This again means that within the next two years there will be a new “updated” version of “all videos ever made...”
(I remember that I once made the joke about an updated “all videos”, and then, a year later or so, they really released this new dvd with “A thing” and “opportunity” that I never bought :-))

But in the end we should remember that Mr. Gessle gives us some demos for free from time to time. So all these decisions might really be more influenced by EMI & co, who want to make a more “commercial” compilation.

A commentary track for all the videos would have been awesome to include on the DVD. I can picture it now, Per doing most of the talking, and Marie gasping at past fashion faux pas.

Marie: “Oy, I can’t believe the tights I wore in the Joyride video... wow, my ass is fabulous.”

Per: “Hey, Marie, there’s the part where you almost fell off the back of the Ferrari! Oh!... wow. And my ass is also fabulous!”

Oh well. I guess there are always creative fans who could do a mock commentary on a video, and then upload it on to Youtube... :-)

A commentary track would be fun. It would be interesting to hear what they have to say about some of the old clips.

Yeah -’why did I have my hair like that, I look like I’ve got my fingers caught in the socket...’


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