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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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One wish 3:30?

18 replies

Did you guys notice that they say One Wish is 3:30
on the Front Page news.....weird?!?!?!?

They probably made a new intro, added a middle-8, a guitar/stings solo and repeated the chorus more often at the end.

... or it is a typo (wouldn’t surprise me).

Lets just hope there are many many many typos in that list ;)

A good few songs on that list have different durations to songs on my itunes (ripped from cd) for example:

The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye 3:20 (Single B-side/Outtake from: Joyride ——- My version is 4:47

Paint 4:41 (From: Look Sharp!) ——- My version is 3.30

It Must Have Been Love 4:48 (Single A-side/From The Pretty Woman Soundtrack) ——- My Pretty Woman version is 4:19 but the xmas version is 4:49 - why would they put the xmas version on here tho??

Could it be by any chance, that these songs with different lenghts are the demos to the orginal songs but they just forgot to say they are demos?

Something like a suprise. Do you think it’s actually possible ?

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Wonder if there will be any na na na na na’s in there!

Whoops posted twice!


Almost $82.00, which is what i was expecting.

They say there that many things, including the title and contents are subject to chance. Are they really? We hope so!

However, anyone who lives in the in North America and maybe Latin America, won’t be able to play the 2 DVDs since they are region 2. That’s really messed up. Some people won’t be able to play the DVD’s on a DVD player if they want to watch them on TV. Just to add to the RoxBox tracklisting fiasco.

Will there be any different version of it all to the western hemisphere ?

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

@Carlos I hope there will be a canadian release. That’s where I bought my Rox DVD from and it works! :) BTW, how you doin’ buddy? Haven’t heard from you in ages! I always work at night and can’t get to the messenger..... Take care! :)

Yikes ! Eil strikes again ! The Japanese RoxBox !! £125 ??? That smarts !!!

£32 for Jap Roxette Hits - how DO they make their money???

@ Carlos - the thought DID occur to me. One Wish and Reveal both had different durations to the GH album so we will see. MAYBE a surprise could await us. Not so sure I want to get my hopes up again tho.


Hope it isn’t as expensive here!

The DVDs will most likely be Region 0, but PAL. If indeed there will be a Japanese version, which is not what I’ve heard, that will of course be in NTSC.

@IV_Rox: Yes. It would be even better if there were a US release. I would really enjoy the trips to the local CD stores.

I’m doing fine. Thanks for asking. Hope you are doing great. Yeah, we have somewhat different schedules. Take care!

@chrisjankunas: It would really be cool if the thought we had about the songs with the different time lengths ended up being demos. But maybe we are just too desperate and therefore started to dream.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

That site must and have to be wrongconcerning the price for the box:

£ 124.99, USD 233.73, € 181.24

$233.73 is insane. These are ridiculous excessively exorbitant prices. If these prices are right, the RoxBox will not even sell 100 units. Disgraceful!

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

No way I’m spending that much money on the box!
I’m doing good Carlos, thanks! I’ll try to catch you on the messenger one of these days:)

Take it easy!

Yeah, not spending that much money on a boxset (the last one I bought for £11.00!)

Eil is a rip off it always has been and they have it listed as an import.... companys like this want to buy cheap and sell expensive.... just pure rips off....

I am expecting the box to be around £50-£60 mark, but I will pay more if I have to!


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