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P&M or Dimberg answer??

79 replies

Does anybody have P&M or Dimberg answer?? It’s incredible that after this reaction against this ¿BOX? or cover sleeve they don’t say nothing....

BTW, maybe they sent a free signed RoxBox to LEO after his faithful words.... So LEO, you know what bittorrent is????

I’m sure it will come a statement!!

Sure. Marie is so kind to fly over to NYC to thank LEO for his nice words! Cool, not? ;-P

Per is usually quite quick to respond to the fans after a succes. Just look at the SOAP-site.

Why wouldn’t he have something to say about this? ;)

i dont, still waiting.

Sure. Marie is so kind to fly over to NYC to thank LEO for his nice words! Cool, not? ;-P

it just cracked me up :):) :)

the mods are being really quiet :(

No, there’s no comment from anyone.

Somebody said Per checks TDR regularly, not daily.... Or was I mistaken? The reaction might take a month unless somebody rubs their noses in the articles.

And what can they say anyway? I guess the production of the RoxBox is already running. How would you react to such bad critics?

Give them chance, if we get anything.... although I think they are a tad busy working on the video!

“BTW, maybe they sent a free signed RoxBox to LEO after his faithful words.... So LEO, you know what bittorrent is????”

Ahahahahahahahahaha... good one !!!! :)

I find that rather insulting that someone would assume that Lars was “paid off” for his opinion.

If you think that, you don’t know him very well.

I also believe that it’s not appropriate to state that Lars received something in order for him to issue a positive message about the RoxBox debacle.

Let’s criticise. However, let the criticism be constructive. Statements such as the one written a few posts above is just not valid at all.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Manuel, “nice” to hear these words from you.

I hope you didn’t send these kind of comments to Dimberg & Co. If you want to critisise, do so, but think before writing, you sound ridiculous, to say the least ;)

LS: agree. Lars is a sweetheart :)

I thought it was meant as a joke..? At least my comment wasn’t meant to be mean. Though I’d love to get a Leo/Marie interview from New York! :-)

I was joking about the free RoxBox to Lars... But I still can’t understand why he wrote that in the front page when everybody is against that tracklisting.

That was all.

@ mbatalla

I agree! And I think what really is ’ridiculous’ is “LEO’s” article. Indeed, let us not forget what we’ve gotten throughout the last 20 years: great music, fantastic memories etc. But all of this is now sealed with total disappointment! Someone obviosly didn’t get that!!

Rox20 sucks, and so does your lousy, bad attempt to calm people down and defend that ****head whoever offers us that bitchy tracklist!



I saw LEO’s article as an attempt to balance out Ncurran’s article. One negative, one positive. Where’s the problem in that? Funny that if TDR write something that everyone disagrees with, we jump all over them for being “biased.” But when Ncurran wrote an article we all agreed with, he’s the big hero and LEO is the suck. Is that fair?

I think the box sucks but some people are waaaaay overreacting. Anyone would think Roxette are the only thing in some ppl’s life if you’re that devo (Devo = Australian for devastated) over a stupid box set.

It was a READER who wrote the “negative”. And TDR who wrote the “positive”.

That is what’s so weird.

*twilight zone music*

Maybe cos they’re on the recieving end of both sides- us and Per/D&D

Yes, we get crap from both sides. :)

But you also get’s to hear songs before us sometimes, interview P&M, go backstage at some gigs, and you get’s thousands of readers. So, it can’t be that bad all the time. ;)

indeed, it’s all part of the job. If you want to make new, you have to do something for it, like interviewing.
Hearin songs more early than we do? I don’t believe that that happens (often).

Ofcourse it’s possible that you don’t agree with something written by LEO, Tev or Judith, but thats no reason for rude language! And that is what I see happening!

I’m not the only one who thinks the headline from the TDR Editors is a mistake:

You can read from LoneGunman and other:

To me, GT85, bbrox and Kiwein1 said everything that Per and Mr LEO needs to hear:

“This was the most silly peace of news EVER on TDR. Sorry to use such an expression, but, will you allways kiss Per’s ass?” > ALWAYS... it´s amazing, isn´t it?

“And Marie’s illness?! What has that to do with the tracklist?!” > YEAH... ANSWER THAT PLEASE !!

“I can‘t understand why it was necessary to put this following article here. Do you have fear that Per & Co say we don‘t talk to you anymore?” > SURE !

“And I find it very sad “to play” with Marie‘s illness. It doesn‘t has anything to do with the releases and so on.”

“To the Mods in here:
On which side are you really ?????????”

Nothing to add.
Perfect posts.
LoneGunman (also a fan with a brokenheart here, afterall)

PS: Just to be clear... “WE” who ??? This headline is a big LIE !!!
PS2: And you call yourself independent... yeah, right.

We are all ridiculous???? You can’t say one thing on the forum and other one in the headline...

mbatalla: No, I would say that all here aren’t ridiculous, but you tend to be from time to time.
OK, you claim we kiss Per’s ass. I would say we don’t - different opinions, right?
Let’s say we slammed Per & co again and again, do you think there’s a REMOTE chance for us to get all the goodies we get for YOU over and over again?? Personally, I think not.
There is a thin line, sometimes we cross it I’m sure, but hey, we’re only human even though I know I tend to look super human. ;)
A good advice is: relax.

@thomas: I don’t blame nobody and people here says ridilicous to me for a bad joke I did. I think you’re not independient, but that’s my opinion. Somebody independient don’t write te headline Lars wrote but, again, that’s my opinion.

I don’t want to make of this thread something personal, so that’s all ok? Rox forever and waiting for other GH in 2007 (it’s a joke, it’s ridilicous, but only a joke hehehe)

I think by now there are topics and headlines enough. Everybody has made his point so everybody relax now.

Let’s just hope when Per reads al of it, maybe we can get some rare stuf later on, the same way he did with “bad hair day”. There’s so much stuff lying around. I just hope he gives us the chance to get it one day. We are HARDCORE ROXETTE FANS.

There’s more chances Per winning the US Open than Roxette changing the Box-tracklist again. It’s probably to late for that.

Let’s all hope “One Wish” will become a major hit, that will get the odds up for a brand new album next year.

They misjudged us with the box, lets hope for a nice reaction of Per, let’s forgive them and LONG LIVE ROXETTE.

I can understand completely why the mods did not want to publish an article similar to mine. It was pretty damning, and while they have been quite open about their disappointment, they do have to take a more cautious approach as they dont want to alienate Per or roxettes mgmt. While it is great that TDR can have an opinion of their own, they still need to be slightly more tactful than perhaps i was. On the other hand, it was great that they did have the guts to publish my piece in the first place. What i wrote would never have made it onto an official webpage. In someways i suppose it makes me the scapegoat....i hope i dont meet per down a dark alley anytime soon:p, but while not officially endorsing what i said, the fact that the mod team decided to publish my article as a representation of the collective disappointment of the fans is a very admirable thing.

Well, I can only speak for myself and I have said this before: LEO’s article is great, it’s ok and fine - with that I mean the opinion he has about everything.

But what I really dislike is this WE in the headline. Who is WE? And why does it sound like that all of us - the whole community - are meant? It leaves a bad taste since I really am NOT overjoyed.

’tis the royal we, as in ’I’...

Is it? ;-)

Well, I don’t happen to agree with his article, but I could see where he was coming that isn’t all of us, therefore, not we.

I think it might have been written for reasons other than to give an opposing view to Neils...

Ridiculous article... that´s what it is... the “WE” in the headline is a offense. Unbelievable. Wanna save some respect ? Remove this “we” please.

And by the way “mbatalla”´s joke is A LOT better than LEO´s article and Rox Box together. At least the joke made me laugh.

Tevensso: I can live without the “goodies” you get for ME... really!!!

I’m getting incredibly paranoid now...

Maybe they should write “Some of us” instead of “We” Mmmh... but that sounds still to negative, right? The article is okay. Well written. For me it’s also just this “We”. I have my own opinion. Nobody has the right to come along and say what I feel. That’s all!

Hey hey! Could say everyone excluding... but that would take ages.

Another classic by whateveriam. Nice;)

Btw, we are all totally off-topic. Could that be?

could that be what? Why I’m paranoid?

No, that we are off-topic. Why are you getting paranoid?

Its probably nothing, something a friend said about the 2 articles when I showed them to her. She suggested that the other one, not Neils was written under duress. It’s probably rubbish, but it just made me think, you know?

Aaaahha. Hey, don’t you think this would be the right time for Per to start the Q&A section in Come on Per. Don’t be a coward. Dare to answer some of our questions now.

I don’t think he’ll be doing one for a while heheheh. It was just that she said ’maybe they’ve been put under pressure to big up the Box’. I was thinking yeah, could be true, especially when the mods were saying this ain’t what was expected. Strange no?

But how could they put pressure on tdr? Which consequences could follow? Dunno.

I don’t think Rox/Per/EMI were expecting as bad a reaction as this-would I be right? So they could turn round to TDR and say ’try to make this look better or it’ll be a disaster’

I’m holding back a little here, cos I don’t want to offend.

Consequences? Hmm I’ll get back to you on that one.

One thing TDR can do now is to ask anyone who works with the Box how they were whinking when they said that some of the songs that actually are released onofficial cd’s are unreleased to them.

Like 7207 and Always breaking my heart, for instance.

i still dont understand why either article belonged on the front page, if they were gonnado that they could have taken snippets from the forums and posted them in a news ticker at the bottom of the page, sometimes you wonder if tdr has the same publicist as george bush :)

and while we’re on the topic its never too late to withdraw the box...if they had any sense that would withdraw the box....undoubtedly they’ve only mints what maybe 1000 copies? Pull it and hold off till christmas to put it out, then you can have both the reveal and one wish videos on the dvd, remove the album teracks and insert a cd of the unplugged show regardless of whether its in its entirety and frankly give us more tracks from the brussled show for the rs’s never too late, record companies withdraw releases all the time

@ whateveriam

Naaa, c’mon. That would probably be the last thing for them to do. I guess they still have enough selfconfidence to believe that the concept of the box will work... somehow

Why wouldn’t they?

Oh, it was just a thought...some bastards just thrown an egg at my window so I’m a tad spooked

Very wise words from coyboy. It’s never to late to change ones mind. And to press cd’s are not expensive at all. To press new booklets might be a little more expensive. But hey, isn’t it priceless to have pleased fans? ;)

Yes, it is. I wouldn’t mind waiting a little longer

I don’t think that tdr would cooperate. Mmmh, that sounds like a case for the x-files...

About withdrawing the box. Imagine they would do so but there would already exist... let’s say 100 copies. Then put them on ebay and EMI will get more money for this few releases than for the tons of copies they planed to release :D

They might just do that!

Well, then I’d grab me some popcorn and a beer and watch how the prices will rise.


Its ridiculous though. I know that test pressings of ’Blue Hat For A Blue Day’ by Haircut 100 (it was done before Nick Heyward left, so it was junked, hence it is the name of his solo single) are worth over a grand. Its madness I tell you!

I know. A lot of topics in this one. I guess we missed the point.

Soooooooooo back to the topic: Someone who is responsable for that box really could give a little statement.

*leans back and dreams of Per Gessle reading an apology for decisions regarding the box on national TV*

heheheh... no, don’t think that Rachel! Don’t be so mean!

God, would pay lots to see him eat dirt for this, but EMI probably have more to apologise for than him. I want some answers from them!

Could phone EMI Uden pressing plant, they might tell you if its running or not. Thats the big European one, right?

I wouldn’t bet on them knowing if it’s running. You know, at EMI the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand does.

I can understand completely why the mods did not want to publish an article similar to mine. It was pretty damning, and while they have been quite open about their disappointment, they do have to take a more cautious approach as they dont want to alienate Per or roxettes mgmt. While it is great that TDR can have an opinion of their own, they still need to be slightly more tactful than perhaps i was. On the other hand, it was great that they did have the guts to publish my piece in the first place. What i wrote would never have made it onto an official webpage. In someways i suppose it makes me the scapegoat....i hope i dont meet per down a dark alley anytime soon:p, but while not officially endorsing what i said, the fact that the mod team decided to publish my article as a representation of the collective disappointment of the fans is a very admirable thing.

Thank you again! You are so totally right....

I personally published both TDR’s editorial and Neil’s commentary at the same time. It amazes me how few people seemed to understand that they were meant to be read together. Judith tried to explain this in the comments section, but by then, many of our readers were too riled up to listen it seems. It is our policy that TDR Editorials must be written by one of our editors, thus Neil’s submission (which we were grateful for... and told him so), had to stand on its own.

Like most other newspapers, we use “we” when referring to ourselves. An example from today’s New York Times: “Mr. Rumsfeld, we suspect, may have been trying... ” [I’m surprised one particular reader who has commented here did not realize this, as I’m sure it’s the same in Europe.]

We – The Daily Roxette – are indeed overjoyed that Roxette are back together again. And WE SUSPECT that the bulk of Roxette’s fans are as well. Per and Marie back on stage together again?!? That’s been my dream – and the dream of the others on our editorial staff– for at least four years now. [I long to be in Germany, but the logistics of that on such short notice are probably too cumbersome. I know that I’d cry the moment Marie walked onstage, that’s for sure.]

It is this joy that we feel overshadows the disappointment we had with the tracklisting... and it is this joy that we referred to in the headline for the editorial.

If you re-read the editorial (and I suggest you do), you’ll see a reference to TDR’s “vantage point.” We went as far as we could go in hinting about what our sources tell us may lie ahead. But take a look at what Marie said to Aftonbladet... take a look at the Bravo story... take your blinders off... read between the lines a just a little bit... and BE A JOYRIDER! It’s a safe bet now to say there IS more to come! We don’t see ourselves as cheerleaders... but it’s soon time to support the team... rally the troops. OK, I’m mixing metaphors... but you get the idea. Bands need the support of their fan base in any successful marketing effort.

Peace and love, – LEO

Lars, thanks for explaining yourself even when you did not need to do that. It’s very polite of you. :-)

Hope you are doing fine.

And yes, let’s start getting ready for exciting times!

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

You don’t need to defend yourself LEO, you presented an opinion and you have the right to do that whether you’re a mod or a TDR reader. Someone needed to give us a big cup of calm down, what an overreaction this whole thing was. It’s one release that we can choose to buy or overlook, and then on to the next one - and as you said, from the way things are going there seems to be a BIG chance there will be a next one.

Well, the reason why I didn’t take this “We” in the headline as an reference to yourself is just that most of the TDR Editorial headlines didn’t include a “we” at all. Just to give some examples:
“TDR präsents the new single sleeve”
“TDR reviews Son of a Plumber”
“’I love my work’ says Per as TDR sits down for a Chat”
“’Myth’ gets revealed as TDR meets Per in Helsinki”… just to name a few.

I just thought “”We” = who? Me = not overjoyed at all“ And you are right. I was riled up. I also haven’t read what Judith said in the comments section because I simply didn’t read the comments. Riled up as I was I took it wrong. But I followed your suggestion and read it again. Okay, I got it BUT I still think you should have written “TDR is overjoyed” to keep your own style. It seems a bit strange and gives me somehow the feeling that I am meant, too. And it’s not just me.

Whatever, I’m still disappointed which, in my case, turns into sarcasm. Sometimes to much of it. My fault, sorry :( Should take a time out to calm down a bit more.

About Per & Marie, of course I’m happy about all the things (except for the RoxBox... and the OW-cover) but I will wait untill I see it all with my own eyes. At least then its not so easy to get disappointed again.

I still think there was no need for that article, it was just weird that it came RIGHT AFTER a crap rox box tracklist, I bet If it was a great tracklist you would not have published this article. I don’t care if YOU(we) are happy about future events....that is definatly not front page news!!!!
All I care about is NOW...and yes great there might be more but I will be happy for them THEN but the REALITY is NOW

Thanks Lars for explaining yourself! I agree with you on the last points. But I also agree with Mr. Floppy about the “we”-thing. I still feels strange when I read the article, that I - as stated before - like very much.

*sigh* at least you tried Lars ;)

You can’t win everyone! I’m happier with every day, all suddenly looks so sunny... :-D

Well, different people, different opinions. It’s ok for me. ;-)

Me too.

@LoneGunman: Believe me, I would never do anything for you. And that’s a promise.

I agree about the ’we’ thing. It appears to be quite presumptive.

edit: newspaper editorials traditionally reflect what the readers feel. editors/editorial teams write what its readers want to read. the opinion piece on tdr was different in that it certainly did not reflect what your readers felt. the use of we is clearly (?) ambiguous. a disclaimer (like the one added to the ncurran article) would have been appropriate.

edit (another): and editorials are marked clearly as that, not as news pieces.

edit (final): i still think that tdr is the best website around and i am very thankful of the service that is provided. without this website, who knows what the Rox world would be like.

Non-existent, we’d all be wandering around in manner of shell shock victims going ’why can’t I find any Rox fans?’

@tevensso - Woooowwww... dangerous boy !!! Ahahahaha... “it´s a promise”? Oh my !! I´m so gonna cry now. Everybody knows that you only do things for EMI ! :)

@ LEO - to solve this discussion... trade the word “We” for “TDR”... no one will complain anymore and everyone will be happy.

I think TDR is a great site, and Thomas is doing a great job. I’m thankful he’s sharing what he gets to know with the rest of the world. Altough I don’t always likes the info(most of the time i do, but not the latest ones), but remember, don’t kill the messenger. ;)

Nice report Thomas.... :)

8/30/2006 14:06
I’m sure it will come a statement!!

Hihi..I was right (-;


That you were...


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