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Help - first time Roxette's releasing a cover

22 replies


Don’t know if this has been commented on before, but I believe that Help will be the first case where Roxette has officially released a cover version. It has always been a Roxette trademark that all their music was originally written.

Sure there have been leaked records etc, but never an official release.

Help as in the Abbey Road Version?

Yes - it’s included in the Rox Box. Previously it has been played in the second Roxette documentary and on BBC radio, but it’s never been officially released for sale.

unless i am mistaken michsel jackson owns the publishing rights to help? lol so if you buy the box you’re paying a peodphile?

I thought he sold them back to Sony so he could go to Bahrain or something?


’lol so if you buy the box you’re paying a peodphile?’

LMAO. Not often you make me laugh coyboy, but that was very funny. Another reason not to buy the box :)

I Dont know if its the first cover... But the song is great :)

It’s a great song!

great version my mum loves it.

hm.. I have this song already, sung by Marie.. wasn’t it a b-side of the The Look single released in UK in.. erh.. 95?
(my memory..)

Anyway, wherever it is, I have it (and not as mp3)??

Help,never was released!
In the first part of YDUM maxi Uk,were released the other songs from the abey road sessions (The Look,LTYH & YDUM)
They record together with Help!,the well known beatles song: She Loves You!!Why Roxette don’t release it on the box?

well, I HAVE listened to the song, that I know for sure.. I know because my mum loves it, she loves The Beatles and she was happy to hear Marie singing Help! The cover is very slow, for what I remember...

Can somebody help me and tell me where the hell the song is? I’m going nuts thinking where it’s included :S

I don’t have the book here with me now, but I don´t think this was released in a single before.

Can someone please check?

It was never released in any record. Only TL, LYTH and YDUM made it in the UK single of YDUM Part 1.

Sorry for all the abreviations!

hm.. I don’t have my Rox stuff here but in Spain so I cannot check where I have this song from.. :S Anyway, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has it, so maybe somebody can shed some light here :)

@ RJ1976 do not flame people!

Judith: Help hasn’t been released by Roxette before. It was broadcasted on radio as mentioend above, and there is a recording of that going around on the internet.

Regarding first’s how you want to view it. Because alongside this CD, ofcourse Heart of Gold will be released on the MTV Unplugged thing. Besides that, GT has released several covers, and ofcourse PEr and MArie participated in the Party album which contains covers ( and they covered themselves with ’he’s got the look)

Radio 1 session in 1995...

ok, my own mystery solved :D

@Colin ... I didnt flame anyone ! But im right :)

Or is this to judge people :S ...

Judith, thank you. Whether its on a CD though, I’d have to find out

You’re right its not a place to judge people, but the way in which he made this comment was not particularly offensive. Your response however was, so just try to stay polite and friendly - we’re all rox fans here, no need to get into political thing and such, go to off-topic for that :P

edit: typo

Im always friendly :) ... Man ! Im a rox fan... We are always friendly or ?


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