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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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We want Room service material... Who agree???

22 replies

The only thing i really want to have is the full concert from the Room Service Tour in 2001. That will be great. I have all the other stuff. The only thing i miss and i want is to have this concert!!!

I AGREE!!!!!!!

A documentary like “Really Roxette” with RS, TPH & TBH stuff! The video shooting for ATAY and OW in it.

I know some backstage scenes from the RS tour exists!


Sounds good!

Yeah, that concert could have been an option...

Why they didn’t ask fans for some ideas!

Because Per Gessle is arrogant?

Meeeooowwww ! Whateveriam is surging tonite !!!! Can’t help but agree in ways tho. Someone reveal this day to be the day of untruths - I promise not to be angry - I think I would proabably sigh with relief !!!

They recorderd two RS concerts (in audio).. Brussels and Stockholm... We only have one song of those concerts released (FLAF on ON single)...

So... why don’t give us the other songs on one of the box-cd’s? The material is just laying in the archives..... They don’t even have to think about the order of the songs, as they did that already when playing them live.....

@chrisjankunas the claws are in full force tonight!

We have FLAF from Brussels as B-side in the ON single!

Whateveriam is on FIRE!!!! Unlike Roxette’s career...sinking ship might be a better word...

RFMFG: Have u got the webcast of the Room Service live in Stockholm video? As far as we know, that is the only recording that exists of a RS show (though there are rumors that a Moscow show was recorded.) According to Per and Marie at the time, they didn’t want to record a show because of the expense and they “didn’t want cameras getting in the way.” I’m assuming if there is no RS show being released on this Box O’Crap, an official recording does not exist.

Zelda is right, there is backstage footage of the RS tour...there is also the home video footage recorded by Åsa and Micke. Micke followed Marie around with a camcorder the entire tour. I bet he’s got some great stuff (he has an AWESOME video of Per offering me an autograph and me saying no and throwing myself at Marie LOL! Would KILL to see that one!)

It ain’t never gonna happen. It’s been 5 years since the tour and they’re not going to release anything from that tour now.

but the Room service tour 2001 was upload in !! i download it from there (mp3)

now that would be cool. i’ve been moaning bout RS footage plus a gig for ages.

’I bet he’s got some great stuff (he has an AWESOME video of Per offering me an autograph and me saying no and throwing myself at Marie LOL! Would KILL to see that one!)’

Would pay shitloads to see that one Marie! Ha ha!

SO WOULD I WHATEVERIAM!!!!! Micke has videos of nearly all my meetings with Marie....I WANT THEM!!!!!! He has some great footage of me turning my back on Per and slobbering all over Marie more than once HAHAHA! I’m not even joking, I really did! But then...I had a stupid haircut in those days so maybe I don’t wanna see them.

Sounds very interesting, Sparvogamarie!! But, I think, Micke used these recordings for his private libary. Wow, I would really really like to know if he and Marie are watching those “videos” sometimes...

Nice memories, I think!!!

room service concert in Roxbox!!!!!

I would like to see Room Service on DVD!

SO WOULD I WHATEVERIAM!!!!! Micke has videos of nearly all my meetings with Marie....I WANT THEM!!!!!! He has some great footage of me turning my back on Per and slobbering all over Marie more than once HAHAHA! I’m not even joking, I really did! But then...I had a stupid haircut in those days so maybe I don’t wanna see them.

HAHAHAHA! If you get them, put them on Youtube or something, I want a giggle!

It feels good that i´m not the only one who does think so.
In my opinion no one needs the unplugged version from MTV. I got this on VHS. And many many fans got it too. The only thing 99,9 % of the fans want to have is a RS concert!!!

“Wow, I would really really like to know if he and Marie are watching those “videos” sometimes...”

Oh my GOD I would DIE!!!!!!! I was always embarrassing myself in Marie’s presence....imagine she sits there watching me do it over and over MUAHAHAHAHAA!!!!

I think she has more of a life than that...but still!!!!


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