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Will the new releases be remastered?

6 replies

Is there any word whether any of the tracks will be remastered? If i’m going to pay for songs that i already have, it would be nice to at least have them sounding nice and clean and crisp :-)

And especially Unplugged and the older videos. Surely for this release they can go all out and make sure we’re getting high quality video unlike the previous releases.


The previous DVD’s look ok for me. If you ask about the music being remastered, I am pretty sure it will. It will sound like TBH/TPH, the sound improved a lot if you compare those compilations with the original LS or Joyride CD albums.

Seeing as they have with the TPH and TBH I suppose then they probably would with the Box.

With the video clips of the older songs (LS to AU), it’s more about getting a decent source - not so much remastering.

Whatever they used last time is atrocious. I took a screen grab of The Look at one stage and it was such a mess you wouldn’t even think it was VHS let alone DVD.

*crosses fingers*

All the contents in the RoxBox, or at least those that can, should be remastered or encoded into a 5.1 audio format. Then, it would be awesome and worth buying it.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

I would imagine that the music on the CDs themselves will be newly remastered. The DVD, on the other hand, I do not have high hopes for. I fear that we will get the same VHS (or whatever easy, readily-available source) transfer to DVD. I can understand poorer quality in the video if they have lost the original masters. However, at least overdub the videos with remastered sound! As for MTV Unplugged, anything goes I guess. Hopefully it will be remastered. 5.1 for the DVD side? Don’t count on it! Remember, they are squeezing a bunch onto one disc again. It’s going to suffer greatly from too much compression, so I’m not expecting too much. Remastered sound would be my only justification for buying this release, by the way. Otherwise, I won’t be getting it.

A lot of masters have gone into the great tape bucket in the sky (ie Red Hot And Blue)...


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