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uTube - Damn thats good !

10 replies

I first learned uTube to know yesterday... AND DAMN THAT SITE HAS GREAT VIDEOS OF PER AND MARIE !

But... Is there a way to download them ? Or can you only watch them there ?

I just love the old stuff, like the Inte Tillsammens Inte Isär performance....

Im in love with this site :) *Melt*

Yeah, YouTube ROCKS (-:

Watch this incredible WIFC performance...

@crash -> Damn .... Have to love this site :)

The incredible Playback-performance? :S

Hello RJ1976,

Yes, you can download any video from You Tube, and its really easy.

Let me know if you wanna know how to do it and ill maybe send you an email or something..but its a great way to get all the good old vids onto your own computer.

See Ya.

@Blackpool.... Please tell :) my imac longs for this videos :)


Shall I send you an email or what ? its pretty easy but im not sure if i should post all the instructions on here...

You Tube, made our local paper last week, some stupid boys filmed themselves messing on a railway line and uploaded it to the site and the police where informed... oh dear!

please don’t tell it here because to download the Videos is not the basic idea behind You Tube!

No Problem Stockholm-Syndrom

I know ;-) Thanks


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