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marie interview in ica kuriren

14 replies

according to a small article there is a new interview with Marie in ica kuriren , where she tells that its just Roxette now and 2 brand new songs has been recorded,and she was going to movie to spain but changed her mind,2789,857437,00.html

Thanx! Is it available online somewhere? EDIT: Ah, you edited, okay.

Marie think out on migration to spain??? Oh my god

Can someone translate the link please!

You can read on ;)

Or you can read it here!


do yean in this topic when you writes or you can read it here! ?I don´t found it anywhere else on The Daily Roxette.

She means that all you find about this interview on is the same you can read in this topic here also....(not much in the end.. ;-))

cant find it on your site - just a link på the inca kuriren site, and I havent found it there

Now you can read all the article and you can download it. You must search on NEWS section. ;)

Enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

But the whole of the article IS what Ted wrote, there is nothing more...?

Just shameless site promotion Tev ;)

The whole Aftonbladet articke yes, but not the whole ica kuriren article.

True, I’ve read it now, still I’d have to say it’s a re-hash of everything Marie has said lately. Not littlemarie’s fault though.

well the interview was done in June together with the other interviews.. it’s the same with Per, he tells the same story about SOAP, the ipod and all.. and it’s the same with any other Rox promo ;)


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