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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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The heart shaped sea

19 replies

The heart shaped sea was played during the Summer Joyride Tour and on some promo performances for the Tourism album. Among other places it was performed at the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Why? Was it supposed to be a single at first?

Otherwise I don´t understand why they played it on tv performances.

They just enjoyed performing it.

It’s a great song indeed! I like it a lot ;)

Do you know the date they played this on Leno? I have them playing “Church Of Your Heart” (the single at the time) and “It Must Have Been Love” in March 1992 during the Joyride tour but I didn’t even think they did any more US talkshows where they played live after that.

Don’t know the date, but they did make an appearance to promote Tourism. They played a pretty shaky rendition of How Do You Do!, and also The Heart Shaped Sea.

re peformance date: the book says thu 29/10/92

In a recent interview to Marie Dimberg @ ; She says that THSTS is one of her favorites from Roxette

Yes, it was supposed to be a single!
Don’t know where I heard this info, think it was an interview back in 92.

Wow not seen that before, nice video, very nice!

How good does Per look as well in that performance.... loving that hair, oh those where the good old days!!!!!!!

Amazing performance guys, thank you! ... I’m in those days were I go back to one album and it is Tourism’s turn. A nice performance of one of Rox’s most beautiful songs.

Tourism is a great album....

Ooooo that was awesome! I can’t see the video, cuz I’m blind... but it really does not matter! That was good. It did my heart good to hear that song again. Definitely one of my favorites. I used to dream of recording just for fun and having me sing it with someone... *Drools*
This song was the B side to the “Almost Unreal” single.

The Heart Shaped Sea is definately one of Roxette’s best songs ever, even it Per sings it. He does a great deliverence and Marie sounds so “into the song” on backing vocals. Truly beautiful!!!! A real masterpiece.

Rox-Van, very nice performance!! ;) I’ve always loved this song, it’s fantastic!!
I used to like Ray C., this guy was really cool! These were the times when I watched MTV all day long...

Absolutely this is one masterpiece, although there have been years since I don´t listen to this song, now, I HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT! really beautiful.

What do you mean even if Per sings it lol :)
what do people have against his voice? its not the best but its distinctive i think. maybe im biased.

Yes, Per’s voice is very distinctive! :)...and I agree that THSS is one of their best - although never released as a single. Though it’s one of my fave’s, I’m always saddened when I hear it - It always reminds me of every “break up” I’ve ever had.

I don’t have anything against Per’s voice, but he himself knows that his voice isn’t the biggest, but he does great stuff with it and therefor this song suits him great. Marie has a much bigger range to her voice. I’m NOT critisizing!!


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