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Rox Medley Video

31 replies

I usually do not like fan made stuff but do think that this video is great indeed. Very enjoyable to watch and perfect sync!

Was Bored and spent an hour or two on it today. It uses the original videos but sped up (or down for Dangerous :D)

Let me know what you think !

Can I swear.....

That is f***king fantastic!!!!!

A real credit to you, I even think Per and Marie would love that! :)

and what a great day to do it on!

Brilliant mate, nicely done

Just watched it again, it’s really reall good work....

Great, great, great.

A good video for the Rox-20-Birthday.


Great job!

Great work. Much better than my amateur effort lol!

Great !!! Good for you !
Go on supporting Roxette.

wow fucking fantastic :-D .

Now i can see this being played on music tv for gh promo for deff.

Great work! I loved it :-)

Great Work!!!

Awesome! Well done!! :)

Chris, very nice work!!! Thanks for sharing!

That was great - really enjoyable - good stuff

Well, I don’t like it. It’s not original at all - I’m sure I’ve seen those videos before somewhere.


Just kidding, it’s wonderful - really professional looking, the Rox camp should really consider using it for promotion. Great work!

I got a non roxette fan to watch it, and she loved it, said it would be ideal for promo purposes!

Very great!!!!

you’re brilliant! thanks for your good work!


You’ve done a great job ... and: you only took the cool scenes of the videos. Very nice cuts especially when one song fades into the other ... and the lip sync is always in time, I guess that was probably most difficult.

Great. Cheers.

Thanx for your enthusiastic comments everyone ! Now we just need a new song and video !

Could anyone do a video for HALF A WOMAN, HALF A SHADOW please ??

Heard it again for a long long time today and...wooow.....I LOVE IT!!!! (-:

@crash: “HAW,HAS” is probably my favourite album track (hmmm.. other than “My World, My Love, My Life” and “Breathe” I guess)... I love Marie’s voice in this song!

Hey... can I have a copy of this? I wanna add it to the vid clips I already have of Roxette that I’ve stuffed on a DVD.

Yeah, any chance of an mpg/divx version that we can download?

Wow!! That was excellent - It was done so you do this for a living?

video download

very good. almost 600 views.

Roxstar - can you PLEASE tell me how to download those videos on that site? When I open them, Mediaplayer stars to play them, but I want to download them and the links from ’Yousendit” won’t work for I don’t have a “premium account” and the “free accounts” only want to “upload”, but nothing happens and I don’t know what file to pic for it to upload unto.

Martin–right click with the mouse on the link in site and than “SAVE TARGET AS..” or better if you have download manager as Flash get use “download with Flash get”

The roxMedleyVideo is good .thanks for making and sharing it ;))

I wonder if they will be video clip for it..
Most of the bands who returns after long time make such videos and ussually shows there life performance,singing fans,interviews and so on.. just to remain for their past...

I am trying to play the avi files, and winamp will not let me. I am trying to convert to mp3 to play, since I don’t need the visual aspect of the videos - I can’t see anyway. Either a codec is missing, or something is corrupt. I cannot play them, or do anything. I would really like to hear these files. I’m not asking for anything stupid, but can someone please help? Thank you.

BTW, that medley was awesome!! Brought back all kinds of cool stuff for me, hearing some of those songs again. That must have taken a while. Did you do the medley yourself, or just the video? What is the video exactly?
Great work!


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