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Drunk Marie?

27 replies

Hi, folks!

I noticed some time ago something kinda “interesting” at “Run To You” video... Please refer to that scene where the musicians (I guess) and Marie were drinking wine (I guess); following that scene, Marie appears at the stage, smiling (more than she used to), with eyes almost closed, shaking her head...

My point is: are we watching a “drunk Marie” at that scene? I mean, did the director filmed her at that situation, when she went to the stage under alcohol effects?

PS: I hope you guys don’t get me wrong, I’m not offending her. I don’t know whether it’s true or not, but if that’s true, I think it’s pretty normal, she’s a human being and she “got the right to get drunk”, too... she can’t be blamed (we should blame the video director for put that on the video)...

[email protected]

I invited to Marie and friends to drink an Argentinian wine in Brazil, Sao PAULO. It was during tour promotion of HAND. It was a very nice afternoon. I have some pics of that in Buenos Aires.
In the past I have a cup were Marie drank whiskie and also and cup of coffe. Both of them from Hotel Hyatt in Buenos Aires during c!b!b! tour in 1995. Who knows where are.

lerina: are you serious?! Lucky you!!!!

Marie drinks a looooooooooot so I wouldn’t be too surprised if she was LOL!

I don’t remember where I read that when they were signing authgraphs in Argentina Marie was drunk and she ended up sitting on the curve laughing. Per was trying to pull her up to to take her to the Hotel and she was saying she did not want to go. Per looked pissed off. Is it true? OMG I would have loved to be there. If it did in fact happen it must have been so funny. do you know ay other anecdotes or stories about Marie being drunk?What was Per’s reaction to it.

I remember in Santiago de Chile when Per was drunk and dance though the hall in the Hotel singing a song from Ace Of Base, jajaja it was really great. Also Fever from Madonna. What happen to you Per... Marie look really great and fantastic that night. I have some pics of that from a Meeting in the hotel with the fans.

Tonito... i’ve heard that story too, plus the one where she started signing Per’s signature!! Oh bless sweet Marie!!

can you show the Pics???
or mailing to me??

[email protected]

i remember a drunk marie in 95, in buenos aires, it´s was a thursday, they just arrived from airport, and they had some dinner in a restaurant..after the dinner marie was drunk , sitting in her van..i got a pic of her, drunk, with her eyes “weird”, and sitting like “saying”: i need some sleep! haha..maybe she was dizzy too.... i still love her! haha

ROFLOL....I love these stories...any pics?

I´d like to see them both drunk one day!!

LOL!!!! Please upload pictures of those situations!!!!

Nice to know they had a great time here in Santiago drinking a lot!!!! yeah!!!!
So i´m pretty sure they tasted great Chilean wines ;)

Since I knew that Marie prefers beer, I started to prefer beer too. (I´m so original...)


Did her eyes (“weird”, as you said) at that situation look like at “Run To You” video? That could be a important clue ;-) ...

Tonito: I’ve heard the story you’re talking about except it was Australia. My friend said there are photos of it, but I’ve never seen them!! Come on, there must be someone on TDR who has them!!!

People from Argentina, remember Marie in Hyatt Hotel and in Happening Restaurant...poor little Marie...jaja.
Go on supporting Roxette.

I’v heard that her Fave Drink is Beer.

What exactly happened in Argentina???? I’m really curious now!!!

we need to see the pix dear friend ! :-)

“Roxette - The Drunk Tour”: that could be the title for a live CD release from the early years...

Well, in the run to you video, I doubt that she was drunk.. she was just being a bit silly.. but even if she was drunk, who cares? ha ha..

@ alexandre100 LOL!!!

At the RS-Tour I met both of them drunk a few times. That was fun indeed. They where really talkative and sociable. Per kept eyecontact for so long that it almost scared me, hehe. And he started to whistle some melodies. Great to see how they act on alcohol... just like normal human beings, ha!

Per kept eyecontact for so long....WOW I would have gotten nervous and turned on not scared(GRRRRRRRR) More stories please.....:)

when they’re drunk they’re not “normal”, they’re way more relaxed than they would actually want to be. Their normal behavior is when they’re sober, of course. It is true that when you’re drunk you still do everything according to your personality so your drunken ways of acting are still very much yours, but you allow yourself to do things that you wouldn’t normally want/can/dare to do. So...the only relevan thing about the drunkness is this: it shows how your background personality really is - some are furious and distructive when drunk, some are lighthearted and funny when drunk. If per or marie would feel REAL extreme aversion towards fans, they would say to them to”F..OFF” when they’re drunk because drunkness exaggerate your real reactions.

@Mr_Floppy: ;-)

I can almost picture the booklet for that live CD: full of pictures of Per and Marie laughing, dancing, being lead by other people, all of those pictures showing them under “alcohol control”...

Or even “Roxette - The Ethilic Tour”...

Now I know why Per wrote a song called ’Monster Hangover’ :-)

@ M-CVK: I was thinking the same thing - was probably written about Marie. LOL!

It’s very cute - they’re after all just like us - they just pay more tax ;o)

I remember a story from the Joyride days when Per got so drunk, that when he went back to his hotelroom for a shower (probably a cold one), he stepped out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel, and into the hotel corridor. One of the hotel staff had to take him back into his room.

Now that’s classic!


@ Max-Tob

You got me wrong. I didn’t mean that they act ’normal’ when they are drunk. I just wanted to say that they can get affected by alcohol like anybody else (of course). It’s good to see that there are some things we ALL share;)

@ alexandre100

Yeah, and in the booklet we’ll find the songtext for:

“What shall we do wi’ the drunken Swedes,
what shall we do wi’ the drunken Swedes,
what shall we do wi’ the drunken Swedes,
earlye in the mornin’?”

Way hay:D

*Cackling*!! Do tell more! This is hilarious! My favorite of all the stories you guys told was the thing about Per singing Ace of Base out in the hall! ROFL!


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