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Warner-Emi...again...and Roxette US

8 replies

Today the economic press says that yesterday Warner offered Emi 3.683 million euros to merge, but Emi rejected the offer again, because they think “it is not enough”.

This new makes me think about the suspect “new” deal of Roxette with an american record company. Should we believe Per? As far as I remember, he also said Have a Nice Day and Room Service would be released in the States...but at the end it all went wrong...

I think that if is true Roxette is going to re-appear in the States with the new GH compilation, at least the band and the new record company should have announced the deal...but this is not the case, so I´m afraid America won´t see the New Roxette once again.

And I´m not worried about Roxette coming back to the States, which is a topic we already have been discusing for years. I´m also worried about THAT strange and encouraging new deal.

Edit: many mistakes, sorry!

3.6 MILLION????? no wonder they rejected! BILLION maybe?

Hmm. Have a feelign you are right. the US for some reason... well, I don’t know if it’s EMI’s doing, or lack of interest here, but Roxette was never that big here. They were big for me!!! but not for 99% of people here, or so that’s been my experience. *cries* It’s all wrong. I think they should have been, definitely.

Roxette was never that big here?!?! HUH?!? Sorry, I don’t know where YOU were at the time... but Roxette had FOUR ... count them 1, 2, 3, FOUR #1 Billboard chart-topping hits here (not to mention the others that made it into the Top 40). They played concerts in front of thousands of cheering fans in a nationwide tour. Sorry, there was a time when Roxette wasn’t just “big” here... for a short time... they were HUGE!

To be a nothern band it is a sensation to have number one hits in the US. We can be very proud of our band...

I totally agree with Lars cuz I’ve heard from my Aunt that Roxette is also known in ALABAMA!

EMI or Warner, it’s not going ot help Roxette, Warner can’t even get Madonna’s latest singles to play on US Radio ...

They may have been big here in the US, but by 1991 when I got way into their music, they weren’t so much. I mean, FLAF was on the charts, but then it dropped quickly, or so I remember, then by 1992 it was just over, or so I felt back then. And since then the US has pretty much seemed to not care as much one way or the other. And by 1996, I was a fanatic and would have given anything in the universe to see them in concert, meet them, etc.
But now I”m off-topic. I haven’t a clue about EMI, much less how they work or why they didn’t believe in 1994 that Roxette coming to the US wouldn’t be a good enough success. Maybe my info is wrong?

Look, I can count! ;o)

*wanders off to find shoes and socks*


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