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About the 'Queen Of Rain' video..

23 replies

What do you think of it,is it a good video?...i mean by the message it you think per comits suicide in the end?’s my favorite song,but i would like to know others opinion about the video by the message that it sends.

yeh, Per commits suicide by breathing too much sea air so his lungs become so full of salt and get too dry.

Oh my god, your back!

@ Ferdan LOL!!

Haven’t watched this in a long time but I remember it was a good video.. I liked it

Oops: wrong video. me was thinking vulnerable.

Per gets sick of carrying that stupid chessboard, and goes ’Screw this for a laugh, I’m going to get chips!’


There is no message, it means nothing, it just sits there and looks pretty

To be honest, it’s not one of my favorite videos. But at least it’s better than ON, so I don’t complain about it. ;-) And about suicide... I don’t think so.

In my opinion it’s just an image of lonelyness, I mean, playing chess alone, you can’t feel more lonely.

:-) just an opinion. ernes.

Its one of these videos where Marie has the lead role, so the director has to find something for Per to do. Hes not any good at dancing around like Marie does when Per is singing, so why not give him a chess board to play with?

@ncurran: I think the same... They could’ve given a yo-yo to Per play with, too... ;-)

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About this video, does anybody know if the kind of castle that is at the backgroung when Per’s sit on the boat has a name? It reminds me the front cover of a a book I read once.

Isn’t it Mont Sant Michel in France? I can show you a picture of that place when you’re on the messenger :D

I had thought exactly that!

Yes it is.

And whats with the sections in silhouette? Looks like and outake from the late 80’s Bond title sequences or something...

That’s sexy MF in a catsuit. ;-)

I’m not blind, I can see that. But who agrees with me that those bits look a bit Bond-ish? I like the video a lot though

Edit-I got the wrong name-trying to reply to 6 different forums was at the same time was a v bad idea. Sorry mate.

You are. I’m not Sandy, not even a girl...

OK, I am really sorry, trying to answer an email, write on the forums and stop my brother and sister from killing each other at the same time is a little hard to do. I’ll check next time, OK?

Sure. :-)

OK, are you sure? Anyhoos, back to QOR. It is a beautifully shot video-full credit to the director.


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