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How to find the greatest Roxette fan?

9 replies

Anyone an idea?

What’s most important?

Knowledge about useless details (Per has a 12” drumstick ;-) ) ?
Knowing all the music?
Having all records?
Being negative about new work?

Help me!

Everyone on this forum will tell your that they are Roxette’s best fans - and it’s true. We all collect their stuff, we all know their songs by heart, we all collect pictures and video clips of Roxette. We read their news, we download their album fonts, we critisize their work in order for them to better themselves. We stand by Per and Marie, no matter what. When you find a person who agrees with what I’ve just said, then you’ve found a true Roxette-fan!!!! I’m one and damn proud of it!!!

I agree with Coyrox!

I might have said it 10 years ago but I’m 29 now so it doesn’t bother me anymore...

Can anybody tell me why I don’t think it’s a good idea to find or meet ultrafanatical people? :P

Even though I have been listening to other artists and bands more and more and don’t listen to Roxette that often anymore, I’ve still gotta say that they are my all time fave band still. I might have phases of another band being “fave”, but it all comes back to Rox in the end.

I think sometimes a fan can know too much about an artist. I like the fact that I don’t know loads about P & M’s personal lives. A lot of fans tend to want to find out all sorts of personal things, like Marie’s postal address or what Per had for tea last night, and it just makes me angry. It’s their personal lives for a reason - it’s personal. No one gives a crap about where I live because I’m not famous. Why? I’m just a normal person. So are they. They just happen to have an extremely cool job. :-)

Anyway, rant over. Waiting for the arguements back now :-))))

I agree - who cares what Per or Marie had for lunch and what they do in their privacty, BUT when you are famous there are people that would want to know that just for the sheer thrill of it. That’s life in the limelight! Face it!

Do you remember years ago when Per’s milk got stolen... or did I dream that!

I agree with CoyRoy and ally77(we dreamed the same thing) :-))
We all are the greatest one :-))
And that’s not bad . There is diffrence between words “fan” and “fanatic’.
Bad is when somebody is ultrafanatical about the fact that somebody else is bigger fan,or just a fan ;-)

At least he didn’t have his toilet roll stolen, like some fan did at Chesney Hawkes house...


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