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The new Roxette Sound?

26 replies

What do you think? How will sound the new Roxette cd/single?

P & M should go other ways today. So, Room Service wasn’t such a big hit. Because it has sound very Roxetteish - like Joyride & LS.

Rox needs anything NEW nowdays. No more this radio pop like “na na na na” or “la la la la”.

Hej Per, have a look at Madonna. Always a new style.

Guitars please!! A fresh sound for a catchy tune with guitar backing requested politely from Rich-UK ;-)

2 things would make me happy. Either something in the vein of TCOTH...i really love that song and the electronic sound would still work well today......or a faster, rockier kind of sound with thunderous and furious vocals from Marie a la Hotblooded.

I vote for this last option.

hey, 7twenty7 demo has the sound perfect for the roxette comeback,...of course with Marie ahead all the time



Guitars + electronic touches = something like “Opportunity Nox”, a great song in my humble opinion (it deserved to be a HIT!)


Well said - “7Twenty7” demo really has the perfect sound for a great comeback.

But one more time Per lost his self-confidence and changed it pretty much...*

I must say that he lost a great chance to release a big single from “Have a Nice Day”...*

*In my humble opinion

Guitars also, but not a messy ON sound, more like The Look type of song, like their LS & Joyide sound. A ballad wont work today. Go back what they are good at and what people recognise is the Roxette sound, with no more ’dancy wannabe hip today’ tunes.

We need the comeback of power ballads, mean ballads that sound like IMHBL, LTYH and SMT but with modern arragements. Milk and Toast kind of style is too sleep-inducing, need something that showcase Marie’s talents better, something that lifts your spirits :)

The problem is Marie is not able to deliver such high notes as in the early days. Sad, but that’s a fact. Just compare Spending My Time and Un día sin tí. Or IMHBL and No sé si es amor... It was 1996 and the Spanish versions are lower than the originals. So, I don’t believe a song like SMT or IMHBL is suitable for her anymore.

SMT?my brains not working properly whats it short for?

aaaahhhh Spending My Time brains working again lol

We need a good power ballad like Spending My Time or It must have been Love. Also, I think that the Roxette sound should stay the same - Roxette is always Roxette, why not sound like them?

I think Roxette never take risk on the sound! They´re very traditional. I prefer other band by the hand.

It won’t be a Joyride type production and what I mean by that is: The last couple of years they seemed to go with - intro - singing - chorus - bla bla bla whereas with songs from joyride had alot of other tunes and melodies running while singing like for instance: I hit the road out of nowhere (guitar tune) I had to jump in my car (guitar tune)
lately it has been more singing and the music in the background is just a template for the lyrics with no inbetween sounds or tunes like back then, so I think it will be something like breath... The almost got it with ATAY though

Going back to the Joyride era would be good!

I liked how Marie sang on Baladas, but I do miss her high notes. I wonder if it’s that she can’t hit the high notes anymore, or hasn’t really worked on expanding her range? Ponders.

I like some stuff on Joyride, and I think iaat would be nice to have some of that again, and also some of the slower songs from CBB - Go to Sleep, Run to You, First Girl on the Moon (still wonder what the story is behind that one) etc. I heard a clip of a newer song from HAND from a friend the other day, don’t know what it’s called, but it had a bit more of the pop sound, and I really liked it a lot.
Not something too slow, or too hard...

I do wish I could get my hands on the albums after Baladas, cuz I haven’t heard them yet...

whne per mentions ackerlund for the video i have visions of another ballad unfortunately

Guitars, real drums - Per and Marie’s voices together on lead vocals like on “Dangerous” - nice, sexy, clean fun. Rock & roll - the band’s name IS ROXETTE, after all. That tells me that Roxette is more rock than pop.

Coyboy, Åkerlund made also F93, SDLHA, TCOTH...

Födelsedag & Spegelball + Marie’s magical touch could it be + than good to comeback

Roxette must to sound with big big guitars!!
The old Roxette sound is the best.
I love the Roxette guitars soooo.... ;D
They are autentic ROX ROCK!!!

I agree with the last comment that the old Rox is the best BUT that is not the sound of today, it was what everyone was doing in the early 90s. If Rox released a song like The Look today it certainly would do nothing in the UK at least. They have more chance with a mid-tempo ballad like WICF. That is a classic Rox song IMO and it did well in the charts.

I want the guitars back ! Like “Sleeping in my car” !

More drums, more up tempo, or maybe a balance of faster and balads. One thing I loved about them back then was that they actually had instruments played and it wasn’t all just keyboards. I believe keys have their place in any good song, but sometimes it’s nice to have real live procussion.


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