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Please I need translation of Marie Sommarturné

9 replies

Please I need the subtitle of marie fredriksson dvd Sommarturné in English. When she speaks during the show.

Marie, how big is your website? *thinking of my free MBs in my hosting plan* ;)

Judes don’t give all those free MB’s away just yet - might have a thing or two in the near future to pass your way! ;)

Uh...I don’t know the exact size but it’s not a huge site, I never had mp3s or any of the big stuff, the photos probably take the most space but most of the site is only html docs.

MD: nice work BTW - printed that a couple of years ago and still refers to it regularly!! ;)

I can’t take the credit, it was a team of us who did it together. My Swedish was utter crap at the time since that was before I took lessons and only knew what I had learned from Marie!

Oh wait, I just realized Justroxette wanted a translation of the stuff she said in the concert, not the interview stuff. where did I put THAT? I remember most of it, the first talking is how her father bought her a piano and the next was about going to perform for Lasse Lindbom and being very nervous, then performing with him and Efva Attling coming to fix her hair.

i had that on my tour site but cannot find it anymore :S

Now that’s a real shame..


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